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An Introduction to Scilab

Satish Annigeri
Professor of Civil Engineering
B.V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli
December 2009
Table of Contents
Preface........................................................................................................................................ ii
Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1
Tutorial 1 !cilab En"ironment....................................................................................... #
E$erci%e 1 !cilab En"ironment...................................................................................... &
Tutorial ' The (or)%*ace and (or)ing Directory................................................+
E$erci%e ' The (or)%*ace and (or)ing Directory...............................................,
Tutorial # Creating -atrice% and !ome !im*le -atri$ .*eration%................./
E$erci%e # Creating -atrice% and !ome !im*le -atri$ .*eration%..............1'
Tutorial 0 !ub1matrice%................................................................................................. 1#
E$erci%e 0 !ub1matrice%................................................................................................. 1&
Tutorial & !tati%tic%.......................................................................................................... 1+
Tutorial + (or)ing 2ith Polynomial%...................................................................... 13
E$erci%e + (or)ing 2ith Polynomial%...................................................................... '4
Tutorial 3 Plotting 5ra*h%............................................................................................ '1
Tutorial , Plotting #D 5ra*h%...................................................................................... '0
Tutorial / !cilab Programming 6anguage.............................................................. '+
Tutorial 14 !cri*t 7ile% and 7unction 7ile%............................................................. #4
Tutorial 11 7unction% in !cilab................................................................................... #'
Tutorial 1' 7ile .*eration%.......................................................................................... #&
Tutorial 1# Polynomial Cur"e 7itting....................................................................... #3
Tutorial 10 8eading -icro%oft E$cel 7ile%.............................................................. 04
Tutorial 1& !ome -i%cellaneou% Command%......................................................... 0'
Tutorial 1+ Data !tructure%.......................................................................................... 0#
Tutorial 13 Directed 5ra*h%........................................................................................ 03
Tutorial 1, Princi*al !tre%%e%..................................................................................... &1
An Introduction to Scilab | i
!cilab i% an o*en %ource %oft2are for numerical mathematic% and
%cientific "i%uali9ation. It i% ca*able of interacti"e calculation% a% 2ell a%
automation of com*utation% through *rogramming. It *ro"ide% all ba%ic
o*eration% on matrice% through built1in function% %o that the trouble of
de"elo*ing and te%ting code for ba%ic o*eration% are com*letely a"oided. It%
ability to *lot 'D and #D gra*h% hel*% in "i%uali9ing the data 2e 2or) 2ith.
:ll the%e ma)e !cilab an e$cellent tool for teaching, e%*ecially tho%e %ub;ect%
that in"ol"e matri$ o*eration%. 7urther, the numerou% toolbo$e% that are
a"ailable for "ariou% %*eciali9ed a**lication% ma)e it an im*ortant tool for
re%earch. Being com*atible 2ith -atlab
, all a"ailable -atlab -1file% can be
directly u%ed in !cilab 2ith the hel* of the -atlab to !cilab tran%lator.
!cico%, a hybrid dynamic %y%tem% modeler and %imulator for !cilab,
%im*lifie% %imulation%. The greate%t feature% of !cilab are that it i% multi1
*latform and i% free. It i% a"ailable for many o*erating %y%tem% including
(indo2%, 6inu$ and -ac.! =. -ore information about the feature% of !cilab
are gi"en in the Introduction.
!cilab can hel* a %tudent focu% on the *rocedure for %ol"ing a *roblem
in%tead of %*ending time and energy de"elo*ing a matri$ algebra library. In
fact, it i% a calculator that i% ca*able of matri$ algebra com*utation%. .nce
the %tudent i% %ure of ha"ing ma%tered the %te*%, they can be con"erted into
function% and 2hole *roblem% can be %ol"ed by %im*ly calling a fe2
function%. !cilab i% an in"aluable tool a% %ol"ed *roblem% need not be
re%tricted to %im*le e$am*le% to %uit hand calculation%.
It i% not the aim of thi% tutorial to be an e$hau%ti"e and in1de*th loo)
into !cilab. In%tead, it attem*t% to get a no"ice %tarted 2ith the lea%t fu%% and
i% aimed at anyone 2ho intend% to %tart learning to u%e !cilab entirely on
her o2n.
In thi% re"i%ion of the tutorial, e$erci%e% ha"e been added to *oint the
%tudent to tho%e a%*ect% that 2ere not e$*licitly co"ered by the tutorial and
lead the %tudent to2ard% %elf1di%co"ery and learning.
It goe% 2ithout %aying that my fir%t indebtedne%% i% to the de"elo*er% of
!cilab and the con%ortium that continue% to de"elo* it. I mu%t al%o than) Dr.
:.B. 8a;u, E&EE De*artment, BVBCET, Hubli 2ho fir%t introduced me to
!cilab and fore"er freed me from u%ing -atlab.
7ebruary '414 Satish Annigeri
An Introduction to Scilab | ii
!cilab i% a %cientific %oft2are *ac)age for numerical com*utation%
*ro"iding a *o2erful o*en com*uting en"ironment for engineering and
%cientific a**lication%. De"elo*ed %ince 1//4 by re%earcher% from I>8I:
?7rench >ational In%titute for 8e%earch in Com*uter !cience and Control@ and
E>PC ?>ational !chool of Bridge% and 8oad%@, it i% no2 maintained and
de"elo*ed by !cilab Con%ortium %ince it% creation in -ay '44# and integrated
into Digiteo 7oundation in Auly '44,. The current "er%ion i% &.'.1 ?7ebruary
!ince 1//0 it i% di%tributed freely along 2ith %ource code through the
Internet and i% currently being u%ed in educational and indu%trial en"ironment%
around the 2orld. 7rom "er%ion & it i% relea%ed under the 5P6 com*atible
CeCI66 licen%e.
!cilab include% hundred% of mathematical function% 2ith the *o%%ibility to
add interacti"ely function% from "ariou% language% ?C, 7ortran...@. It ha%
%o*hi%ticated data %tructure% ?including li%t%, *olynomial%, rational function%,
linear %y%tem%...@, an inter*reter and a high le"el *rogramming language.
!cilab ha% been de%igned to be an o*en %y%tem 2here the u%er can define
ne2 data ty*e% and o*eration% on the%e data ty*e% by u%ing o"erloading.
: number of toolbo$e% are a"ailable 2ith the %y%temB
'1D and #1D gra*hic%, animation
6inear algebra, %*ar%e matrice%
Polynomial% and rational function%
!imulationB .DE %ol"er and D:E %ol"er
!cico% B a hybrid dynamic %y%tem% modeler and %imulator
Cla%%ic and robu%t control, 6-I o*timi9ation
Differentiable and non1differentiable o*timi9ation
!ignal *roce%%ing
-etanetB gra*h% and net2or)%
Parallel !cilab u%ing PV-
Interface 2ith Com*uter :lgebra ?-a*le, -uP:D@
Interface 2ith TclCT)
:nd a large number of contribution% for "ariou% domain%.
!cilab 2or)% on mo%t Dni$ %y%tem% including 5>DC6inu$ and on (indo2%
/=C>TC'444C=PCVi%taC3. It come% 2ith %ource code, on1line hel* and Engli%h
u%er manual%. Binary "er%ion% are a"ailable.
!ome of it% feature% are li%ted belo2B
Ba%ic data ty*e i% a matri$, and all matri$ o*eration% are a"ailable a% built1in
Ha% a built1in inter*reted high1le"el *rogramming language.
5ra*hic% %uch a% 'D and #D gra*h% can be generated and e$*orted to
Introduction | 1
"ariou% format% %o that they can be included into document%.
To the left i% a #D
gra*h generated in
!cilab and e$*orted to
5I7 format and
included in the
document for
*re%entation. !cilab
can e$*ort to
Po%t%cri*t and 5I7
format% a% 2ell a% to
=fig ?*o*ular free
%oft2are for dra2ing figure%@ and 6aTe= ?free %cientific document *re*aration
%y%tem@ file format%.
Introduction | 2
Tutorial 1 Scilab Environment
(hen you %tart u* !cilab, you %ee a 2indo2 li)e the one %ho2n in 7ig. 1
belo2. The u%er enter% !cilab command% at the *rom*t ?-->@. But many of the
command% are al%o a"ailable
through the menu at the to*. The
mo%t im*ortant menu for a
beginner i% the EHel*F menu.
Clic)ing on the EHel*F menu o*en%
u* the Help Browser, %ho2ing a
li%t of to*ic% on 2hich hel* i%
a"ailable. Clic)ing on the rele"ant
to*ic ta)e% you to hy*erlin)ed
document% %imilar to 2eb *age%.
The Hel* Bro2%er ha% t2o tab%
Table of Contents and Search.
Table of Content% contain% an al*habetically arranged li%t of to*ic%. To %ee the
li%t of function% a"ailable in !cilab, %earch for Elementary Functions in the
content% *age of Hel* Bro2%er. .ther u%eful function% may be a"ailable under
different heading%, %uch a%, Linear Algebra, Signal rocessing, !enetic
Algorithms, "nterpolation, #etanet, $ptimi%ation and Simulation,
Statistics, Strings, Time and &ate etc. D%e the !earch tab to %earch the hel* for
%tring *attern%.
Hel* on %*ecific command% can al%o be acce%%ed directly from the
command line in%tead of ha"ing to na"igate through a %erie% of lin)%. Thu%, to
get hel* on the !cilab command EinvF, %im*ly ty*e the follo2ing command at
the *rom*t. Thi% i% u%eful 2hen you already )no2 the name of the function and
2ant to )no2 it% in*ut and out*ut argument% and learn ho2 to u%e it.
-->help inv
!cilab hel* bro2%er
offer% t2o "ie2% of the
hel* content. In the
content% "ie2, to*ic% are
li%ted in a tree %tructure
2hich can be e$*anded
or colla*%ed to bro2%e
through the hel* content.
:lternately, the %earch
"ie2 allo2% the u%er to
ty*e in %earch *attern%
and to*ic% matching the
*attern are li%ted. The
content "ie2 gi"e% a
good o"er"ie2 2hile the
%earch "ie2 ta)e the u%er directly to the reGuired to*ic.
Tutorial 1 Scilab Environment | 3
Fig. 1.1 Scilab environment
Fig. 1.2 Scilab help browser
!cilab can be u%ed a% a %im*le calculator to *erform numerical
calculation%. It al%o ha% the ability to define "ariable% and %tore "alue% in them
%o that they can be u%ed later. Thi% i% demon%trated in the follo2ing e$am*le%B
ans =
ans =
ans =
-->a = 2
a =
-->b = 3
b =
-->c = a + b
c =
-->pi = atan(1.0)*
pi =
ans =
ans =
D%ually the an%2er of a calculation i% %tored in a "ariable %o that it could
be u%ed in the immediately %ub%eGuent e$*re%%ion%. If the u%er doe% not
e$*licitly %u**ly the name of the "ariable to %tore the an%2er returned by an
e$*re%%ion, !cilab u%e% a "ariable named ans to %tore %uch re%ult%. If the u%er
%*ecifie% a "ariable to %tore the re%ult% of an e$*re%%ion, re%ult% are %tored in
the u%er %*ecified "ariable.
