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Professional Development Paper

Charity L. McKinnon
Ferris State University

In this paper I will describe and examine my recent conduct as a professional nurse with the
guidance of the American Nurses Association Standards of Professional Nursing Performance.
Using this as a guideline, I will describe my strengths and weaknesses as a health care provider.
I will then discuss measurable five and ten year goals with specific interventions to meet these
goals. Measurement criteria will be used to evaluate progress towards these goals.

Professional Development Paper
Standards of professional performance enable us to practice nursing at a competent level
of behavior in the professional role (American Nurses Association, 2004, p. 4). As health care
professionals, nurses must follow these standards to provide safe and effective care.
Quality of Practice
Quality of practice is described as The registered nurse systematically enhances the
quality and effectiveness of nursing practice (ANA, 2004, p. 33). I believe this is an important
standard code of conduct for a nurse practicing anywhere to abide by. My strength in quality of
practice would be using the results of quality improvement activities to initiate changes in
nursing practice (ANA, 2004, p. 33). I feel my delivery of care builds off of new findings. For
example, the obstetrics department that I work in has a nurse that reviews the fetal monitor strips
after a delivery on a quarterly basis and she relays to the staff document improvement issues and
input to better our patient charting. These findings have helped me to deliver better care to the
patient by thinking about assessment at required increments during the labor and delivery
process per the departments protocol. This also has given me insight to be more thorough in my
charting. I participate in obstetrics staff meetings to address issues of improvement for the
department, such as development and evaluation of policies and procedures to our nursing
quality of practice (ANA, 2004).
Weaknesses I feel need improvement in this professional performance standard are
participation in the collection of data for policies and protocols. I feel that I could initiate
research more than I currently am by aiding the staff that does this task for quality improvement
in helping develop new protocols.
I feel that I have numerous strengths in the standard of education. I participate in
ongoing professional activities related to appropriate knowledge bases and professional issues
(ANA, 2004, p. 35). For example, each year the health care facility I am employed at has
mandatory hands on in-services, specific to our nursing practice needs. These in-services
demonstrate emergent obstetrical situations that better prepare me to act appropriately and
deliver safer care to my patients. This example also falls under seeking experience that reflects
current practice to maintain skills in the practice setting (ANA, 2004). I travel to obstetrical
nursing conferences that specialize in teaching nurses about high risk care once or twice a year in
order to gain new knowledge and skills for the benefit of my specialty area and role (ANA,
I display a commitment to lifelong learning through self-reflection and inquiry to
identify learning needs (ANA, 2004, p. 35). I do this by seeking informal quarterly evaluations
with expert nurses that possess numerous years of experience in labor, delivery, and post-partum
nursing care to reflect on my performance in patient care. I gain self-confidence from these
reflections and that puts my professional mind set into a better nursing practice. I maintain
professional records, in which copies are kept by my institution to provide proof of my
attributions of lifelong learning and nursing competency (ANA, 2004). These include license
certification for nursing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and neonatal resuscitation. Also, the
records include certificates of completion, and lists of in-services and conferences attended. I
believe I seek experiences of independent learning activities to maintain and develop clinical
and professional skills and knowledge (ANA, 2004, p. 35), by pursuing my Bachelor of Science
in Nursing.
A weakness in educational standards that I could improve on would be to attend more
formal educational activities (ANA, 2004). Working the night shift, I miss opportunities to
attend free medical conferences offered by the facility I am employed at and surrounding
facilities. I plan to make time for these by working them into my schedule if possible.
Professional Practice Evaluation
The professional practice evaluation affirms, the registered nurse evaluates ones own
nursing practice in relation to professional practice standards and guidelines, relevant statutes,
rules, and regulations (ANA, 2004, p. 36). As my strengths, I provide age appropriate care in a
mother/infant oriented department. An assessment on an infant is completely different from a
post-partum patients assessment. In terms of providing care in an ethnically sensitive manner, I
believe this is also a strength I possess. I make sure to perform research if I have a patient from a
different cultural back-round I am not familiar with to provide appropriate care. For example, I
took care of a Muslim couple in labor. The standards of care we provide to every patient were
proceeded with caution and understanding due to their specific values, obviously as to not
jeopardize safety. I am pleased to say they were very satisfied with their care.
I am meeting standards of self-evaluation by participating in yearly management and
administrative led evaluations of professional growth and development. These evaluations
center on strengths and areas of improvement in my nursing practice. Our facility mails surveys
to patients who have stayed in our department, so I receive informal feedback regarding my
practice. I take action to achieve goals by looking into options to further my education. I
recently joined the Association of Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
to utilize educational resources. I am also taking courses to obtain my Bachelor of Science in
Nursing (ANA, 2004). More recently, I became a member of Sigma Theta Tau International
Honor Society of Nursing the past fall.
My weaknesses in this area are that I do not participate in peer review because the
hospital I am employed at does not require this. All complaints or compliments go to the
management therefore the manager seeks feedback where appropriate. In order to improve, I
