Resume Education

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Nakia N.

3431 Maguey Trl
San Antonio, Tx 78245
(702) 278-2897

EC-12 Special Education Exam Test Date October 31,2014
EC-6 Generalist Exam Preparing
PPR Exam- Preparing
Pre-service Training: Completed ACT San Antonio Alternative Certification Program

Extra- Curricular interests: Reading, theatre arts, and aerobic training classes.

Bachelor of Arts degree December 2004 University of Nevada Las Vegas
Communications, 30 credited Education hours

Pharmacy Tech II/ Trainer Adult Mental Health June 1998-Feb2011
Official job title Pharmacy Tech, yet as a trainer I assisted in creating and
implementing instructional materials and teaching aids for training all newly hired
pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and facility clinicians, expertly using adult
education training principles

Classroom observation, Andre Agassi College Prep Academy January 2000
Completed 30 hours of in class observation at AACPA, NV during junior year


Case Manager: March 2013-Present Texas Department of Family Protective
*Assess childs needs of necessary testing and evaluation
*Request/conduct home assessments of possible placements
*Develop Childs Plan of Service to summarize the identified needs of the children
*Develop court ordered Family Plans of Service for parents to comply
*Testify in a court of law in determining parental rights
*Mentor, tutor and guide children on caseload during visits to current placements

Available upon request

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