Ending an e$*re%%ion 2ith a %emicolon ?;@ %u**re%%e% the echo of the
out*ut of an e$*re%%ion. The e$*re%%ion i% e"aluated and re%ult% a%%igned, but
the re%ult% are not echoed. Try the follo2ing commandB
-->a = 5#
and you 2ill notice that the *rom*t rea**ear% immediately, 2ithout echoing
Hou could enter more than one command on the %ame line by %e*arating
the command% by %emicolon% ?;@ or a comma ?,@. The %emicolon %u**re%%e%
echoing of intermediate re%ult% but comma doe% not.
-->a=5# b=10# c=15#
-->%isp(&a b c')
5. 10. 15.
a =
b =
c =
In fact, you could ha"e a mi$ of %emicolon% and comma%. E$*re%%ion%
follo2ed by %emicolon% 2ill not be echoed 2hile e$*re%%ion% follo2ed by
comma% 2ill be echoed.
-->a=100# b=200( c=300#
b =
Tutorial 1 Scilab Environment | 4
Exercise 1 Scilab Environment
1. (hat are the other 2ay% of obtaining online hel* in !cilab, other than
ty*ing Ehel*F at the command *rom*tI ?Ans' 7rom the menu I !cilab
Hel* or *re%% F1 )ey@
'. (here are the demo *rogram% that demon%trate !cilabJ% ca*abilitie%I
?Ans' 5o to the menu I !cilab Demo%@
#. (here can you find u%er contributed document% on u%ing and a**lying
!cilabI (hat are the categorie% for the%e document%I (hich categorie%
intere%t youI ?Ans' 5o to the menu I (eblin)% Contribution%@
0. Ho2 can you %earch for a 2ord or *attern in the !cilab online hel*
&. Can you u%e the built1in "ariable EansF in your calculation%I If %o, i% it a
good idea to do %o or i% it better to u%e your o2n named "ariable%I
+. (hen do you thin) it i% u%eful to u%e the %emicolon ?;@ to %u**re%% the
out*ut of a !cilab %tatementI
3. (hat are the rule% for choo%ing name% for "ariable% in !cilabI Can you
u%e a numeric character a% the fir%t characterI Can you u%e
under%core ? _ @ a% the fir%t characterI Can you u%e %*ecial character%,
%uch a% 1, K, C, I in a "ariable nameI
,. Can you change the font u%ed by !cilabI ?Ans' 5o to the menu
Preference% Choo%e 7ont@
/. (hat i% the command to clear the %creenI ?Ans' clc@
14. (hat i% the %hort cut )ey to clear the %creenI ?Ans' F2 )ey@
11. (hat i% command hi%toryI (hat are the %hortcut )ey% to u%e the
command hi%toryI ?Ans' 5o to the menu Edit Hi%tory. Hou can al%o
u%e the arro2 )ey%@
1'. 6i%t area% 2ithin your *ro*o%ed branch of %*eciali9ation 2here !cilab
can be a u%eful tool.
1#. I% there a command to record all command% that you ty*e and %a"e
them to a file %o that you can %ee them laterI
?Ans' Ty*e help diary@
10. Can you de%cribe %ome u%eful a**lication of the diary commandI
1&. Can you cu%tomi9e !cilab %tartu* to %uit your %*ecific need%I
?Ans' To cu%tomi9e !cilab at %tart u*, create a file ECBLDocument% and
!etting%LMD%erNL!cilabL%cilab1M"er%ionNL %cilab.iniF and *ut any "alid
!cilab command% in it that you 2i%h !cilab to e$ecute each time it
%tart% u*. MD%erN mu%t be re*laced 2ith your login name and !cilab
M"er%ionN currently i% &.'.4 %o that the folder name i% %cilab1&.'.4. The
abo"e location i% for -icro%oft (indo2% =P. 7or (indo2% Vi%ta, u%e
Exercise 1 Scilab Environment |
Tutorial 2 T!e "or#s$ace and "or#in% &irector'
(hile the !cilab en"ironment i% the "i%ible face of !cilab, there i% another
that i% not "i%ible. It i% the memory %*ace 2here all "ariable% and function% are
%tored, and i% called the (orkspace. Ouite often it i% nece%%ary to in%*ect the
2or)%*ace to chec) 2hether or not a "ariable or a function ha% been defined.
The follo2ing command% hel* the u%er in in%*ecting the memory %*aceB who,
whos and who_user(). D%e the online hel* to learn more about the%e command%.
The who command li%t% the name% of "ariable% in the !cilab 2or)%*ace.
>ote the "ariable name% *receded by the E%F %ymbol. The%e are %*ecial
"ariable% that are u%ed often and therefore *redefined by !cilab. It include% %pi

@, %e ?
@, %i ? 1 @, %inf ?

@, %nan ?>a>@ and other%.
The whos command li%t% the "ariable% along 2ith the amount of memory
they ta)e u* in the 2or)%*ace. The "ariable% to be li%ted can be %elected ba%ed
on either their ty*e or name. !ome e$am*le% areB
6i%t% entire content% of the 2or)%*ace, including
function%, librarie%, con%tant%
-->)h*s -t+pe c*nstants
6i%t% only "ariable% that can %tore real or
com*le$ con%tant%. .ther ty*e% are boolean,
%tring, function, library, *olynomial etc. 7or a
com*lete li%t u%e the command -->help ypeof.
-->)h*s -na,e na,
6i%t% all "ariable% 2ho%e name begin% 2ith the
letter% na!
To under%tand ho2 !cilab deal% 2ith number%, try out the follo2ing
command% and u%e the whos command a% follo2%B
Define% a real number "ariable 2ith name Ja1"
Define% a com*le$ number "ariable 2ith name
-->a3=&1( 2# 3( '#
Define% a '$' matri$ 2ith name Ja#J
-->)h*s -na,e a
6i%t% all "ariable% 2ith name %tarting 2ith the
letter JaJ
/a,e 0+pe 1i2e 3+tes
a3 c*nstant 2 b+ 2 8
a2 c*nstant 1 b+ 1 32
a1 c*nstant 1 b+ 1 2
>o2 try the follo2ing command%B
Con"ert% Ja1J to a com*le$ number
-->)h*s -na,e a
>ote that JaJ i% no2 a com*le$ number
Con"ert% Ja1J to a matri$
Tutorial 2 T!e "or#s$ace and "or#in% &irector' | (
Con"ert% Ja1J to a com*le$ number
-->)h*s -na,e a
>ote that Ja1J i% no2 a matri$
!a"e% all "ariable% in the 2or)%*ace to a di%) file
6oad% all "ariable% from a di%) file e$%1&da to
>ote the follo2ing *oint%B
!cilab treat% a %calar number a% a matri$ of %i9e 1$1 ?and not a% a
%im*le number@ becau%e the ba%ic data ty*e in !cilab i% a matri$.
!cilab automatically con"ert% the ty*e of the "ariable a% the %ituation
demand%. There i% no need to %*ecifically define the ty*e for the
Tutorial 2 T!e "or#s$ace and "or#in% &irector' | )
Exercise 2 T!e "or#s$ace and "or#in% &irector'
1. (hat are the a"ailable data ty*e% in !cilabI
?Ans' Ty*e the command help ype@.
'. (hat i% the command to li%t all "ariable% in the !cilab 2or)%*ace
2ho%e name begin% 2ith the letter% E%aFI
?Ans' whos -na!e sa@.
#. (hat i% the command to li%t all "ariable% in the !cilab 2or)%*ace of
ty*e booleanI ?Ans' whos -ype 'oolean@.
0. (hat i% the !cilab con%tant for the "alue of pI
?Ans' %pi@.
&. (hat i% the command to find the !cilab current 2or)ing directoryI
?Ans' pwd or (ecwd@.
+. (here can you find the !cilab current 2or)ing directoryI
?Ans' 7om the menu 7ile 5et Current Directory@.
3. Ho2 can you change the !cilab current 2or)ing directory to a different
?Ans' cd()direcory*) or go to the menu 7ile Change Directory and
choo%e the directory you 2ant to go to, in the dialog bo$@.
,. (hy i% it im*ortant to )no2 the !cilab current 2or)ing directoryI
?Ans' Becau%e it i% the default location 2here !cilab %a"e% all file%,
unle%% you e$*licitly %*ecify the full *ath@.
/. I% !cilab a %trongly ty*ed languageI
?Ans' !trongly ty*ed language% are tho%e in 2hich each "ariable and it%
ty*e mu%t fir%t be defined before it can be u%ed. 7urther, once defined,
it% ty*e u%ually cannot be changed. !ee (i)i*edia for a definition of
E%trongly ty*edF. I% it the %ame a% 2hat I ha"e 2ritten hereI (hat i%
%tatic ty*ing and ty*e %afetyI@.
Exercise 2 T!e "or#s$ace and "or#in% &irector' | *
Tutorial 3 Creatin% +atrices and Some Sim$le +atrix ,$erations
-atri$ o*eration% built1in into !cilab include addition, %ubtraction,
multi*lication, tran%*o%e, in"er%ion, determinant, trigonometric, logarithmic,
e$*onential function% and many other%. 6et u% fir%t learn creating matrice%B
-->a=&1 2 3'
Create a ro2 "ector
-->a=&1# 2# 3'
Create a column "ector
-->a=&1 2 3'4
Create a column "ector, %ame a% abo"e
-->"=&1 2 3'# +=& 5 6 7'#
-->a=&" +'
Create a matri$ a 2hich i% a
concatenation of $ and y, *ro"ided they
are com*atible ?%ame number of ro2%@
-->a=&1 2 3# 5 6# 7 8 !'#
Define a #$# matri$. !emicolon%
indicate end of a ro2
(e can no2 try out a fe2 %im*le matri$ o*eration%B
-->b = a4#
Tran%*o%e a and %tore it in '.
:*o%tro*he ?"@ i% the tran%*o%e
-->c = a + b
ans =
2. 6. 10.
6. 10. 1.
10. 1. 18.
:dd a to ' and %tore the re%ult in c. a
and ' mu%t be of the %ame %i9e.
.ther2i%e, !cilab 2ill re*ort an error.
-->% = a 5 b#
!ubtract ' from a and %tore the re%ult
in d.
ans =
1. 32. 50.
32. 77. 122.
50. 122. 1!.
-ulti*ly a 2ith ' and %tore the re%ult in
e. a and ' mu%t be com*atible for
matri$ multi*lication.
-->6=&3 1 2# 1 5 3# 2 3 6'#
Define a #$# matri$ 2ith name f.
-->7 = inv(6)
7 =
0.28571 0. -0.128571
0. 0.285713 -0.128571
-0.128571 -0.128571 0.285713
In"ert matri$ f and %tore the re%ult in
(. f mu%t be %Guare and *o%iti"e
definite. !cilab 2ill di%*lay a 2arning if
it i% ill conditioned.
The an%2er mu%t be an identity matri$
ans =
Determinant of f.
-atri$ of log of each element of a.
Tutorial 3 Creatin% +atrices and Some Sim$le +atrix ,$erations | -
!ome matri$ o*eration% %uch a% multi*lication, e$*onentiation can be
*erformed on an element12i%e ba%i%.
-->a .* b
ans =
1. 8. 21.
8. 25. 8.
21. 8. 81.
Element by element multi*lication.
ans =
30. 36. 2.
66. 81. !6.
102. 126. 150.
!ame a% a + a
-->a .^2
ans =
1. . !.
16. 25. 36.
!. 6. 81.
Element by element %Guare.
-atri$ addition and %ubtraction already being element12i%e o*eration%,
element12i%e addition and %ubtraction re%ult in an errorB
-->a .+ b
-->a .- b
There are %ome handy utility function% to generate commonly u%ed
matrice%, %uch a% 9ero matrice%, identity matrice%, diagonal matrice%, matri$
containing randomly generated number% etc.
