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Evaluation by Cooperatin !ea"her

Dire"tion#$ To provide feedback on the candidates performance, please circle the appropriate number on the Likert Scale at the
right of each category below using the following descriptors: %= Inadeuate! & = "merging! ' = #roficient! ( = $istinctive%
I& '$$ITI(&, for each category, please comment on the candidates strengths or areas in which s)he can improve% *hen
possible, please provide specific e+amples or comments to support your view%
,% -onducts self in a professional manner .e%g%, attendance, preparation, respect/% , 0 1 2
.$ispositions: 3espect, 3esponsibility, -ommunication/
Stephanie was here every day on time% She set up a schedule prior to her field work with me as well as getting her lessons
approved ahead of time% She was respectful of all staff and students% She was willing to work with me even though her
cooperating teacher could no longer work with her which demonstrates that she is fle+ible% 4er lessons were well prepared
and she got them approved prior to teaching% She was always well prepared to work with the students and make the
necessary accomodations)modifications for those studnets who needed it%
0% "ncourages development of a positive self5image in learners .e%g%, gets to know students, , 0 1 2
positive interactions with students/% .$ispositions: 3espect, -ollaboration/
She was willing to work with all students in the classroom, and supported them when they needed it% $uring her
Smartboard lessons she activated prior knowledge to determine what information they already knew prior to teaching her
full lesson% She gave specific positive feedback to students during her lesson%
1% Interacts effectively with students, colleagues, administrators, parents% , 0 1 2
.$ispositions: 3espect, -ollaboration, -ommunication/
She was able to work with another cooperating teacher in the classroom as well as with the students% She was respectful in
all regards% I put a 1, because she really didn6t work with administrators or parents% 7or ne+t semester, she could write a
letter introducing herself to the families and e+plaining why she is working within the classroom%
2% $emonstrates effective pre5professional teaching skills% .e%g%, planning, implementing , 0 1 2
lesson/ .$ispositions: 3espect, 3esponsibility, 3eflection, -ollaboration, -ommunication/
She was well prepared for her lessons and worked with me% She always followed through with her plans and was willing
to do more than her fieldwork reuirements% I asked her to do more lessons with the students because she was very
capable with the Smartboard lessons, and the students en8oyed them% She had clear directions and e+pectations for the
9% -ommunicates effectively through speaking, writing, and listening .e%g%, gives clear , 0 1 2
directions, listens to students, uses media/% .$ispositions: 3espect, -ommunication/
's stated above she gave the rules, and e+pectations to the students for the Smartboard activities% She was kind and
supportive in the classroom% I believe that she will be a great teacher one day 8ust from her interactions in my classroom%
Final Co))ent#*Sue#tion# for Candidate$
Stephanie +a# a reat field +or,er- She e."eed# the"tation# for a fir#t #e)e#ter #tudent- She +ill do +ell
be"au#e #he "an build a rapport +ith #tudent#/ fa)ilie#/ and #taff- She oe# above and beyond in her le##on# and
de)on#trate# a #tron under#tandin of u#in te"hnoloy +ithin the le##on- She +a# ,ind to all #tudent# and +a# a
hard +or,er- I appre"iate her hard +or, and hope #he doe# +ell in the future-
U:\ED\ED215-R\PreprofessionalFieldExperiencesFor.-- 0310
Date$ 0*&*%% Candidate Na)e$ Stephanie Gordan
d Fo"u#$ Readin*2ath*3ritin Cooperatin !ea"her$ Li#a Studer
S"hool$ 2anitoba Ele)entary
U:\ED\ED215-R\PreprofessionalFieldExperiencesFor.-- 0310

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