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University Goce Delcev Stip

Faculty of Philology


Mentor: Student:

m-r.Marija Kusevska Marija Stankovik 1625

A pi dgi n, or pi dgi n l anguage, i s a si mpl i f i ed l anguage that devel ops as
a means of communi cati on between two or more groups that do not have a
l anguage i n common.

A creol e l anguage, or si mpl y a creol e, i s a stabl e natural l anguage
devel oped from the mi xi ng of parent l anguages;

Li ngua franca - The I tal i an phrase l i ngua franca (l i teral l y Franki sh
l anguage), whi ch now denotes Engl i sh as a l eadi ng l anguage, referred
ori gi nal l y to the hybri d l anguage created and used i n the Medi terranean

Cal ques: Cal ques, that i s, l i teral transl ati ons of si ngl e words or
phrases, are a frequent form of borrowi ngs wi del y used i n termi nol ogy
bui l di ng.

Borrowi ngs and l oan words can change semanti c features at di fferent
l evel s.

Phrasal verbs are combi nati ons of root verbs wi th adverbi al parti cl es
and/or preposi ti ons, such as come over, get by, turn down, si nk i n, go at,
l ook forward to, come up wi th, take off, etc.

Phrasal verbs are cl assi fi ed as fol l ows:
1. transparent metaphors: fal l i nto (a rage), cl i ng to (a bel i ef); the
metaphor i s transparent and i t i s easy to work out the meani ng. I n cl i ng to (a
bel i ef), for exampl e, you can al most vi sual i ze i t.
2. l exi cal i zed combi nati ons i n whi ch the parti cl es are used i n one
of the parti cul ar l exi cal senses, such as: conti nui ty (wal k on, go on);
exhausti ve (wi ther away); compl eti on (sober someone up, cal m down).
Engl i sh doesn t have aspect, but i t uses preposi ti ons and adverbs to express
aspectual meani ngs.
3. hi ghl y l exi cal i zed (l exi cal l y fi xed) combi nati ons wi th
questi onabl e transparency or hardl y detectabl e fi gurati ve meani ng: tune
out, si nk i n, carry on, l ook up to, get away wi th;
4. total l y uncl ear l exi cal i zed i di oms wi thout a cl ear metaphori cal
meani ng: put up wi th, do i n;

The term fi xed - mul ti -word i di omati c phrases-Tradi ti onal
defi ni ti ons of i di oms woul d treat them as mul ti - word i tems whi ch are
not the sum of thei r parts; they have hol i sti c meani ngs whi ch cannot
be retri eved from the i ndi vi dual meani ngs of the component words ;

i di oms are mul ti - word expressi ons fal l i ng on a conti nuum of
composi ti onal i ty from hi ghl y fi xed and opaque phrases to hi ghl y
composi ti onal and transparent expressi ons
Lexi cal - Level I di oms, that i s, expressi ons wi th exact transl ati on
equi val ents ;
Semi -Lexi cal Level I di oms, or parti al l y matchi ng i di oms;
Post-Lexi cal Level I di oms, that i s, non-matchi ng ones;

phrasal verb i di oms- They are combi nati ons of root verbs wi th
adverbi al parti cl es and/or preposi ti ons, such as come over, get by,
turn down, si nk i n, go at, l ook forward to, come up wi th, take off, etc.

semanti c extensi on Havi ng l ost thei r forei gn nature by assi mi l ati on
i nto the target l anguage, words can assume new meani ngs, and
modi fi ed meani ngs mi ght fol l ow, dependi ng on the context :

col l ocati ons Li teral transl ati ons of si ngl e words or phrases
i ntroduced i nto Macedoni an col l ocati ons that had not been previ ousl y
heard around.

compoundi ng. process of creati ng N1N2 compounds, wi th or
wi thout a dash . Some of thi s compound nouns consi st of Macedoni an
transl ati ons, some consi st of a l oan word pl us a Macedoni an word, i n
some exampl es both are l oan words;

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