Create% a &$, matri$ 2ith all element% 9ero.
Create% a 0$+ matri$ 2ith all element% 1
Create% a #$# identity matri$
Create% a #$# diagonal matri$, 2ith diagonal
element% eGual to 14.
-->" 5)
Create a matri$ 2ith # ro2% and & column%,
the element% being random number%
bet2een 4 and 1.
--> 5) * 10
Create a matri$ 2ith # ro2% and & column%,
the element% being random real number%
bet2een 4 and 14.
-->+=int(.an%(3( 5)*100)#
Create a matri$ 2ith # ro2% and & column%,
the element% being random integer number%
bet2een 4 and 144.
It i% *o%%ible to determine the %i9e, length and ty*e of !cilab "ariable%.
-->+=&185# 6810# 11815'#
!i9e return% the number of ro2% and column%
Tutorial 3 Creatin% +atrices and Some Sim$le +atrix ,$erations | 1.
ans =
3. 5.
in y
ans =
>umber of element% in y.
ans =
Element y(1) i% the %ame a% y(1, 1)
ans =
Element y(2) i% the %ame a% y(2, 1).
Elements are counted column)wise
ans =
Element y(,) i% the %ame a% y(#, 2).
Element% are counted column12i%e
It i% *o%%ible to generate a range of number% to form a "ector. !tudy the
follo2ing command%B
5enerate% a ro2 of number% from 1 to & at an
increment of 1
5enerate% a column of number% from 1 to &
at an increment of 1
Create% a ro2 "ector 2ith & element%. !ame
a% -1, 2, #, ., 5/
Create% a column "ector 2ith & element%.
!ame a% -1; 2; #; .; 5/
Create% a "ector 2ith 11 element% a% follo2%
-%, %&5, 1&%, 1&5, &&& .&5, 5&%/
: range reGuire% a %tart "alue, an increment and an end "alue, %e*arated
by colon% ?0@. If only t2o "alue% are gi"en ?%e*arated by only one colon@, they
are ta)en to be the %tart and end "alue% and the increment i% a%%umed to be 1
?a0' i% a %hort form for a010', 2here a and ' are %calar%@. The increment mu%t
be negati"e 2hen the %tart "alue i% greater than the end "alue.
8ange% *lay an im*ortant role in %ub1matri$ o*eration%, 2hich 2e 2ill %ee
in the ne$t tutorial.
Hou can al%o create an em*ty matri$ 2ith the commandB
ans =
%& %&
-->whos -na!e a
2a!e 3ype 4i1e 5yes
a consan % 'y % 1,
Tutorial 3 Creatin% +atrices and Some Sim$le +atrix ,$erations | 11
Exercise 3 Creatin% +atrices and Some Sim$le +atrix ,$erations
1. Can you u%e the &6 o*erator li)e you can u%e &+I ?Ans' >o. In fact, there
i% no need to@.
'. (hat i% the %i9e of an em*ty matri$ a = -/I
?Ans' !i9e 4 $ 4@
#. (hile generating a range, can you %*ecify a negati"e incrementI
?Ans' He%, if the %tart "ale i% greater than the end "alue@
0. (hat i% the command to generate "alue% from 4 to 'p at an increment
of pC1+I ?Ans' %0%pi71,02+%pi@.
&. (hat i% the command to e$tract the diagonal element% of a %Guare
matri$ into a "ectorI ?Ans' a = dia(($) create% a "ector a containing
the diagonal element% of matri$ $@.
+. 5i"en a %Guare matri$ a, ho2 can you create a matri$ ' 2ho%e diagonal
element% are the %ame a% tho%e of a but the other element% are all 9eroI
?Ans' ' = eye(a) &+ a@.
3. E$tract the off1diagonal term% ?at an off%et of 1@ of a %Guare matri$ into
a "ector.
?Ans' ' = dia(($, 1) to e$tract the term% abo"e the diagonal and
' = dia(($, -1) to e$tract the term% belo2 the diagonal. ' = dia(($)
i% a %hortcut for ' = dia(($, %). The off%et default% to 9ero@.
,. Create a matri$ of %i9e &$& ha"ing the reGuired element% on the
diagonal, abo"e the diagonal and belo2 the diagonal.
?Ans' ' = dia((-105/) create% a &$& matri$ 2ho%e diagonal element%
are the element% of the "ector -1 2 # . 5/@.
/. Create a matri$ of %i9e &$& ha"ing the reGuired element% on the
diagonal abo"e the main diagonal.
?Ans' ' = dia((-10./, 1) create% a &$& matri$ of 9ero% and *ut% the
element% of the "ector -1 2 # ./ on the diagonal abo"e the main
diagonal. To *lace the "ector on the diagonal belo2 the main diagonal
u%e ' = dia((-10./, -1)@.
14. Create a tri1diagonal matri$ of %i9e &$& 2ith the %*ecified element% on
the main diagonal, abo"e and belo2 the main diagonal.
?Ans' ' = dia((-105/) 6 dia((-,08/, 1) 6 dia((-1%01#/, -1) 2ill
*ut the "ector -1 2 # . 5/ on the main diagonal, -, 9 : 8/ on the
diagonal abo"e the main diagonal and -1% 11 12 1#/ on the diagonal
belo2 the main diagonal@.
Exercise 3 Creatin% +atrices and Some Sim$le +atrix ,$erations | 12
Tutorial 4 Sub/matrices
It i% *o%%ible to e$tract or re*lace an element of a matri$ by referring to it%
ro2 and column indice%.
-->a = &1 2 3# 5 6'#
Create a matri$ 2ith ' ro2% and # column%.
-->b = a(2(2)
b =
E$tract the element of a at ro2 ' and column
' and a%%ign it to '
-->a(2( 2) = 100
a =
1. 2. 3.
. 100. 6.
8e*lace element of a at ro2 ' and column '
2ith the "alue 144
!imilar o*eration% can be *erformed on a %ub1matri$ of an e$i%ting matri$.
: %ub1matri$ can be identified by the ro2 and column number% at 2hich it
%tart% and end%. 6et u% fir%t create a matri$ of %i9e &$,.
-->a = int(.an%(5(8)*100)
5enerate% a &$, matri$ 2ho%e element% are
random integer number% bet2een 4 and 144.
!ince the element% are random number%, each *er%on 2ill get a different
matri$. 6et u% a%%ume 2e 2i%h to identify a '$0 %ub1matri$ of a demarcated by
ro2% # to 0 and column% ' to &. Thi% i% done 2ith a(#0., 205). The range of
ro2% and column% i% re*re%ented by the range command% #0. and 205
re%*ecti"ely. Thu% #0. define% the range #, 0 2hile 205 define% the range ', #, 0,
&. Ho2e"er, matri$ JaJ remain% unaffected.
-->b=a(38( 285)
Thi% command co*ie% the contiguou% %ub1
matri$ of %i9e '$0 %tarting from element at
?#, '@ u* to element ?0, &@ of a into '.
: %ub1matri$ can be o"er2ritten ;u%t a% ea%ily a% it can be co*ied. To ma)e
all element% of the %ub1matri$ bet2een the abo"e range eGual to 9ero, u%e the
follo2ing commandB
-->a(38( 285) = 2e.*s(2()
Thi% command create% a '$0 matri$ of 9ero%
and *ut% it into the %ub1matri$ of a bet2een
ro2% #B0 and column% 'B&.
>ote that the %ub1matri$ on the left hand %ide and the matri$ on the right
%ide ?a 9ero matri$ in the abo"e e$am*le@ mu%t be of the %ame %i9e. Ho2e"er, it
i% *o%%ible to lea"e out the number of ro2% and column% in the 1eros()
command and !cilab 2ill calculate the correct number of ro2% and column%
reGuired. Thu%, the follo2ing command i% the %ame a% the one abo"eB
-->a(38( 285) = 2e.*s()
(hile u%ing range to demarcate ro2% andCor column%, it i% *ermitted to
lea"e out both the %tart and end "alue% in the range, in 2hich ca%e they are
a%%umed to be 1 and the number of the la%t ro2 ?or column@, re%*ecti"ely. To
Tutorial 4 Sub/matrices | 13
indicate all ro2% ?or column%@ it i% enough to u%e only the colon ?0@. Thu%, the
%ub1matri$ con%i%ting of all the ro2% and column% ' and # of a i% a(0, 20#).
>aturally a(0, 0) re*re%ent% the 2hole matri$, 2hich of cour%e could be
re*re%ented %im*ly a% a.
!cilab u%e% a %*ecial %ymbol to refer to the number of the la%t ro2 ?or
column@ by the %ymbol ;. Thi% can be u%ed 2ithin range %*ecification% to
re*re%ent the number of the la%t ro2 ?or column@.
It i% not *o%%ible to %*ecify only the %tart "alue of the range and lea"e out
the end "alue or "ice "er%a. Either both mu%t be %*ecified or both mu%t be left
out. The %ub1matri$ con%i%ting of all ro2% of a and column% # to , i%
re*re%ented a%B
-->a(8( 389)
In the belo2, 2e are e$tracting all ro2% and column% from column # to la%t
but one, that i% 3. >ote that ; i% the la%t column and ;-1 i% the la%t but one
-->a(8( 389-1)
>ote that the %ub1matri$ need not nece%%arily con%i%t of contiguou% ro2%
andCor column%. 7or e$am*le, to e$tract the odd ro2% and column from matri$
a, you could u%e the follo2ing commandB
-->c = a(18289( 18289)
Thi% command co*ie% the %ub1matri$ of a 2ith
ro2% 1, #, & and column% 1, #, &, 3 into '. The ro2%
are re*re%ented by the range 1020; 2hich im*lie%
%tart from 1, increment by ' each time and u* to ;,
2hich in thi% ca%e i% &.
-->c = a(8( 98-181)
Hou can e"en re"er%e the order of column% ?or
ro2% or both@. The range ;0-101 re"er%e% the
order of the column% ?ro2% are unaltered@, and
the modified matri$ are %tored in c.
Tutorial 4 Sub/matrices | 14
Exercise 4 Sub/matrices
1. E$tract the la%t column of a matri$ a and %tore it in matri$ '.
?Ans' ' = a(0, ;)@.
'. E$tract the la%t but one column of a matri$ a and %tore it in matri$ '.
?Ans' ' = a(0, ;-1)@.
#. 8e*lace the %ub1matri$ bet2een ro2% # to & and column% ' to the la%t
but one column, in matri$ a of %i9e &$& 2ith 9ero%.
?Ans' a(#05, 20;-1) = 1eros(#, .). In%tead of 1eros(#,.) you can
u%e 1eros(0,0) and !cilab 2ill calculate the reGuired number of ro2%
and column% it%elf@.
0. 8e*lace the e"en numbered column% of matri$ a ha"ing %i9e #$& 2ith
one%. ?Ans' a(0,2020;)=ones(0, 0)@.
&. (hat i% the %ub1matri$ of a e$tracted by the follo2ing command
?Ans' It e$tract% the fir%t # ro2% and la%t # column% of matri$ a@.
+. :%%uming a to be a &$, matri$, are the follo2ing "alid command%I If %o,
2hat do they doI If not, 2hat i% the correct commandI
1. <(10, 5) Incorrect. !hould indicate end ro2 number.
