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Genius Hour Proposal

Title: Classic Feats to Modern Beats

Members: Karen Valencia, Daniel Mulligan, Alex Volante
Challenge: Transforming classic literature into a modern representation.
Learning: We will be experimenting with how to successfully broadcast ideas in
different forms. The challenge with this project will be not only
creating art that is entertaining but also has meaning and effects the
Materials: Classic literature, music creating software, art materials, Soundcloud
Main Steps: First we will familiarize ourselves with our chosen piece and the time
period it was published in.
Next, we will translate the works into modern times using current
events and music from today.
Parody the literature through music and arts.
Post the modernized versions onto our rhetoric blogs.

Each member will work to their own strengths, and then we will come
together to create the full presentation.
Time: The project will take all year, and we will try to transform as many
pieces as we can.
Resources: Our resources will be the literature themselves. Our English teachers
and people knowing about the stories will hopefully help us. Are there
existing examples of the sort of project you want to complete? You may
include links and descriptions here.
Sharing/Teaching/Paying It
Forward - How will you share
what you have learned with
others? Who is your target
We will share the information through song parodies and illustrations.
The target audience is high schoolers looking for short and entertaining
summaries of classic literature.
How will you/your group
define the projects success?
How should we evaluate your
success? How will that be
"visible" to others? Can your
progress be measured
throughout the project?
(Look at the Thinkering Studio
Rubric for some ideas or
possibly Rubistar)
Eventually you will design your
own rubric.
We will test our success through the reactions we receive from the
audience and if they are able correctly identify the piece we are
showcasing. The success of the work will be visible through the
enjoyment of the students. We are hoping to do multiple pieces and this
will show our progress.

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