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I gathered a lot of helpful information which suggest what I could do in order to improve my film
poster. Everyone person on my focus group thought portrait was the best option in terms of layout, I
believe this is because generally all movie posters are portrait. This may be because the layout is
more effective and attractive to the audience. The preferred layout was either 1 or 2; which were
both portrait, I believe this is because the like the idea of the poster not being to original and bazar
that the audience feels over-whelmed because they is too much going on. In terms of improving my
posters kai suggested quoting something from the movie perhaps a key line from the film. Iqbal
suggest to include the release date separately from the extra information, this is because its quite
an important bit of information so it should be made more appealing, furthermore he suggested a
actor name on the front, especially for major film posters who use famous actors, this will be a
selling point for poster. Overall, to improve my poster I should include actor names, release date and
perhaps a quote from the film, however, i will have to choose what is more important and pick a few
so the poster doesnt look over crowed for the audience.

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