'. <(0, 5) Correct
#. a(10#, ;-10;) Correct
0. a(0;, #0,) Incorrect. !hould indicate %tart ro2 number.
Exercise 4 Sub/matrices | 1
Tutorial Statistics
!cilab can *erform all ba%ic %tati%tical calculation%. The data i% a%%umed to
be contained in a matri$ and calculation% can be *erformed treating ro2% ?or
column%@ a% the ob%er"ation% and the column% ?or ro2%@ a% the *arameter%. To
choo%e ro2% a% the ob%er"ation%, the indicator i% r or 1. To choo%e column% a%
the ob%er"ation%, the indicator i% JcJ or 2. If no indicator i% furni%hed, the
o*eration i% a**lied to the entire matri$ element by element. The a"ailable
%tati%tical function% are su!(), !ean(), sdev(), s_deviaion(), !edian().
6et u% fir%t generate a matri$ of & ob%er"ation% on # *arameter%. 7or the
*ur*o%e of thi% demon%tration, let the element% be random number%. Thi% i%
done u%ing the follo2ing commandB
Create% a &$# matri$ of random number% .
:%%uming ro2% to be ob%er"ation% and column% to be *arameter%, the
%um, mean and %tandard de"iation are calculated a% follo2%B
-->s=s:,(a( 4.4)
!um of column% of a.
-->,=,ean(a( 1)
-ean "alue of each column of a.
-->s%=st%ev(a( 1)
!tandard de"iation of a. Po*ulation %i9e
%tandard de"iation.
-->s%2=st$%eviati*n(a( 4.4)
!tandard de"iation of a. !am*le %i9e
%tandard de"iation.
-edian of column% of a.
The %ame o*eration% can be *erformed treating column% a% ob%er"ation%
by re*lacing the r or 1 2ith c or 2.
(hen neither r ?or 1@ nor c ?or 2@ i% %u**lied, the o*eration% are carried
out treating the entire matri$ a% a %et of ob%er"ation% on a %ingle *arameter.
The ma$imum and minimum "alue% in a column, ro2 or matri$ can be
obtained 2ith the !a$() and !in() function% re%*ecti"ely in the %ame 2ay a%
the %tati%tical function% abo"e, e$ce*t that you mu%t u%e r or c but not 1 or 2.
Tutorial Statistics | 1(
Tutorial ( "or#in% 0it! Pol'nomials
!cilab ha% %u**ort for o*eration% on *olynomial%. Hou can create
*olynomial%, find their root% and *erform o*eration% on them %uch a% addition,
%ubtraction, multi*lication, di"i%ion, %im*lification etc.
: *olynomial can be created in t2o 2ay%. .ne 2ay i% to define the
*olynomial in term% of it% root% and the other 2ay i% to define it in term% of it%
coefficient%. (hile creating a *olynomial, 2e mu%t choo%e a name for the
%ymbolic "ariable and indicate 2hether the *olynomial i% to be created in term%
of root% or in term% of coefficient%. The %ymbolic "ariable name can be of any
length, but only the fir%t four character% are %ignificant, the other character% are
-->p1 = p*l+(&3 2'( 4"4)
-->p1 = p*l+(&3 2'( 4"4( 4.4)
Create a *olynomial p1 ha"ing root% #
and ', ta)ing the name of the %ymbolic
"ariable a% $. The *olynomial i%
p1 = 65 xx
-->p2 = p*l+(&6 -5 1'( 4"4( 4c4)
Create a *olynomial p2 ha"ing
coefficient% 65 xx
, a%%uming the
name of the %ymbolic "ariable a% $. The
*olynomial i% p2 = 65 xx
The third *arameter, 2hen %u**lied, may be "r" or "roos" in 2hich ca%e
the fir%t *arameter i% a "ector containing the root% of the *olynomial or it may
be "c" or "coeff" in 2hich ca%e the fir%t *arameter i% a "ector containing the
coefficient% of the *olynomial, %tarting from the con%tant a% the fir%t element
and *o2er of the %ymbolic "ariable increa%ing by one for each element in the
Thu%, the *olynomial 2ith t2o root% i% a *olynomial of order t2o.
!imilarly, a *olynomial 2ith three coefficient% i% al%o a *olynomial of order t2o.
(hen the third *arameter i% not %u**lied, it default% to "r" or "roos".
It i% *o%%ible to *erform a number of o*eration% on *olynomial%, %uch a%,
find it% root%, add, %ubtract, multi*ly, di"ide and %im*lify.
-->p1 = p*l+(&6 -5 1'( 4"4)
p1 =
6 5 5" + "
ans =
Create a *olynomial p1 ha"ing
coefficient% +, 1& and 1, ta)ing the name
of the %ymbolic "ariable a% $. The
*olynomial i%
p1 = 65 xx
. 7ind the root% u%ing
the function roos(p1).
-->p3 = p1 + p2
p3 =
12 5 10" + 2"
:dd the t2o *olynomial% p1 and p2 and
%tore the re%ult in the *olynomial p#.
!ubtraction can be *erformed in a
%imilar 2ay.
Tutorial ( "or#in% 0it! Pol'nomials | 1)
-->p = p1 * p2
p =
2 3
36 5 60" 37" 5 10" + "
Product of t2o *olynomial% i% al%o a
*olynomial, and i% calculated u%ing the
multi*lication o*erator ?+@.
-->p5 = p1 / p2
p5 =
ans =
Di"iding a *olynomial 2ith another
re%ult% not in a *olynomial, but a
-->p1 == p2
ans =
(e can *erform boolean o*eration% on
ans =
6. -5. -1.
7ind the coefficient% of the *olynomial
ans =
-5 + 2"
7ind the deri"ati"e of the *olynomial
-->c = c*,pani*n(p1)
c =
5 -6
1 0
Com*anion matri$ of the *olynomial i%
the matri$ 2ho%e characteri%tic
eGuation i% the gi"en *olynomial.
ans =
2. 3.
ans =
The root% of the characteri%tic eGuation
are the eigen"alue% of the com*anion
There are other 2ay% of defining *olynomial%.
-->" = p*l+(0( 4"4)
" =
Create a "ariable named a% $, 2hich i% a
*olynomial of degree 9ero. The "ariable
$ can be u%ed a% a seed to create other
-->p6 = 6 5 5 * " + "^2
ans =
Create the *olynomial p1 the %ame 2ay
you 2ould 2rite it on *a*er. Thi% i% the
%ame a% the *re"iou% *olynomial% p1
and p2 that 2e ha"e created.
-->c=&5 -6# 1 0'#
-->p7 = p*l+(c( 4"4)
Create a *olynomial from it%
com*anion matri$.
Tutorial ( "or#in% 0it! Pol'nomials | 1*
p7 =
6 5 5" + "^2
6et u% no2 ta)e a loo) at rational *olynomial% and e$*lore the function%
related to them.
-->" = p*l+(0( 4"4)
p =
1 + 2" + 3"
+ 5" + 6"
Create the "ariable $ a% a *olynomial
of degree 4, thu% creating a seed for
a *olynomial in $.
Create the *olynomial p 2ith
numerator a% 12 x3 x
denominator 45 x6 x
ans =
1 + 2" + 3"
+ 5" + 6"
E$tract the numerator and
denominator of the rational
ans =
3 + 12" + "
2 3
16 + 0" + 73" +60" + 36
7ind the deri"ati"e of the rational
-->&n( %'=si,p(("+1)*("+2)(
% =
-2 + "
n =
2 + "
!im*lify a rational *olynomial gi"en
the numerator and denominator of
the rational *olynomial. 8eturn% the
numerator and denominator after
Tutorial ( "or#in% 0it! Pol'nomials | 1-
Exercise ( "or#in% 0it! Pol'nomials
1. Create a *olynomial 2ith $ a% the %ymbolic "ariable %uch that it% root%
are ' and #.
?Ans' p = poly(-2 #/, "$")@.
'. Create a *olynomial to re*re%ent + &$ K $
?Ans' p = poly(-, -5 1/, "$", "coeff")@
#. 7ind the root% of thi% *olynomial. ?Ans' ' and #@.
0. (hat o*eration% can you *erform on *olynomial%I
?Ans' Hou can *erform addition, %ubtraction, multi*lication and
di"i%ion o*eration% on *olynomial%. The%e o*eration% are *ermitted
*ro"ided the *olynomial% ha"e the %ame %ymbolic "ariable. But
o*eration% %uch a% trigonometric, logarithmic are not *ermitted@.
Exercise ( "or#in% 0it! Pol'nomials | 2.
Tutorial ) Plottin% 1ra$!s
6et u% learn to *lot %im*le gra*h%. (e 2ill ha"e to generate the data to be
u%ed for the gra*h. 6et u% a%%ume 2e 2ant to dra2 the gra*h of cos x and
sin x for one full cycle ? 2 radian%@. 6et u% generate the "alue% for the $1
a$i%, di"iding the cycle into 1+ eGual inter"al%, 2ith the follo2ing commandB
In the abo"e command, note that %pi i% a *redefined con%tant re*re%enting
the "alue of . The command to create a range of "alue%, %0%pi71,02+%pi,
reGuire% a %tart "alue, an increment and an end "alue. In the abo"e e$am*le,
they are 4, /16 and 2 re%*ecti"ely. Thu%, $ i% a "ector containing ##
>e$t, let u% create the "alue% for the y1a$i%, fir%t column re*re%enting
co%ine and the %econd %ine. They are created by the follo2ing command%B
-->+=&c*s(") sin(")'
>ote that cos($) and sin($) are the t2o column% of a ne2 matri$ 2hich i%
fir%t created and then %tored in y. (e can no2 *lot the gra*h 2ith the
The gra*h generated by thi% command i% %ho2n belo2. The gra*h can be
enhanced and annotated. Hou can add grid line%, label% for $1 and y1a$e%, legend
for the different line% etc. Hou can learn more about the plo2d and other
related function% from the online hel*.
Fig. 6.1 Graph of sin(! an" cos(! #sing f#nction plot2d()
In the abo"e command, the number of ro2% in $ and y mu%t be the %ame
and column% of y are *lotted "er%u% $. !ince there i% only one column in $ and
there are ' column% in y, the t2o line% are *lotted on the gra*h, ta)ing $ to be
common for both line%.
Tutorial ) Plottin% 1ra$!s | 21
Fig. 6.2 C#stomi$ation of graphs interactivel%
Hou can cu%tomi9e the gra*h interacti"ely through a of dialog bo$. Hou can
%et a$i% label% ?label, font, font %i9e, colour etc.@, grid ?line ty*e, colour etc.@,
legend for the gra*h%. To do %o %elect 7igure Pro*ertie% from the Edit menu in
the gra*hic 2indo2 ?7ig. +.'@.
To dra2 the grid line% *arallel to the $ andCor y a$i%, choo%e the colour for
the grid a% 4 or more ?by default grid colour i% %et to 11, in 2hich ca%e grid line%
are not dra2n@. Hou can ty*e in a label for the a$e% and %et the font, font %i9e
and colour. Hou could al%o cu%tomi9e the location of the a$e% ?to*, middle or
bottom for $1a$i% and left, middle or right for y1a$i%@. Hou can al%o %*ecify the
a$i% %caling to be either linear ?the default@ or logarithmic. Hou can redefine the
minimum and ma$imum "alue% for the a$e% and re"er%e the direction of the
a$i% ?right to left for $1a$i% for $1a$i% in%tead of left to right or to* to bottom for
y1a$i% in%tead of from bottom to to*@.
