Modified Burris Lesson Plan

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Modified Lesson Plan for ELL Class #1

Angela McGee
Burris Laboratory School High School Orchestra

Content and Achievement Standards
Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
a. Sing independently, on pitch and in rhythm, with appropriate posture while maintaining a steady
Reading and notating music.
Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
a. describe specific musical events in an given example using appropriate terminology

Class Goals and Objectives
Define tenuto and how it is to be played on stringed instruments.
Define countermelody and identify where it happens in the music.
Discuss grace notes and how they are to be played.
Reinforce the rhythmic concept of 8th note and two 16th notes.
Learn how to internalize the melody through singing then audiating.
Identify who has the melody at a given time in the music.

Beethoven Symphony No. 7 Score

1. Students will play specific sections in the music and with the guidance of the instructor make
corrections where they are needed:
Section A
A. Students will define tenuto. Who can raise their hand and tell me what tenuto means? (To
hold for the entire length of time indicated.) Where in the music is tenuto indicated? (Measure 3)
B. Students will point to tenuto in their music. Can someone come write tenuto on the board for
me? (tenuto) Does anyone know another way to write tenuto that they have seen in the music? (-
)What is the other way to notate tenuto in music? (ten.) How do we accomplish tenuto on our
instruments? (longer bows)
C. Students will define countermelody- What is a countermelody? (a secondary melody that is
sounded simultaneously with the principal one.) It plays an important role because it the first new
musical idea after the ostinato in the beginning. Where is it located in your music?
a. Students will find the countermelody in their parts. (Violas and cellos start at letter A-B.
Second violins start at letter B-C. First violins- letter C- 4 measure before D)
b. Students will identify where they have a grace note figure in their music. One student will
write it on the board.
c. Students will discuss the attributes of a grace note. Is a grace note to be played before or
on the beat? (Before the beat.) Of the notes written on the board, which do you think are
more important, the one that is bigger or the ones that are smaller? (Bigger) What can
we infer about how it is to be played? (More emphasis should be given to the bigger
note.) How can we do that? (By actually playing the bigger note on the beat and the
smaller notes just before the beat.)
Modified Lesson Plan for ELL Class #1
d. Students will play the grace note figure that occurs in the 3rd measure of the
e. Students will play the entire countermelody with correct rhythms.
f. Students will go to section C.
Section C
A. 3 measures before D- correct pitch in first violins
B. 1 measure before D- correct pitch in second violins- tends to be high
Section D
A. Students will attempt to play section D without overpowering the melody in the violas and
second violins that they have had trouble with. Who has the melody here? (Violas and second
violins.) Lets sing their parts so that everyone knows what to listen for in order to not play over it.
Instructor will put the sheet music up for the violas.
B. Students will sing the part of the violas.
C. Students will sing the part of the second violins.
D. Half of the class will sing the part of the violas while the other half sings the part of the
second violins. (If you can sing it, you can play it.) Add piano if needed. Why are their parts
important? (Parts add color and supports the real melody in bassoon. Seconds part has the most
resemblance to the melody.)
E. Students will play through section D while listening for the melody so that they dont play
over it.
Section E
A. First and violas remember French bowing style. If you cant hear the seconds, cellos and
basses youre too loud.
Section F
A. Students will play through section F and listen for the melody.
B. Students will review who has the melody.
C. Students will play section F again keeping in mind that the melody is the most important part.

Assessment of Goals and Objectives
Assessment will be informal and achieved by questioning the students about the material to make
sure they understand.
Follow up Lessons
Future lessons will focus on expanding the students knowledge of musical terminology and rhythms.

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