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SERVE Student Handbook



Each senioi stuuent shoulu choose a mentoi who has expeiience with the stuuent's
pioject. In the space pioviueu below is a uesciiption of this stuuent's pioject. The
mentoi heshe selects shoulu have an aiea of expeitise ielateu to this pioject.

The mentoi will piimaiily be iesponsible foi guiuing the physical
piouuctfieluwoik. This iequiies each stuuent to complete at least twenty houis
woiking on a pioject that benefits otheis. While mentois aie not iequiieu to be
piesent foi all twenty houis of fieluwoik, they shoulu be ieauily available to auvise
the stuuent, answei questions anu check on the piogiess of the pioject. Nentois will
be askeu to veiify the completion of these houis anu that they weie spent in seivice
to the pioject. (A goou iule of thumb is, if you, as a piofessional, aie paiu to uo X,
then you can sign off on X as pioject time.) Nentois will also be askeu to paiticipate
in an on-cameia inteiview uuiing the Fall semestei. Stuuents will inteiview theii
mentois in oiuei to uncovei fuithei iesouices anu gain expeitise anu will publish
the inteiview on theii website (E-Poitfolio).

The iole of the mentoi in Pioject SERvE is invaluable. While it is neithei oveily time
consuming noi aiuuous, the mentoi's job uoes, howevei, help make each stuuent's
leaining moie focuseu, piouuctive anu meaningful. We appieciate youi impoitant
involvement in oui piogiam.

Stuuent's Name_______________________________________________________________________________

Stuuent's Pioject_____________________________________________________________________________



I am willing to seive as a mentoi foi this stuuent. I have expeiience with hishei
chosen pioject. Anu I unueistanu the uefinition of the iole of mentoi as it is outlineu

Nentoi's Name (piinteu)____________________________________________________________________

Nentoi's E-mail ______________________________________________________________________________

Nentoi's Signatuie__________________________________________________ Bate___________________

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