Fig. 6.& C#stomi$ation of aes interactivel%
Tutorial ) Plottin% 1ra$!s | 22
Hou can al%o cu%tomi9e e"ery other com*onent of the gra*h, by clic)ing on
the a**ro*riate element in the ob;ect bro2%er on the left.
Hou can e$*ort the gra*h to one of the %u**orted format% ?5I7, Po%t%cri*t,
B-P, E-7@ by clic)ing on 7ile E$*ort in the main menu of the gra*hic
5ra*h% can be annotated through command line% al%o. 5rid%, title%, a$i%
label%, legend% etc. can be added 2ith the follo2ing command%B
-->"=&08;pi/32#2*;pi'4# +(8(1)=c*s(")# +(8(2)=sin(")# +(83)=c*s(")
-->pl*t("( +)# "7.i%(1)#
-->"title(40<=>=/?@A0<=B CD/B0=?/14( 4"4( 46(")4)#
-->le7en%(4c*s(")4( 4sin(")( 4c*s(") + sin(")4( 1( ;C)#
Fig. 6.' Annotation of plot thro#gh comman"s
D%e the online hel* %y%tem to learn more detail% about the command%
$(rid, $ile, le(end. 7or e$am*le, the legend command abo"e *lace% the
legend in the u**er right ?1@ corner and doe% not dra2 a bo$ around the legend
?%F@. The alternati"e% for *o%ition of legend are 2 for to* left, # for bottom left
and . for bottom right. To dra2 a bo$ around the legend, either u%e %3 or do not
gi"e any "alue and it default% to %3. There are other command%, %uch a% $la'el
and yla'el, that you may find u%eful.
Tutorial ) Plottin% 1ra$!s | 23
Tutorial * Plottin% 3& 1ra$!s
Three dimen%ional *lot% of %urface% can be *lotted 2ith the plo#d()
family of function%. The *lot#d?@ function in it% %im*le%t form reGuire% a grid of
?$, y@ "alue% and corre%*onding "alue% of 1. The grid of ?$, y@ "alue% i% %*ecifie%
2ith the hel* of t2o "ector%, one for $1a$i% and the other for y1a$i%.
-->"=&08;pi/1682*;pi'4# si2e(")
ans =
33. 1.
-->2=sin(") * *nes(")4#
-->pl*t3%("( "( 2)#
The fir%t command on line 1 generate% a column "ector for one full cycle ?4
to 'p@ at an inter"al of pC1+ and ha% %i9e ##$1. 6et u% a%%ume the grid %*acing
to be the %ame along $ and y direction%. Therefore another "ector to re*re%ent
the %*acing of *oint% along y direction i% not reGuired. The %econd command
generate% the 9 "alue% for each *oint on the grid a% the %ine of the $ "alue. Thi%
generate% a # dimen%ional %ine 2a"e %urface.
It i% *o%%ible to ha"e different %*acing of *oint% along and y direction%.
-->"=&08;pi/1682*;pi'4# %isp(si2e("))
33. 1.
-->+=&080.585'# %isp(si2e(+))
1. 10.
-->2=sin(")**nes(+)# %isp(si2e(2))
33. 10.
-->pl*t3%("( +( 2)
Thi% al%o generate% a %ine 2a"e %urface but the %*acing of the grid along
the y direction i% different a% com*ared to the %*acing of the grid along $
The function plo#d1() i% %imilar to plo#d() e$ce*t that it *roduce% a
colour le"el *lot of a %urface u%ing %ame colour% for *oint% 2ith eGual height.
-->pl*t3%1("( +( 2)
The function plo#d2($, y, 1) generate% a %urface u%ing facet% rather
than grid%. Here $, y and 9 are each t2o dimen%ional matrice% 2hich de%cribe a
%urface. The %urface i% com*o%ed of four %ided *olygon%. $?i, ;@, $?iK1, ;@, $?i, ;K1@
and $?iK1, ;K1@ re*re%ent the $ coordinate% of one facet. H and 9 re*re%ent the y
and 9 coordinate% in a %imilar 2ay.
-->:=linspace(-;pi/2( ;pi/2( 0)#
-->v=linspace(0( 2*;pi( 20)#
-->"=c*s(:)4 * c*s(v)#
-->+=c*s(:)4 * sin(v)#
-->2=sin(:)4 * *nes(v)#
-->pl*t3%2("( +( 2)
The function plo#d#() i% %imilar to plo#d2() e$ce*t that it generate% a
me%h of the %urface in%tead of a %haded %urface 2ith hidden line% remo"ed.
Tutorial * Plottin% 3& 1ra$!s | 24
It i% *o%%ible to *lot multi*le gra*h% on one *age 2ith the hel* of the
su'plo() function. It can %ubdi"ide the *age into a rectangular array of ro2%
and column% and *o%ition a gra*h in a cho%en cell. 7or e$am*le %u'plo(2#5)
di"ide% the *age into ' ro2% and # column% re%ulting in + cell%. Cell% are
counted in %eGuence %tarting from left to*. The abo"e command %*ecifie% that
the out*ut of the ne$t *lot command mu%t be *ut in cell number &, that i% on
ro2 ' and column '. Try out the follo2ingB
Thi% %ho2% the %ame %urface fir%t a% a me%h and the %econd a% a %urface
2ith hidden line% remo"ed, 2ith the gra*h% *laced %ide by %ide. The function
clf() clear% the current gra*hic figure.
Tutorial * Plottin% 3& 1ra$!s | 2
Tutorial - Scilab Pro%rammin% 2an%ua%e
!cilab ha% a built1in inter*reted *rogramming language %o that a %erie% of
command% can be automated. The *rogramming language offer% many feature%
of a high le"el language, %uch a% loo*ing ?for, while@, conditional e$ecution
?if-hen-else, selec@ and function%. The greate%t ad"antage i% that the
%tatement% can be any "alid !cilab command%.
To loo* o"er an inde$ "ariable i from 1 to 14 and di%*lay it% "alue each
time, you can try the follo2ing command% at the *rom*tB
-->6*. i=1810
The for loo* i% clo%ed by the corre%*onding end %tatement. .nce the loo*
i% clo%ed, the bloc) of %tatement% enclo%ed 2ithin the loo* 2ill be e$ecuted. In
the abo"e e$am*le, the disp(i) command di%*lay% the "alue of i.
Conditional e$ecution i% *erformed u%ing the if-hen-elseif-else
con%truct. Try the follo2ing %tatement% on the command lineB
-->i6 "E0 then %isp(4/e7ative4)
-->elsei6 "==0 then %isp(4Fe.*4)
-->else %isp(4G*sitive4)
Thi% 2ill di%*lay the 2ord =osiive. Hou may al%o notice that the
%tatement disp("=osiive") i% e$ecuted e"en before the )ey2ord end i% ty*ed.
: li%t of all the !cilab *rogramming language *rimiti"e% and command%
can be di%*layed by the command wha(). The command *roduce% the
follo2ing li%tB
if else for while end selec
case >ui e$i reurn help wha
who pause clear resu!e hen do
apropos a'or 'rea? elseif
Hou can learn about each command u%ing the hel* command. Thu% help
while 2ill gi"e com*lete information about while along 2ith e$am*le% and a
li%t of other command% that are related to it. The greate%t ad"antage i% that you
can te%t out e"ery language feature interacti"ely 2ithin the !cilab en"ironment
before *utting them into a %e*arate file a% a function.
7ollo2ing o*erator% are a"ailable in !cilabB
Symbol $peration Symbol $peration
- / -atri$ definition ; !tatement %e*arator
( ) E$traction eg. m P a?)@ ( ) In%ertion eg. a?)@ P m
" Tran%*o%e 6 :ddition
@ !ubtraction + -ulti*lication
Tutorial - Scilab Pro%rammin% 2an%ua%e | 2(
A 6eft di"i%ion 7 8ight di"i%ion
B E$*onent &+ Element 2i%e multi*lication
&A Element 2i%e left di"i%ion &7 Element 2i%e right di"i%ion
&B Element 2i%e e$*onent
7ollo2ing are the boolean o*erator% a"ailable in !cilabB
Symbol $peration Symbol $peration
== EGual to C= >ot eGual to ?al%o D>@
D 6e%% than D= 6e%% than or eGual to
> 5reater than >= 5reater than or eGual to
C >egation
E Element 2i%e :>D F Element 2i%e .8
The boolean con%tant% % and %3 re*re%ent T*+E and %f and %F re*re%ent
FALSE. The follo2ing are e$am*le% for ty*ical boolean o*eration%B
-->a =
5enerate matri$ a 2ith # ro2% and 0 column% and
containing integer random number% bet2een 4 and
-->a == 0
8eturn% a matri$ a 2ith %ame %i9e a% matri$ a, 2ith
element% either T ?if the element i% eGual to 9ero@ or 7
?if the element i% not 9ero@.
-->a E 20
Create% matri$ a 2ith %ame %i9e a% matri$ a, 2ith
element% either 3 ?if the element i% le%% than '4@ or F
?if the element i% greater than or eGual to '4@.
-->b**l2s(a E 20)
7ir%t create% a matri$ of boolean "alue% 3 or F
de*ending on 2hether the element in matri$ a i% le%%
than '4 or greater than or eGual to '4. Then create% a
matri$ 2ith numerical "ale% 1 or 4 corre%*onding to 3
or F, re%*ecti"ely
-->6in%(a E 20)
Create% a "ector containing the indice% of element% of
matri$ a 2hich are le%% than '4
6et u% generate a matri$ a of %i9e #$0 containing random integer "alue%
bet2een 4 and 144 2ith the command a = in(rand(#,.)+1%%). If matri$ a
contain% the element% a% %ho2n belo2B
21 33 84 6
75 66 68 56
0 62 87 66
, then the re%ult% of the "ariou% boolean
o*eration% are gi"en belo2B
To te%t if element% of a are 9eroB
-->a == 0
ans =
Tutorial - Scilab Pro%rammin% 2an%ua%e | 2)
0 C C C
To te%t if "alue of element% of a are le%% than '&B
-->a E 25
ans =
0 C C 0
0 C C C
To te%t if element% of a are greater than or eGual to +'B
-->a >= 62
ans =
C C 0 C
0 0 0 C
C 0 0 0
To te%t if element% of a are not eGual to ++B
a H= 66
ans =
0 0 0 0
0 C 0 0
0 0 0 C
To te%t if element% of a are not eGual to ++, and out*ut 1 in%tead of T and 4
in%tead of 7B
-->b**l2s(a H= 66)
ans =
1. 1. 1. 1.
1. 0. 1. 1.
1. 1. 1. 0.
To find indice% of element% of a 2hich are greater than 34B
-->b=6in%(a > 70)
b =
2. 7. !.