could make an effort to perform a dialogue with co-workers after certain situations to assess
nursing care. This would help to gain knowledge pertaining to the issue of occurrence,
exploration of practice beliefs, decisions, and actions (ANA, 2004).
The definition of collegiality according to the American Nurses Association (2004) is
the registered nurse interacts with and contributes to the professional development of peers and
colleagues (p. 37). This is an area of my profession that I am continually building on to become
a better nurse. With new orientees, I share my knowledge and skills if they present questions. In
the future, I will take the RNC (Registered Nurse Certified) exam so I will be able to orientate
new employees to my department. I maintain compassionate, caring relationships with
colleagues and patients, as well as contribute to a supportive work environment by demonstrating
a non-judgmental and positive attitude towards teaching (ANA, 2004). I am constantly
interacting with my fellow nurses and physicians on ways to improve my practice after a new
situation I am unclear of arises. I am able to evaluate peer performance as my practice
experience has grown therefore I am able to share experiences and give advice to fellow
colleagues. This is how I enhance my professional practice and role performance (ANA, 2004).
As a novice nurse, I demonstrated weakness in peer evaluation. As my practice experience has
grown over the years, I am in a position in which I am able to complete this task tactfully.
The American Nurses Association states the registered nurse collaborates with patient
family and others in the conduct of nursing practice. My strength in collaboration is partnering
with the patients and assessing their needs as an advocate so they receive the labor and delivery
they desire and deserve. I am constantly assessing patient care needs and communication with
their family and the physician during the labor process to make sure optimal care is given. The
health care team I am apart of creates a plan of care, the focused outcome and decisions related
to care and delivery of services being a healthy mother and infant (ANA, 2004). I document
referrals, in such instances if social services needs to become involved with a patient situation for
the protection of mother and child. This situation also gives me the opportunity to partner with
others to effect change and general positive outcomes through knowledge of the patient and
situation (ANA, 2004, p. 38). I do not believe I demonstrate weakness in this professional
The registered nurse integrates ethical provisions in all areas of practice (ANA, 2004,
p. 39). I always advocate for my patients by preserving and protecting their rights, autonomy,
and dignity (ANA, 2004). My patients are informed of their rights in the hospital setting, such as
their right to refuse treatment with risks and benefits discussed. Relating to autonomy, they are
encouraged to explore alternative options and make their own decisions. I believe it is always a
challenge to maintain patient confidentiality in a small health care facility. I am presented with
this challenge everyday. I work at preserving the patients rights by reminding other colleagues
of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws each time a question is
asked about a patient if that person is not directly involved in their care.
A weakness in my nursing practice concerning ethics would be my contribution to
resolving ethical issues of patients and colleagues (ANA, 2004, p. 39). I do not participate on
an ethical committee. When an issue arises, the head obstetrician is consulted, who is head of
ethical concerns in our department. The issue is then reported to the head of nursing and
addressed in a formal setting. I believe if I joined this committee, I would get a better
understanding of ethical issues and dilemmas while strengthening this standard of my
professional performance.
According to the Standards of Professional Performance, the registered nurse integrates
research findings into practice (ANA, 2004, p. 40). I have strength in this area because I
incorporate research techniques that my department initiates into my nursing practice. This past
year, my department has been trying a new paperwork process of incorporating more detailed
risk assessments to improve patient safety. This new process will improve everyones quality of
care for the patient.
My weakness in the research Standards of Professional Performance would be that I do
not participate on a committee conducting research. I only implement what is being tried and
assessed at my nurse managers discretion and what she thinks is appropriate. I will continue to
read articles to further expand my knowledge of current research in nursing practice. I will also
continue to keep incorporating new research techniques in the clinical setting.
Resource Utilization
Resource utilization defined by the Standards of Professional Performance states the
registered nurse considers factors related to safety, effectiveness, cost, and impact on practice in
the planning and delivery of nursing services (ANA, 2004, p. 42). I feel this is a strength of
mine because I advocate for the patient by reviewing new equipment that comes into my
department and assessing if it is safe before implementing it into practice. For example, my
department has new vacuum extractors that provide more accurate measurement readings on the
fetal scalp while in use during assisted deliveries. These new extractors allow the obstetrical
staff to assess safety by showing us the millimeter of mercury in bolder print on the pressure
gauge, and also by making engaging and disengaging pressure on the fetal scalp easier than the
older models. I assist the patient and family to address health related needs by making WIC
(Women, Infants, and Children) referrals and help to arrange home health care visits after the
patient is discharged (ANA, 2004). I delegate appropriately to staff that float to the obstetrics
department to assist. The obstetrics department I am employed at does not have any full time
assistive staff. Therefore, I do all of the post-partum nursing care after a delivery is done until
the patient is considered stable. This reduces harm potential and allows me to be able to have
clear view of the patients outcome (ANA, 2004).
In order for me to develop resource utilization into my practice to benefit my quality of
patient care, I will do my best to assist the patient and family by educating them about options,
costs, risks, and benefits of treatment and care (ANA, 2004, p. 42).

