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Notes from the Meeting:

Knitting Weekend 2014

Ruth Sunn joined us to share the plans she and Bernadette Vaughn are cooking up for the 7

Annual Knitting Weekend at Slater Mill. Mark your calendars for January 17, 18 & 19 for knitting
fun. On Friday, there will be an evening wine and cheese reception with guest speaker Gudrun
Johnston presenting on Shetland Knitting. There will be a trunk show from all three designers
and books to purchase and have signed! On Saturday, there will be workshops with Thea
Colman and Ellen Mason. Thea will be sharing her design process know-how and attendees will
lean how to design their own unique cowl. Ellen Mason will be teaching a knitting workshop on
what to do with variegated yarns, as well as a class on making mittens two at a time. There will
be fabulous vendors in the marketplace and all your knitting friends will be there! Find more
information at or
The guild will be hosting a bake sale. Sign ups for table help and baking will be held at our next
meeting and via email.

Community Guild Studios Knitting Class
Have you been wanting to learn a new skill or tune up your knitting? Ruth Sunn will be holding a
knitting class start Wednesday, December 11
at the Slater Mill Community Guild from 6:30-
8:30pm. This knitting class is for individuals who already possess some knitting skills. If you've
been looking to advance your skills or just need a few pointers on a new project, this is the class
for you! This is the first of a six part class, which will be held once a month. Future dates TBD.
Contact: Ruth Sunn at for class details and pricing.

December Meeting:
Special Event for our December Meeting!
The Hook and Needle Guild of Rhode Island is pleased to host Ann Hood, Helen Bingham &
Taylor Polites to introduce Anns new book Knitting Yarns. Come and meet these talented

When: Wednesday, December 4th
Time: 6:30PM-8:30PM
Where: Slater Mill
67 Roosevelt Avenue.
Pawtucket, RI 02860

Dont have a book? Books on the Square will be at the Mill and you can purchase one that
evening. Hope to see you there!
Books On the Square will be accepting cash or credit card transactions. Sorry, personal checks
cannot be accepted.

This event does not require Guild Membership - All are welcome. Bring a friend!
Light refreshments will be served. There will a raffle to win books by Ann Hood!
Newsleter of the Hook and Needle Guild
In the Loop

Annual membership dues of $20 ($10 after January 1st) can be paid by cash or check (payable
to The Hook and Needle Guild) by check either paid at a meeting or mailed to:
Ann Faith, 17 Keene Street, Providence, RI 02906.
Contact Information
President: Becky Ebeling or rebeling
Treasurer: Ann Faith or annfaith
Secretary :Jen Simoneau or jensknits
Librarian: Nancy Tella or scraphappy
The Hook and Needle Guild usually meets the last Wednesday of the month from September to
June at Slater Mill, 67 Roosevelt Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 0280.
Email the Guild at
Upcoming Fiber Events
Slater Mill 7th Annual Knitting Weekend Jan 17,18,19
NETA Spa 2014, Freeport, ME Feb 1-3

Have some fnished items that need a home?
There will be a collection of hats, mittens, gloves
& scarves at the December meeting. These
items will be donated to the Highlands Mitten
Project on December 5

Many thanks to the volunteers who formed our
ByLaws Committee: Rose, Phyllis and Peg. You
will find a working draft created by the committee
attached to the email that brought you the
newsletter. Please read over the document and
make notes on your thoughts. We will be
discussing this document and voting on its
adoption at the January meeting. Rose is
collecting questions/suggestions by email so that
they may be compiled in time for the discussion.
It is our hope that these bylaws will create the
structure and organization to ensure that the
Hook and Needle Guild will continue to provide
to members support, collaboration and learning
in the needle arts for many years to come.
Meeting Schedule:
Adjustments were necessary due to holidays
falling on the last Wednesday of the month.
Upcoming meetings are scheduled for December
4th, January 29th.
Member Interest Survey
Jen reviewed the results of the recent interest survey.
The program committee will use the results to plan
relevant activities and programming. Some of the top
skills members would like help with are: apps and
websites about knitting, steeking, embellishing,
adding zippers, fixing mistakes and mending
damaged knits. See the results of the survey
Whats on the Web:
When Im not knitng, Im reading and think-
ing about knitng. My favorite blogs are the
Yarn Harlot, babycocktails and Susan B. Ander-
son. Here is a list of a few more to try!

The Knit Princess

Mason Dixon Knitting

My Sisters Knitter


Knitting to Stay Sane

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