The indice% are counted a% if a 2ere a one dimen%ional "ector and indice%
counted column 2i%e %tarting from the to* of the left mo%t column. To *rint the
"alue% of a corre%*onding to the%e indice% u%e the follo2ing commandB
ans =
Com*ound boolean o*eration% can be *erformed u%ing the :>D and .8
o*erator%. To te%t if element% of a are greater than '4 and le%% than 34B
-->(a > 20) I (a E 70)
ans =
0 0 C C
C 0 0 0
C 0 C 0
Tutorial - Scilab Pro%rammin% 2an%ua%e | 2*
To te%t if element% of a are either le%% than '& or greater than 3&B
-->(a E 25) J a > 75)
ans =
0 C 0 0
0 C 0 C
It i% *o%%ible to te%t if all element% of matri$ a meet a logical te%t u%ing the
and() functionB
-->an%(a > 20)
ans =
-->an%(a E 100)
ans =
It i% *o%%ible to te%t if at lea%t one element of matri$ a meet% a logical te%t
u%ing the or() functionB
-->*.(a > 20)
ans =
-->*.(a E 200)
ans =
Tutorial - Scilab Pro%rammin% 2an%ua%e | 2-
Tutorial 1. Scri$t 3iles and 3unction 3iles
!cri*t file% contain any "alid !cilab %tatement% and function%. !cri*t file%
can be 2ritten in the built1in !cilab code editor called Sciad. !ci*ad i% in"o)ed
from the !cilab main menu through Application Editor. (hen a %cri*t file
can be loaded into !cilab 2or)%*ace from !ciPad main menu E,ecute Load
into Scilab ?)eyboard %hort cut Ctrl - L@. Code from Sciad can be loaded into
!cilab 2or)%*ace 2ith the command e$ec("filena!e&sci"), *ro"ided the file
filena!e&sci i% located in the current 2or)ing directory. To load function file%
in a directory other than the current 2or)ing directory, %*ecify the full *ath to
the file.
Fig. 1(.1 Script file in SciPa" being loa"e" into Scilab wor)space
Before being loaded into !cilab 2or)%*ace, the file i% chec)ed for %ynta$. If
code contain% %ynta$ error%, it i% not loaded into !cilab 2or)%*ace, in%tead,
error me%%age% are di%*layed in the !cilab 2indo2. If there are no error%, the
code i% com*iled and loaded into !cilab 2or)%*ace, and become% a"ailable for
u%e. If change% are made to the code in !ciPad, the *roce%% of E,ecute Load
into Scilab mu%t be re*eated. (hen modified code re*lace% *re"iou%ly
com*iled code, !cilab i%%ue% a 2arning indicating that a function ha% been
The difference bet2een %cri*t file% and function file% i% that %cri*t file% do
not contain any function definition% and contain only !cilab %tatement% mainly
for data in*ut, calculation% and out*ut. The re%ult% of e$ecution of a %cri*t file
are loaded into !cilab 2or)%*ace and hence ha"e global %co*e. That i%, all
"ariable% loaded from a %cri*t file are global "ariable% and are acce%%ible from
the !cilab 2or)%*ace.
.n the other hand, a function file u%ually contain% only function definition%
and no directly e$ecutable !cilab %tatement%. (hen loaded into !cilab
2or)%*ace, only the function code i% loaded. 7unction% o*erate in a modular
fa%hion in that they e$change "ariable 2ith !cilab 2or)%*ace or other function%
only through their in*ut and out*ut argument% and do not acce%% the !cilab
2or)%*ace directly. Variable% 2ithin the function% are local to the function
unle%% it i% an in*ut or out*ut "ariable.
Tutorial 1. Scri$t 3iles and 3unction 3iles | 3.
Dnli)e -atlab or .cta"e, one function file may contain more than one
function definition and there i% no %ti*ulated rule for naming file% e$ce*t that
they mu%t ha"e the e$ten%ion .sci or .sce. 7unction file% can be 2ritten u%ing
any te$t editor %uch a% >ote*ad, and not nece%%arily only 2ith Sciad. But
unli)e Sciad, other editor% cannot load the code into !cilab 2or)%*ace and
2ill ha"e to be loaded 2ith the e$ec() command.
-atlab and .cta"e %ti*ulatie that the name of the file mu%t be the %ame a%
the name of the function it contain%, 2ith a &! e$ten%ion. Con%eGuently, each
function file can contain only one function, but function% can be automatically
loaded into the 2or)%*ace a% and 2hen reGuired in%tead of reGuiring that they
be e$*licitly loaded into the 2or)%*ace by the u%er. Thi% al%o enable% them to
identify if the %ource code ha% been modified and recom*ile and load the
function into the 2or)%*ace on the fly 2hen needed. They organi9e function
file% in folder% and can be told in 2hich folder% to loo) 2hen %earching for a
reGuired function file.
!cri*t file% are an ea%y mean% of loading data into !cilab 2or)%*ace and
thu% a"oid file read o*eration%. Thi% i% becau%e %cri*t file% ha"e direct acce%% to
!cilab 2or)%*ace and can read data from and 2rite data to !cilab 2or)%*ace.
(hile thi% i% ea%y to under%tand and u%e, it can lead to error% in the ca%e of
large and com*le$ %et of data and code.
7unction file% do not ha"e direct acce%% to !cilab 2or)%*ace and therefore
e$change data through the in*ut and out*ut *arameter%. Thi% a**roach i% more
com*le$ but modular. E%%entially, 2e are gi"ing u* %im*licity in e$change for
modularity. 7unction file% ha"e the ad"antage of %e*arating the data in the
global 2or)%*ace from the data u%ed in%ide the body of a function. (hile thi%
hel*% a"oid error%, it add% a layer of com*le$ity for the *rogrammer. Due to
their re%tricted and 2ell defined mean% of data e$change, function% are modular
and ab%tract a com*le$ %et of o*eration% into a %ingle function call. 7unction%
are nece%%ary 2hen you 2i%h to build large and com*le$ *rogram%.
Tutorial 1. Scri$t 3iles and 3unction 3iles | 31
Tutorial 11 3unctions in Scilab
7unction% %er"e the %ame *ur*o%e in !cilab a% in other *rogramming
language%. They are inde*endent bloc)% of code, 2ith their o2n in*ut and
out*ut *arameter% 2hich can be a%%ociated 2ith "ariable% at the time of calling
the function. They modulari9e *rogram de"elo*ment and enca*%ulate a %erie%
of %tatement% and a%%ociate them 2ith the name of the function.
!cilab *ro"ide% a built in editor 2ithin !cilab, called Sciad, 2herein the
u%er can ty*e the code for function% and com*ile and load them into the
2or)%*ace. !ciPad can be in"o)ed by clic)ing on Applications Editor on the
main menu at the to* of the !cilab 2or) en"ironment.
6et u% 2rite a %im*le function to calculate the length of a line in the $1y
*lane, gi"en the coordinate% of it% t2o end% ?$1, y1@ and ?$', y'@. The length of
%uch a line i% gi"en by the e$*re%%ion l =



. 6et u% fir%t
try out the calculation in !cilab for the *oint% ?1,0@ and ?14,+@.
-->"1=1# +1=# "2=10# +2=6#
-->%"="2-"1# %+=+2-+1#
-->l=s-.t(%"^2 + %+^2)
l =
>ote that $1, y1, $2 and y2 are in*ut "alue% and the length JGJ i% the out*ut
"alue. To 2rite the function, *roceed a% de%cribed belo2B
1. .*en !ciPad by clic)ing on Application Editor on the main menu.
'. Ty*e the follo2ing line% of code into !ciPad and define the function
6:ncti*n &K' = len("1( +1( "2( +2)
%" = "2-"1# %+=+2-+1#
K = s-.t(%"^2 + %+^2)#
In the code abo"e, funcion and endfuncion are !cilab
)ey2ord% and mu%t be ty*ed e$actly a% %ho2n. They %ignify the %tart
and end of a function definition.
The "ariable enclo%ed bet2een %Guare brac)et% i% an out*ut
*arameter, and 2ill be returned to !cilab 2or)%*ace ?or to the *arent
function from 2here it i% in"o)ed@. The name of the function ha% been
cho%en a% len ?%hort for length, a% the name length i% already u%ed by
!cilab for another *ur*o%e@. The in*ut *arameter% $1, y1, $2 and y2 are
the "ariable% bringing in in*ut from the !cilab 2or)%*ace ?or the
*arent function from 2here it i% called@.
#. !a"e the content% of the file to a di%) file by clic)ing 7ile !a"e in
!ciPad and choo%e a folder and name for the file. >ote both the name
and folder for later u%e.
0. 6oad the function into !cilab by clic)ing on E,ecute Load into
Scilab on the !ciPad main menu.
Tutorial 11 3unctions in Scilab | 32
Thi% function can be in"o)ed from !cilab *rom*t a% follo2%B
-->ll = len($$1, yy1, $$2, yy2)
2here ll i% the "ariable to %tore the out*ut of the function and $$1, yy1, $$2 and
yy2 are the in*ut "ariable%. >ote that the name% of the in*ut and out*ut
"ariable% need not match the corre%*onding name% in the function definition.
(ith "er%ion & of !cilab, out*ut from %tatement% in a function are ne"er
echoed, irre%*ecti"e of 2hether the %tatement% end 2ith the %emicolon or not.
D%e the function disp() to *rint out intermediate re%ult% in order to debug a
To u%e the function during %ub%eGuent %e%%ion%, load it into !cilab by
clic)ing on E,ecute Load into Scilab in the main menu. If there are no
%ynta$ error% in your function definition, the function 2ill be loaded into !cilab
2or)%*ace, other2i%e the line number containing the %ynta$ error i% di%*layed.
If it i% loaded %ucce%%fully into the !cilab 2or)%*ace, you can "erify it 2ith the
command whos -ype funcion and %earching for the name of the function,
namely, len.
(e can im*ro"e the abo"e function by re*re%enting a *oint a% an array of
%i9e 1$', 2here the element% re*re%ent the $ and y coordinate% of the *oint.
Thi% 2ay, the function can be re2ritten a% follo2%B
6:ncti*n &K' = len(p1( p2)
K = s-.t(s:,((p2 5 p1).^2))
The modified function can be u%ed a% follo2%B
-->p1 = &0( 0'# p2 = &( 3'#
-->ll = len(p1( p2)
ll =
!cilab allo2% the creation of in1line function% and are e%*ecially u%eful
2hen the body of the function i% %hort. Thi% can be done 2ith the hel* of the
function deff(). It ta)e% t2o %tring *arameter%. The fir%t %tring define% the
interface to the function and the %econd %tring that define% the %tatement% of
the function. !e"eral %tatement% can be %e*arated by %emi colon% and 2ritten a%
a %ingle %tring.
The abo"e modified function to calculate the length could be defined in1
line a% follo2%B
-->%e66(4&K'=len(p1( p2)4( 4K=s-.t(s:,((p2-p1).^2))4)#
!cilab allo2% the u%er to call a function 2ith fe2er in*ut *arameter% than
the number of in*ut argument% in the function definition. It i% an error to
*ro"ide more in*ut *arameter% than the number of in*ut argument%. The %ame
i% the ca%e 2ith out*ut *arameter% and out*ut argument%.
It i% *o%%ible to inGuire and find the number of in*ut and out*ut
argument% from code 2ithin the function. The function ar(n() return% the
number of in*ut and out*ut argument%, 2hich in turn can be u%ed in%ide the
function body to ta)e deci%ion% %uch a% a%%igning default "alue% in ca%e the
Tutorial 11 3unctions in Scilab | 33
in*ut argument ha% not been %u**lied. D%ing "ariable% that ha"e not been
%u**lied a% argument% re%ult% in an error and the function being aborted.
