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Your Name _Max Bickel________________ Date _10/15/14____ Genre: _Modern Fantasy_________

Literary Analysis
Bibliographic I nformation: Paolini, C. (2002). Eragon. Paolini LLC (first edition).
Does the story move? Right from the first chapter the book begins its journey through battles and self-
sacrifice to its exciting climax. There is almost never a boring moment in the book and it keeps your
attention the whole time.
Is there preparation for the events? Most of the major events in the story have some form of
preparation to let you know that something is about to happen. The massive battles often have a good deal
of set up before sometimes spanning up to a few chapters.
Where does the story take place? The story takes place is a fictional country called Alegaesia. The time
period is similar to our medieval period. It spans the country from rural farm land to capital cities to
dwarvish mines.
How does the setting affect the actions, characters, or theme? The medieval setting effects the actions
because chivalry is a common theme throughout the story. Eragon tries to be honorable while still saving
Alegaesia. The characters are all either fighting for the crown or the rebels either way they have a great
sense of honor to their leaders.
Is the theme worth imparting to children? I believe that the theme of doing what you believe is right
and just is worth imparting onto children. It can transfer into kids standing up to bullies and supporting
their friends that need it. If children do not learn to fight for what they believe than that can lead to being
Does the theme overpower the story? I do not believe so. It is the central theme throughout the series
but there is enough action and plot line to allow the reader to enjoy the book. It is a generally fun read that
you only really understand when you think about it later.
Is there any character development and growth? Eragon begins the book the simple step son on a
farmer. He works in the fields and hunts in the woods surrounding them. Through the events that follow
he becomes one of the leaders of the rebel army. He flys on a giant dragon and uses magic. He goes
from only worrying about himself to worrying about the whole of the country.
Are the behaviors of the characters consistent with their ages and backgrounds? Younger characters
such as Eragon and Murtagh are rambunctious and quick to look for trouble. They are both always quick
to fight for what they think is right. The older characters such as Grom and Arya are much wiser. They

strike when the time is right and wait for openings. They are both more highly skilled and powerful even
though their age is much greater.
Is the style of writing appropriate to the subject? The writing in the story, I believe does an excellent
job at conveying the authors ideas and drawing readers into his world. He uses a lot of descriptive
language to help paint a picture of the world around him. He is also excellent at ending the book with a
cliff hanger to get you counting the days until you can read the next book in the series.
How does the author create the mood of the story? By causing the main character deep emotional pain
early in the book he creates the feeling that you want him to get back at those who hurt him. It creates the
mood that Eragon is right and the King wrong right from the beginning.
Point of View:
Is the point of view appropriate to the story being told? I believe that 3
person is the correct form for
this story. It has events occurring all over the country and no one character is always present. Because of
this the only way for the story to make sense is for it to be written in 3
person. Anything else would
leave gaps in the storyline.
Are cultural perspectives highlighted in multiple points of view? There are multiple different cultural
perspectives discussed in the story. The views of those from the capital view the rebels as a simple
annoyance. The farmers in the outlying villages look to the rebels for support against the kings soldiers,
while the rebels have there eye on freeing the people and taking over the country.
Describe Characteristics of this text specific to the genre:
Plot This story has a large detailed plot that is able to hook readers and keep them tied in. The large
variety of character and species leave you always guessing on what else could come next.
Is it believable? It is not believable in the technical sense. We as readers know that magic and dragons
and orcs do not exist. In the world of the book however I could completely believe that something like
this would happen. People being oppressed by corrupt rulers is a problem we even see now in the real
How does the book compare with other books by the author? All of Christopher Paolinis books are
fantasy related. Some of the most recent ones are sci fi while Eragon is just the first book in an entire
series called The Inheritance Cycle.
Reflections: (What are your impressions? Connections to past or future plans? Insights?, etc.)
Reading this book I got so involved with the characters and their struggles that I immediately
went out and bought the next book. I ended up reading the entire series as it was released. It does
an excellent job of wrapping you up with interesting characters and experiences. It could be
useful in the classroom when discussing mythology. Many aspects in this story are shared with
many of the Hero Mythologies of ancient times.

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