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Miriam Heligio

1927 N. Drake
Chicago IL, 60647

Congress of the United States of America
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear members of congress.
My name is Miriam Heligio. I am writing to express my support to Strong Start for
Americas Children Act. I am a Pre-School teacher in Chicago and I know how important early
education is for children. Therefore, I urge you to sing the act.
I know that this act will provide children with a high quality of early learning programs
from birth to five years old. I had work in centers where the majority of children come from low-
income families and my classroom has been the only place where they can have a meal. According
to studies one in four children live in poverty. Therefore, I believe that this act will give to children
a brighter future.
Sincerely, Miriam.

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