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20 Points (Lecture/Snyder)
Due Monday, May 19th at Noon in Sherman Hall (ACIV) 215
1) To bring together one or more lab skills with the knowledge and
skills critical analysis gained in the lecture portion of the class.
2) To pursue a course topic in depth, teasing out important elements
of debate, complex technological developments, and/or practical
and ethical considerations.
This nal project presents students with an opportunity to bring together
practical and analytical skills from MCS 101 in the pursuit of a deeper
understanding of one of our course topics. The key to a successful
project will lie in the specicity with which you pursue a specic question
or issue and, to a lesser degree, the skill with which you present it in one
of the below formats. It will be very important for you to go back to
course texts (readings, websites, etc), lecture notes, and previous
assignments to gain a detailed and nuanced understanding of the
debates, complexities, and various perspectives on the topic of your
choice. It will also be crucial for you to leave yourself enough time to
work within one of the formats so that your presentation is clear and
STEP 1: Choose a topic from the list below
Topics: Net Neutrality; Print Literacy vs. Television Culture; Social Media
and Privacy; Political Advertising and Democracy; Visual Media Ethics;
Internet Freedom: Creativity vs. Regulation; Advertising vs. Adbusting.
STEP 2: Choose a format from the list below
If you want to focus on a topic not listed here, describe the topic for me
in detail. If it sounds good to me, I will likely permit it. You must
approach me
If you want to present your topic in a format not listed here, describe
the format to me in detail, perhaps with an example. If it sounds good to
me, I will likely permit it.
A 4-6 page magazine, using Photoshop, and a word processing
program. This must be printed out and handed in
3-5 minute I-Movie piece, with original voiceover, music, and images.
This must be shared with on google drive.

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