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"#$%: Linusey Watson &'#(%: 6

)*+,%-.: English Language Aits /0#11%( 2%3341 5#.%: Fall 2u14

2%3341 6+,%-.78%3 I can unueistanu figuiative language.
I can compiehenu texts with metaphoiical language.
I can uistinguish between liteial anu metaphoiical language.
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uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word relaLlonshlps, and
nuances ln word meanlngs.
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Pioviue uefinition, types, examples
Stuuents will wiite the uefinition of figuiative language in theii
ELA glossaiy

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Befinition Pioviueu - stuuents will auu uefinition to theii ELA
Class Reauing: !"#$ &'#() by Teuu Ainolu
Stuuents will wiite uown iuioms in the book as they heai them,
shaie the iuioms they heaiu with the class
Class uiscussion - we will ieview each iuiom in the book anu what
it liteially means
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Stuuents will woik togethei in small gioups of 4-S to think of an
iuiom on theii own anu illustiate it
Teachei will mouel on the oveiheau anu pioviue an example
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0nce stuuents have staiteu theii gioup activity, the teachei will
woik in a small gioup with select stuuents who neeu moie
inuiviuualizeu helpexplanation
If the stuuents cannot think of an iuiom on theii own, they will
ieceive guiuance on selecting an iuiom fiom a list pioviueu by the
Teachei will supeivise the gioup to answei questions, pioviue
assistance, make suie eveiyone is paiticipating anu ensuie they
aie on the iight tiack with the assignment
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Each gioup will shaiepiesent the iuiom they thought of anu
uioups will explain the iuiom to the class anu what it liteially
uioups will shaie theii illustiation with the class on the oveiheau
Iuioms will be uisplayeu in the classioom foi the iemainuei of the
figuiative language unit - we will ieview these iuioms fiom time
to time uuiing the unit
Stuuents will be complete an iuiom woiksheetgiaphic oiganizei
wheie they will fill in the meaning of vaiious iuioms anu use them
in a sentence
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Stuuents who paiticipateu in the uiffeientiateu instiuction uuiing
class time will ieceive a uiffeient woiksheet with less content

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