6:ncti*n &a( b( c' = testa.7("( +( 2)
&*:t( inp' = a.7n(0)#
a = 0# b = 0# c = 0#
,p.int6(L?:tp:t8 ;%MnN( *:t)#
,p.int6(L =np:t8 ;%MnN( inp)#
(e can no2 load the abo"e function into !cilab 2or)%*ace and call it 2ith
different number of in*ut and out*ut *arameter% and %ee ho2 !cilab re%*ond%B
-->&a( b( c' = testa.7(1( 2( 3)#
?:tp:t8 3
=np:t8 3
-->&a( b( c' = testa.7(1( 2)#
?:tp:t8 3
=np:t8 2
-->&a( b' = testa.7(1)#
?:tp:t8 2
=np:t8 1
?:tp:t8 1
=np:t8 1
-->testa.7(1( 2( 3( )#
O--e..*. 58
P.*n7 n:,be. *6 inp:t a.7:,ents
Q.7:,ents a.e 8
" + 2
O--e..*. 5!
P.*n7 n:,be. *6 *:tp:t a.7:,ents
Q.7:,ents a.e 8
a b c
!u**lying fe2er argument% than reGuired i% acce*table a% long a% that
"ariable i% not being u%ed 2ithin the function, but then %*ecifying an in*ut
"ariable and not u%ing it 2ould be *ointle%%. But, chec)ing the number of in*ut
argument% and a%%igning default "alue% to tho%e not %u**lied i% a good u%e of
the ar(n() function.
!u**lying more argument% than reGuired i% an error and function
e$ecution i% aborted.
!u**lying fe2er out*ut argument% than reGuired i% acce*table, but the
"alue% of "ariable% that are not caught are lo%t for %ub%eGuent u%e.
!u**lying more out*ut argument% than reGuired i% an error and function
e$ecution i% aborted.
Tutorial 11 3unctions in Scilab | 34
Tutorial 12 3ile ,$erations
!cilab can o*erate on file% on di%) and function% are a"ailable for o*ening,
clo%ing reading and 2riting di%) file%. The follo2ing line% of code illu%trate ho2
thi% can be accom*li%hedB
-->n=10# "=25.5# "+=&100 75#0 75# 200( 0'#
-->6%=,*pen(Le"01.%atN( L)N)# // ?pens a 6ile e"01.%at 6*. ).itin7
-->,6p.int6(6%( Ln=;%( "=;6MnN( n( ")#
-->,6p.int6(6%( L;12.6Mt;12.6MnN( "+)#
Hou can no2 o*en the file e$%1&da in a te$t editor, %uch a% note*ad and
%ee it% content%. Hou 2ill notice that the command% are %imilar to the
corre%*onding command% in C, namely, fopen(), fprinf() and fclose(). >ote
that in the %econd command, the format %tring mu%t be %ufficient to *rint one
full ro2 of the matri$ $y. The %eGuence of o*eration% mu%t al2ay% be, o*en the
file and obtain a file de%cri*tor, 2rite to the file u%ing the file de%cri*tor and
clo%e the file u%ing the file de%cri*tor.
The different mode% in 2hich a file can be o*ened are
r 7or reading from the file. The file mu%t e$i%t. If the file doe% not
e$i%t mo*en return error code 1'.
2 7or 2riting to the file. If the file e$i%t%, it% content% 2ill be
era%ed and 2riting 2ill begin from the beginning of the file. If
the file doe% not e$i%t, a ne2 file 2ill be created.
a 7or a**ending to the file. If the file e$i%t%, it 2ill be o*ened and
2riting 2ill %tart from the end of the file. If the file doe% not
e$i%t, a ne2 one 2ill be created.
The function% !prinf() and !sprinf() are %imilar to !fprinf(), e$ce*t
that they %end the out*ut to the %tandard out*ut %tream and a de%ignated
%tring, re%*ecti"ely, in%tead of to a file. The %tatement% to *rint the abo"e data
to the %tandard out*ut ?!cilab te$t 2indo2@ are a% follo2%B
-->,p.int6(Ln=;%( "=;6MnN( n( ")#
-->,p.int6(L;12.6Mt;12.6MnN( "+)#
Being a %tandard file, it i% not nece%%ary to e$*licitly o*en and clo%e the
%tandard out*ut file. To out*ut the %ame data to the %tring% s1 and s2, u%e the
follo2ing command%B
-->s1 = ,sp.int6(Ln=;%( "=;6MnN( n( ")#
-->s2 = ,sp.int6(L;12.6Mt;12.6MnN( "+)#
8eading data from file% into "ariable% in the !cilab 2or)%*ace i% eGually
ea%y. The file 2ill ha"e to be o*ened in read mode and after "alue% ha"e been
read from file%, the file 2ill ha"e to be clo%ed. The function to read data i%
!fscanf(). The follo2ing code fragment read% an integer and a floating *oint
"alue% from the fir%t line in the data file and %tore them in the "ariable% n and $,
re%*ecti"ely. The %econd !fscanf() %tatement e$ecuted 2ithin the loo*, read%
the "alue% in the %ub%eGuent line% into the "ariable a. 7ollo2ing i% the codeB
Tutorial 12 3ile ,$erations | 3
&6%( e..' = ,*pen(4test.%at4( 4.4)#
&n( "' = ,6scan6(6%( L;6N)#
6*. i = 18
a(i(8) = ,6scan6(6%( L;6 ;6 ;6MnN)#
The function !fscanf() return% n, the number of "alue% read and the "alue
$ read. In thi% e$am*le n mu%t be 1. If thi% "alue i% not 1, 2hich may ha**en if
the file doe% not contain enough data, it indicate% an error. Te%t the abo"e code
2ith the follo2ing data read from the fileB
10. 2. 5.
1. 2. 3.
. 5. 6.
7. 8. !.
10. 11. 12.
:fter e$ecuting the abo"e %tatement%, "erify 2hether the data ha% been
read correctly into the "ariable% n, $ and a by di%*laying their "alue%.
Tutorial 12 3ile ,$erations | 3(
Tutorial 13 Pol'nomial Curve 3ittin%
: ty*ical e$*eriment collect% data related to one *arameter ?%ay $@ and the
corre%*onding "alue of a de*endent "ariable ?%ay y@. The%e ob%er"ation% can be
%tored in t2o "ector%, namely, $ and y. D%ing lea%t %Guare regre%%ion, it i%
*o%%ible to com*ute the coefficient% of a *olynomial function, of %ome %elected
degree, for y in term% of $. The eGuation for a *olynomial of degree n can be
e$*re%%ed a%B
y x=a

, i=1to n1
are un)no2n coefficient% 2hich can be com*uted by
%ol"ing the follo2ing %et of linear %imultaneou% eGuation%B





















[ X ] {a}={b}
(e can %ol"e for the un)no2n coefficient% a% follo2%B
a=[ X ]
.nce the coefficient% are determined, the *redicted "alue% of y for the
ob%er"ed "alue% of $ a% follo2%B
y x=

6et u% con%ider the %am*le data gi"en belo2B
$ 11 4 1 ' # & 3 /
y 11 # '.& & 0 ' & 0
6et u% fit a fourth order *olynomial eGuation to the abo"e data, of the form
The reGuired %imultaneou% eGuation% that mu%t be %ol"ed are a% follo2%B





























The element% of the abo"e matri$ eGuation are li%ted in the table on the
ne$t *age.
Tutorial 13 Pol'nomial Curve 3ittin% | 3)









, '+ 134 1'#' /+,+ 3/'&+ ++&&14 &+,+/&' 0/'4,/++
!imilarly, the right hand "ector i%





'0.& 14+.& +3+.& &4#'.& #//40.&
The %imultaneou% eGuation% are therefore a% follo2%B
8 26 170 1232 9686
26 170 1232 9686 79256
170 1232 9686 79256 665510
1232 9686 79256 665510 5686952
9686 79256 665510 5686952 49208966
!ol"ing the%e eGuation% gi"e%
The fourth order *olynomial eGuation i% thu%
y=2.68552.3015 x1.2326 x
0.2169 x
0.0118 x
In !cilab, it i% not nece%%ary to u%e loo*% to com*ute the element% of the
coefficient matri$ and right hand "ector. In%tead, they can be com*uted through
the follo2ing matri$ multi*licationB
-->"" = &".^0 " ".^2 ".^3 ".^'#
-->R = ""4 * ""#
-->b = ""4 * +#
-->a = inv(R) * b
a =
The *redicted "alue% of y ba%ed on thi% *olynomial eGuation can be
com*uted a% follo2%B
-->+(8(2) = "" * a#
Hou can *lot the gra*h of $ again%t ob%er"ed and *redicted "alue% 2ith the
-->pl*t("( +)
>o2 that 2e )no2 ho2 thi% calculation i% to be done, let u% 2rite a
function to automate thi%. 6et the function interface be a% follo2%B
Interface: &a( +6' = p*l+6it("( +( n)
Input Parameters:
" = column vector of observed values of the independent variable
+ = column vector of observed values of dependent variable
Tutorial 13 Pol'nomial Curve 3ittin% | 3*
n = de!ree of the pol"nomial fit
Output parameters:
a = column vector of coefficients of the pol"nomial of order n that minimi#es the least
s$uares error of the fit a
, i=1 2... , n1 %here a
is the coefficient of the term
. a
is a column vector.
+6 = a column vector of calculated values of y for a pol"nomial of order n.
The function polyfi() can be 2ritten in !ciPad and then loaded into
!cilab 2or)%*aceB
6:ncti*n &a( +6' = p*l+6it("( +( n)
"" = 2e.*s(len7th(")( n+1)#
6*. i = 18n+1
""(8(i) = ".^(i-1)#
R = ""4 * ""#
b = ""4 * +#
a = inv(R) * b#
+6 = "" * a#
.nce the function i% %ucce%%fully loaded into the !cilab 2or)%*ace, to fit a
fourth order *olynomial, you can call it a% follo2%B
-->&a( +(8(2)' = p*l+6it("( +( )#
-->&a5( +(8(3)' = p*l+6it("( +( 5)#
-->pl*t("( +( "( +6)# "title(4G?KS/?@=QK BD<TA C=00=/>4( 4"4( 4+4)#
The fir%t line calculate% the coefficient% a of the *olynomial fit and the
calculated "alue% yf for a 0
order *olynomial fit and the %econd line doe% the
%ame for a &
order *olynomial fit. The calculated "alue% of y for each are
%tored in the '
and #
column% of y. The third line *lot% the gra*h of ra2 data
and fitted "alue% and add% a title for the gra*h and label% for the $ and y a$e%.
Fig. 1&.1 Pol%nomial c#rve fitting b% least s*#are metho"
Tutorial 13 Pol'nomial Curve 3ittin% | 3-
Tutorial 14 4eadin% +icrosoft Excel 3iles
!cilab *ro"ide% a %et of function% to read -icro%oft E$cel file%. !cilab
"er%ion &.1.1 can read E$cel file% u* to "er%ion '44# ?.$l%@, but not -icro%oft
E$cel '443 ?.$l%$@ file%. The %te*% to read an E$cel file areB ?i@ o*en the file 2ith
$ls_open() function, ?ii@ read the file content% 2ith the $ls_read() function
and ?iii@ clo%e the file 2ith the !close() function. Before o*ening the file, chec)
the current 2or)ing directory and change it if nece%%ary. :lternati"ely, note the
com*lete *ath to the file and u%e it to define the full *ath to the file location.
