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Features of Liturgy Eucharistic

After reading and reflecting on the handout titled Celebrating the Eucharist answer the questions below:
1. The Community Gathers. Outline the significance of the Assembly and Entrance Rite in the
Eucharistic celebration.

2. The Community Listens. Outline the significance of the Liturgy of the Word in the Eucharistic

3. The Community Prepares the Altar. Outline the significance of the Preparation of the Gifts in the
Eucharistic celebration.

4. The Community Gives Thanks. Outline the significance of the Eucharistic Prayer in the Eucharistic

5. The Community Shares the Eucharist. Outline the significance of the Rite of Communion in the
Eucharistic celebration.

6. The Community is sent on Mission. Outline the significance of the Blessing and Dismissal in the
Eucharistic celebration.

We gather eucharistically in order that we may live eucharistically.

Further reading on the Eucharist can be found here:

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