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Jun.-Aug. 2014: Steering Committee Pre-Planning & Needs & Services Assessment

Sept. 2014 Feb. 2015: Monthly Community Literacy Planning Meetings (6)

Mar. 2015: Community Literacy Plan / Leadership Team Endorsement

Planning Structure:
Leadership Team (CEO level community leaders)

Steering Committee (Planning team from The Literacy Network)

Affinity Group Action Teams (Co-leaders = issue area specialists)

Affinity Group Action Team Members (Community participants)

Monthly planning meetings will follow this outline:

Planning Meeting Descriptions:
Each of the sessions over six months builds on the discussions and work products from the large
and small group activities of the previous meetings to create the foundational pieces of a
community literacy plan for Flint & Genesee County.

Meeting 1 Needs & Key Issues
Participants will:
Begin to understand the process
Contribute to network building activities
Outline Elements of Success for a literate community (i.e. key elements to be addressed in
the Plan)
Brainstorm local literacy Needs and identify Issues & Barriers



Meeting 2 Solution Building
Participants will:
Look more closely at a particular literacy issue of relevance (ex. health literacy, financial
literacy, digital literacy, or a local literacy concern)
Address specific Elements of Success, Needs & Issues
Apply problem solving techniques
Brainstorm innovation
Determine specific Recommendations
Performance Measurement Action Team develops goals and indicator recommendations

Meeting 3 Change Strategies
Participants will:
Look more closely at a particular literacy issue of relevance (ex. health literacy, financial
literacy, digital literacy, or a local literacy concern)
Develop agreement on Action Team categories and overlaps related to Recommendations
Refine specific Recommendations
Performance Measurement Action Team continues to develop goals and indicator
recommendations and works on Meeting 4 report out/presentation

Meeting 4 Goal Formation
Participants will:
Look more closely at a particular literacy issue of relevance (ex. health literacy, financial
literacy, digital literacy, or a local literacy concern)
Develop community literacy goals as a team
Build plan outline
Performance Measurement Action Team will frame goals and indicators for Action Team
affinity areas and start working directly with each Action Team.
Apply standards and measures

Meeting 5 Create Timeline
Participants will:
Look more closely at a particular literacy issue of relevance (ex. health literacy, financial
literacy, digital literacy, or a local literacy concern)
Review key draft sections of the Plan
Review network/coalition structures for implementing the Plan
Develop a phased implementation process with a three-year timeline
o Prioritize
o Establish phases
o Outline 3-year objectives

Meeting 6 Implementation:
Participants will:
Review and endorse the draft Plan and implementation structure
Agree on Year 1 activities
Begin implementation planning
Initiate a broader community endorsement process by forwarding the Plan to the
Leadership Team

Additional Material:
Planning Organizational Structure Diagram
Planning Definitions

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