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Bullying prevention day

October 22 2014
Summer Stanley
Purpose of project
I decided to conduct my project at Red Springs
Middle School because of all the bullying going on
and nothing being done about it.

Students do not understand the impact of bullying
while teachers just sit back and watch or even join
The propose of these bullying activities is to have a
least one person stop someone from being bullied.
I conducted this project for Community in Schools
after school students grades 5-8 at Red Springs
The discussion lasted over an hour in the school
cafeteria and outside.
There were all different races and genders included
in the group. There were 25 students included in the

Bullying Event
Tooth Paste Activity:
To start off the event I split the students into groups
and gave each of them some toothpaste. The first
person who was able to put all the tooth paste back in
the tube was the winner. This is impossible and
nobody won.
After the activity I explained how toothpaste is like our
words and once we say something we cant take it
Bullying Event
Introduction of National Bullying Prevention Day:
Told the students what October 22
was and that
bullying is something that is at its worst in middle
school. Also presented some bullying facts I thought
would be beneficial for them to know.
Each year there are more than 3.2 million students
who are the victims of a bully
Bullying is the reason about 160,000 teens skip
school each day

Bullying Facts
75 percent of school shootings have been linked to
harassment and bullying against the shooter.
It is estimated that about 1 out of every 10 students
drop out of school due to being repeatedly bullied
Those who bully are more likely to be involved in
criminal activity.
After these facts I explained how to stop bullying
and how each student plays and important role.
Bullying event
Power Shuffle Activity: Had the students line up in a
line and tell them to cross the line if anything said
pertains to them. I told the students that if they felt
uncomfortable with this they did not have to
Examples on next slide
After this event I explained that bullying happens to
practically everyone.

Bullying Event
Cross the line if you have even been called a mean name that
made you feel less of yourself.
Cross the line if you have ever had something hurtful written
about you on Facebook, twitter, instagram, snap chat
Cross the line if you have ever been apart of a rumor spreading
or told something about someone that wasnt true.
Cross the line if you have ever been mean to someone
Cross the line if you have ever said something mean about
someone on the Internet.

Bullying Event
Scenario Situation: I Gave the students some
bullying scenarios and asked what they would do
and then told them some proper solutions.

This activity led into other discussion about
situations in which saying mean words to people is
never a good solution to a problem.
Bullying Event
Your best friend has started hanging out with another
group of people, your friends new groups of friends does
not want you to be in their group and tells you to leave
and you can sit with them. What do you do?
You told this same best friend some of your biggest
secrets, your friends happens to tell her new groups of
friends who then tell the whole school and they start
making fun of you, what do you do?
All of your friends start to make fun of this person even
the teacher joins in, the person hasnt been at school and
when they do they sit alone and looking sad, what do you

Bullying Event
I wrapped up the event by going over all we had
talked about during the afternoon. I explained to
each student that they had the power to change
someone's life or make someone's day just by
standing up to a bullying.

I asked them if they would promise to do one nice
thing for someone within the next week that they
would not normally do.
Bullying Event
Stress ball craft: I ended the day by making stress
balls out of balloons and flour.
This stress balls were made to help the students
when they felt they were being bullied or cant
control their anger.
Stress balls
At the end of the event for about a week the
students were much nicer to each other than what I
had previously seen before.
After that week name calling started again but not as
harsh as it was before.
I would say the event was more effective for girls
than boys.
The event plans were given to the guidance
councilor to implement in the next years on National
Bullying Prevention Day.

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