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Charlie Johnson


123 Maple Tree Ave

I would like to join a law firm where I can put my hard-earned skills to work and help my clients win their
court cases.
June 2001 Frankl i n Col l ege of Okl ahoma| Master s Degree
I graduated Franklin College with a GPA of a 3.97 at the top of my class.
I received an award for winning numerous games for my team in the girls softball league.
August 2001 - February 2014 l Attorneys at Law LLC
Einstein & Johnson Attorneys LLC / 3952 Chrysanthemum Way

In the partnership I met with clients to better understand their cases. Then together with my paralegal we
would research the applicable matter and represent them in court. I have had a 89% success rate with many
grateful clients.
Very organized
Good interpersonal skills
Good time management abilities

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