I believe leadership is a strength of mine because I am not afraid of a challenge. I am
ready to learn new things and to guide patients, along with fellow staff members in the practice
setting when appropriate. I believe that this is a concept of being a team player and team builder
(ANA, 2004). I plan to remain flexible through times of change (ANA, 2004), especially now
due to the economic changes that we all face and have faced through the last five years. I have
had more opportunity to experience nursing care in other departments in our facility because of
low patient census at times. In order to do this one has to be flexible to deliver successful
nursing care. As mentioned earlier, I plan to take the RNC exam to be able to orient new nurses
to the obstetrics department. I believe a major strength I have in leadership is willingly
accepting mistakes made (ANA, 2004). I am usually the first person to find a mistake I have
made and to let the appropriate personnel know. This helps the entire department by addressing
the mistake so areas of improvement can be reflected on.
A weakness I have in leadership skills is delegating. I believe all nurses could improve
on this. Delegation promotes a healthy work environment and team building skills, resulting in
reduced nurse burn-out and comradery among staff members.
Five Year Professional Goals
My five year goals are to complete my Bachelor of Science in Nursing through Ferris
State University. I will take the required courses needed to complete this degree by December
2015. I plan to take the RNC exam during the summer of 2016 in order to be certified in my
department of obstetrics nursing. Obtainment of both of these goals will allow me to provide
better care and develop my leadership skills.
Ten Year Professional Goals
What I see for myself in ten years is being a confident, knowledgeable nurse. I am
satisfied with my current job and will continue to advance possibly to a management position
based on the achievement of accomplishments I have listed for myself stated in the five year
goals sections of this paper. I am also considering maternal/child public health nursing as a job
possibility. This job requires a Bachelor of Science in Nursing for most places and three to five
years of clinical experience with previous adult teaching experiences, which I have accomplished
seven years as of now (S. Bergmann, personal communication, September 3
, 2009). To further
develop my teaching abilities, I plan to become an instructor for courses such as Neonatal
Resuscitation at my place of employment if the opportunity arises.
This professional development plan will be my guideline to assess my goal achievements
and quality of patient care throughout my educational quest. I have used the nine Standards of
Professional Performance to come to terms with strengths and weaknesses of my nursing
practice. My goals are as specific and measurable as my lifestyle will allow right now and I have
yet to decide where my career path will take me. The possibilities are endless. I am certain I
will continue to grow and prosper as a professional registered nurse by frequent re-evaluation of
myself, my practice, and by furthering my education.

American Nurses Association. (2004). Nursing scope and standards of practice. Silver Springs,


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