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MLP Form: SMART Goal - to be completed by November 1, 2014

Goal: Describe the impact on teacher practice AND student learning.

This should be specifc, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. (S!"T #oal$
Specic: State !our specic goal" #hat do !ou #ant to $no# and be able to do%
Measurable: &hat #ill be the measure's( o) success o) the goal" or ho# #ill !ou
'and others( $no# i) progress is being made on achie*ing !our goal%
Attainable: &hat #ill need to happen in order )or !ou to reach this goal% &hat
e*idence or data #ill !ou need to collect to sho# !our gro#th% &hat strategies are
!ou committing to in order to reach !our goal%
Rele*ant: &h! is it rele*ant to !ou and !our students% &hat #ill be the impact on
!ou" !our teaching practices and !our students+ learning%
Timel!: &hat is the timeline o) !our goal%
,omments-Notes 'to be completed" i) needed" during con)erencing(

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