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Evaluation by Cooperating Teacher

Directions: Please note students strengths or areas in which s/he can improve in each category
below. When possible please provide speci!ic e"amples or comments to support your view.
#. Conducts sel! in a pro!essional manner. $e.g. attendance preparation respect%
&s. 'al(sen always conducted hersel! in a pro!essional manner. )he was always on time
and would stay later i! needed. *er preparation !or lessons was above and beyond what +
e"pected. )he would always be respect!ul to the sta!! and students in the classroom.
)tephanie also showed !le"ibility when our schedule changed and she had to change her
,. Encourages development o! a positive sel!-image in learners. $e. g. gets to (now
students positive interactions with students%
)tephanie was learning the students names the !irst day she came in and continued to
call them by name which is important to the students themselves. When she would come
in to observe she always interacted with the students assisting them to do their best. )he
always had positive interactions and words o! praise !or the students. When redirection
was needed )tephanie did it in a calm respect!ul manner. The children loo(ed !orward to
&s. 'al(sen coming in and continuing their writing pro.ect with her.
/. +nteracts e!!ectively with students colleagues administrators parents.
0s stated above &s. 'al(sen had positive respect!ul interactions with sta!! and students.
)he was open to !eedbac(/suggestions and incorporated them into her !ollowing lessons.
1. Demonstrates e!!ective teaching s(ills at the !ield student level. $e.g. planning
implementing lesson%
)tephanies lesson plans were e"tremely thorough. )he was very organi2ed and had
every wee( planned throughout the placement. + gave her a suggestion !or her pro.ect3
she too( it and did a !antastic .ob planning and teaching. )he incorporated video clips
e"amples rubrics and graphic organi2ers in her instruction to ensure student
understanding and success. )tephanie used signals cues and !ormative assessment she
observed and incorporated them into her instruction with ease and success.
4. Communicates e!!ectively through spea(ing writing and listening modes.

&s. 'al(sen would email me with ideas plans and 5uestions in a pro!essional manner.
0s we would review/discuss her lessons and instruction she was open to suggestions and
eager to put them into action. *er !eedbac( to the students was !antastic. *er
pro.ect/lessons dealt with students writing as we (now this ta(es more time to grade.
)he created a rubric and gave the students e!!ective !eedbac( in a very timely manner.
The students loo(ed !orward to receiving her !eedbac(.
'inal comments/suggestions !or student:
+ as well as the students en.oyed &s. 'al(sen coming in to instruct as well as .ust helping out
when she wasnt teaching. *er passion !or education is evident through her planning
interactions with students and enthusiasm. *er plans were well thought out incorporating
instructional strategies that would ensure student success. +t was very evident that &s. 'al(sen
wanted each student to understand succeed and reali2e how important education is in their li!e.
0s long as she continues to practice that philosophy her passion will enable many students to be
productive learners and success!ul members o! society.
)tudents 6ame: )tephanie 'al(sen Date: 1/,7/,8#1
Cooperating Teacher: 0n.anette 6ic(el )chool: 9usiness and Economics 0cademy o!

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