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1. Give the systematic name for each of the following compounds: a) SrO; b) ZnS;
c) CsSO!; d) "g#$CO%); e) &l#SO!)%; f) CsClO!; g) 'O(; h) )iC';
i) Ca#$*O!); j) S+,
. 'ame the following acids: a) $'O%; b) $SO%; c) $SO!; d) $-rO; e) $-rO;
f) $-rO%; g) $-rO!; h) $'O; i) $%*O%; j) $S; k) $%*O!
%. 'ame the following .ases: a) /O$; b) -a#O$); c) &l#O$)%; d) '$!O$;
e) "g#O$)
!. Give the systematic name ad alternate name for each of the following compounds:
a) CuCl; b) Sn#SO!); c) *.#'O%); d) *.#'O%)!; e) Co*O!; f) $g#ClO!);
g) Sn#$SO!)!; h) CuCrO0
(. 1rite formulas for the compounds: a) aluminum sulfate; b) ammonium dichromate;
c) silicon tetrafluoride; d) phosphorus dichloride trifluoride; e) calcium dihydrogen
phosphate; f) aluminum phosphate; g) dinitrogen tetro2ide; h) chlorous acid
,. 1rite the formulas for a) the chloride of 3i
; b) the hydrogen phosphate of +e
c) the perchlorate of Co
; d) the hypochlorite of "n
; e) the permanganate of $g
0. 1rite formulas for: a) magnesium perchlorate; b) lead#55) acetate; c) tin#56) o2ide;
d) iron#555) o2ide; e) vanadium#6) fluoride; f) copper#55) selenate; g) mercury#5)
7. 1rite formulas for: a) cuprous acetate; b) plum.ic sulfite; c) stannic hypochlorite;
d) ferrous nitrite; e) co.altic .icar.onate; f) mercurous chlorite; g) stannous chromate
8. 5n organic compounds9 car.on atoms are always central atoms and always form four
.onds. 3he .onds .etween car.on atoms can .e single9 dou.le9 or triple .onds.
$ydrogen atoms are always terminal atoms and they form only single .onds.
&ssem.le the atoms9 showing all the .onds9 to form a!! possi.le isomers of a) C0$1,
and b) C($1:

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