:%%uming the cell% A/'C0 in
Sheet/ contain data a% %ho2n in
the ad;oining figure, Halue i% a
#$0 matri$ containing, 3e$Ind i%
a #$0 matri$ and 443 i% a 1$#
matri$ a% %ho2n in the out*ut
7ollo2ing i% a %im*le e$am*le of ho2 you can o*en and read an E$cel file,
a%%uming that the file i% named es&$ls and i% located in the current 2or)ing
-->&6%( sst( sheetna,es( sheetp*s' = "ls$*pen(4test."ls4)#
-->&val:e( te"t' = "ls$.ea%(6%( sheetp*s(1))#
1. 2. 3. /an
. 5. 6. /an
7. 8. !. /an
0. 0. 0. 1.
0. 0. 0. 2.
0. 0. 0. 3.
O ?ne 0)* O
The function $ls_open() return% four "alue%, fd i% the file de%cri*tor that
i% reGuired during %ub%eGuent o*eration% on the file, 443 i% the "ector of all
%tring% in the file, 4heena!es i% the "ector of name% of all %heet% in the file and
4heepos i% a "ector of number% indicating the beginning of different %heet%
2ithin the file. The function $ls_read() reGuire% the file de%cri*tor fd and the
sheepos of the %heet to be read, *re"iou%ly obtained from $ls_open() function
call. To read the content% of the fir%t %heet, u%e sheepos(1). Thi% function
return% t2o "alue%, Halue i% a matri$ of containing all numerical "alue% in the
%heet 2ith 2an ?>ot a number@ in the cell *o%ition% containing non1numeric
data and e$ i% a matri$ containing 9ero% corre%*onding to cell% containing
numeric data and non19ero "alue% corre%*onding to %tring data. The non19ero
integer% in e$ *oint to the corre%*onding %tring "alue %tored in the "ariable
ss returned by the $ls_open() function call.
Tutorial 14 4eadin% +icrosoft Excel 3iles | 4.
There i% another function read$ls() that can read E$cel file%. It i% %im*ler
to u%e com*ared to the $ls_open(), $ls_read() and !close() combination.
-->sheets = .ea%"ls(4test."ls4)#
-->s1 = sheets(1)#
-->a = s1.val:e
a =
O 1. 2. 3. ?ne O
O . 5. 6. 0)* O
O 7. 8. !. O
-->ans =
O ?ne O
O 0)* O
The !cilab "ariable editor edivar can %ho2 the "alue% read by read$ls()
function and al%o allo2 editing and u*dating of "alue% to !cilab 2or)%*ace.
-->e%itva. s1
Tutorial 14 4eadin% +icrosoft Excel 3iles | 41
Tutorial 1 Some +iscellaneous Commands
!ome command% related to o*eration% on di%)% are im*ortant and they are
li%ted belo2. They are reGuired 2hen you 2ant to change the directory in
2hich your function file% are %tored or from 2here they are to be read.
Print% the name of the current 2or)ing directory
!ame a% pwd.
Change% the 2or)ing directory to a different di%)
location named dir.
In "er%ion &.1.1, changing directory ha% become ea%y and "i%ual. In the
main menu, go to File Change current directory... and visuall" bro%se to the
folder %hich "ou %ant to ma&e the current director" and clic& OK. 'he error prone
tas& of t"pin! len!th" folder paths is no lon!er necessar".
It i% *o%%ible to %a"e all the "ariable% in the !cilab (or)%*ace to a di%) file
%o that you can Guic)ly reload all the "ariable% and function% from a *re"iou%
%e%%ion and continue from 2here you left off. The command% u%ed for thi%
*ur*o%e areB
!a"e% entire content% of the !cilab 2or)%*ace
?"ariable% and function%@ in the file pf&'in in the
current 2or)ing directory.
8e%tore% content% of the !cilab 2or)%*ace from the file
pf&'in in the current 2or)ing directory.
save(4p6.bin4( "+)
!a"e% only the "ariable $y of the !cilab 2or)%*ace in
the file pf&'in in the current 2or)ing directory.
It i% *o%%ible to determine the %i9e of "ariable% in the !cilab 2or)%*ace
2ith the follo2ing commandB
8eturn% a 1$' matri$ containing the number of ro2%
and column% in the matri$ $.
8eturn% the number of element% in matri$ $ ?number
of ro2% multi*lied by number of column%@.
Clear the %creen. :lternately, you can *re%% the F2
function )ey
!cilab maintain% a hi%tory of the command% ty*ed at the command
*rom*t. Hou can %croll u* and do2n the command hi%tory 2ith the u*
arro2 ?@ and do2n arro2 ?@ )ey% on the )eyboard. Hou can mo"e to the left
and right along one of the *re"iou% command% from the command hi%tory 2ith
the left arro2 ?@, right arro2 ?@, Home and End )ey% on the )eyboard. Hou
can delete any of the character% 2ith the Delete or Bac)%*ace )ey%. In%ert ne2
character%. Hou can *re%% the Enter )ey to com*lete the command.
Tutorial 1 Some +iscellaneous Commands | 42
Tutorial 1( &ata Structures
!cilab ha% %u**ort for data %tructure%, %uch a% cell, hyper!arices, lis,
!lis, rlis, lis and sruc. Thi% tutorial 2ill touch u*on %ome of them,
namely, lis, cell and sruc.
The li%t data %tructure allo2% o*eration% %uch a% in%ertion, deletion,
-->lst=list(1( &1( 2# 3( '( &LaN( LbN( LcN')# // c.eate a list
-->lst(1) // e"t.act ele,ent *6 lst
ans =
ans =
1. 2.
2. .
ans =
Oa b cO
ans =
-->lst(9) // e"t.act last ele,ent *6 lst
ans =
Oa b cO
-->lst(9+1) = LQppen% t* listN# // appen% t* lst
ans =
Qppen% t* list
-->lst(0) = L=nse.t be6*.e listN#
ans =
=nse.t be6*.e list
The cell data %tructure allo2% the creation of matrice% in 2hich each
element can be of different ty*e. >ormally, all element% of a matri$ mu%t be of
the %ame data ty*e. Thu% a matri$ cannot ha"e one element a% a number 2hile
another element i% a %tring. The cell data %tructure doe% not ha"e thi% limitation.
In fact, each element in turn can be another data %tructure, thereby allo2ing
con%truction of com*le$ data %tructure%.
-->a = cell(3) // c.eate a cell )ith 3 .*)s an% 3 c*l:,ns
a =
Tutorial 1( &ata Structures | 43
-->b = cell(3(1)# // c.eate a cell )ith 3 .*)s an% 1 c*l:,n
-->c = cell(2( 3( )# // c.eate a cell )ith 2 .*)s( 3 c*l:,ns an%
-->b(1).ent.ies = 183#
-->b(2).ent.ies = L1cilabN#
-->b(3).ent.ies = &1 2# 3 '#
b =
O&1 2 3' O
ON1cilabN O
OU2"2 c*nstantV O
ans =
&1( 2( 3'
ans =
ans =
ans =
U2"2 c*nstant)
ans =
1. 2.
3. .
ans =
3 1
ans =
3. 1.
The sruc data %tructure allo2% the creation of u%er defined data ty*e%
2ith u%er defined field name%. The sruc i% analogou% to the sruc in C
*rogramming language, but i% more fle$ible in that the ne2 field% can be
created e"en after the sruc ha% been created. Each field can %tore any ty*e of
!cilab data, including matrice%, cell%, li%t% or e"en other sruc%.
-->%t = st.:ct(4%ate4( 15( 4,*nth4( 4Q:74( 4+ea.4( 1!7)
%t =
%a+8 15
,*nth8 LQ:7N
+ea.8 1!7
Tutorial 1( &ata Structures | 44
The abo"e data %tructure contain% three field%, namely, day, month and
year. (hile day and year %tore numeric data, month %tore% %tring data. (e can
acce%% the indi"idual field% 2ith the . ?dot@ o*erator.
ans =
ans =
ans =
(e can create ne2 field% by %im*ly a%%igning data to a ne2 filed name.
-->%t.%esc = L=n%epen%ence %a+N
%t =
%a+8 15
,*nth8 LQ:7N
+ea.8 1!7
%esc8 L=n%epen%ence %a+N
: %truct need not be e$*licitly created u%ing the sruc() function and a
field can al%o contain matrice%.
-->s.t+pe = L1paceN#
-->s.:nit.len7th = L,N#
-->s.:nit.6*.ce = LW/N#
-->s.n*%es = &1 0 0 0# 2 0 5 0# 3 8 5 0# 8 0 0'#
s =
t+pe8 L1pace
:nit8 &1"1 st.:ct'
n*%es8 &" c*nstant'
ans =
len7th8 L,N
6*.ce8 LW/N
ans =
1. 0. 0. 0.
2. 0. 5. 0.
3. 8. 5. 0.
. 8. 0. 0.
Data %tructure% hel* organi9e data in a hierarchical manner and %im*lify
*a%%ing of data from one function to another. It no2 become% *o%%ible to *ac)
data into a %ingle ob;ect and un*ac) the ob;ect to e$tract indi"idual field%. Thu%
*a%%ing a %ingle ob;ect a% the argument to a function gi"e% acce%% to all the
indi"idual field% 2ithin the ob;ect in%ide it. Pre"iou%ly, 2e 2ould ha"e to *a%%
each field of the data %tructure% a% an indi"idual argument.
Tutorial 1( &ata Structures | 4
:% an illu%tration, let the different attribute% re*re%enting a %tructure be
?i@ ty*e of %tructure ?*o%%ible "alue% are %*ace, *lane, tru%%, grid etc.@, ?ii@ node
coordinate% ?a matri$ 2ith # column%@, ?iii@ member connecti"ity ?matri$ 2ith
# column%@ and ?i"@ material ?a matri$ 2ith # column%@. To *a%% the
information about a %tructure to a function, 2e 2ill ha"e to u%e four argument%.
In%tead, if 2e define a data %tructure 2ith the four attribute% a% it% field%, 2e
2ill need to *a%% only one argument to the function, and 2ithin the function, 2e
can acce%% the indi"idual field%.
Tutorial 1( &ata Structures | 4(
Tutorial 1) &irected 1ra$!s
roblem &efinition
It i% intended to re*re%ent a t2o dimen%ional tru%% in matri$ notation and
de"elo* function% to calculate the follo2ingB
1. function to calculate the length of a member gi"en it% Id
'. function to calculate the *ro;ection% along $1 and y1a$e% and angle
made by a member 2ith the $1a$i%
#. function to li%t the %tart and end node% of a %*ecified member
0. function to calculate the total length of all member%
&. function to li%t the member% meeting at a node
+. function to calculate the number of member% meeting at each ;oint
&ata &efinition
>ode% of a tru%% ha"e $ and y coordinate%. Interconnecti"ity of member% i%
e$*re%%ed in term% of a connecti"ity matri$. The connecti"ity matri$ re*re%ent%
the number% of the node% connected by a gi"en member.
1ode Coordinates
1ode , y
1 4.4 4.4
' #.4 4.4
# +.4 4.4
0 1.& 0.4
& 0.& 0.4
#ember Connecti2ity
#ember 1ode i 1ode 3
1 1 '
' ' #
# 0 &
0 1 0
& ' 0
+ ' &
Tutorial 1) &irected 1ra$!s | 4)
4 5
1 2
6 7
3 m 3 m

3 # &
Thi% data can be in*ut into t2o "ariable%, $y and conn, a% follo2%B
-->"+ = &0 0# 3 0# 6 0# 1.5 # .5 '
-->c*nn = &1 2# 2 3# 5# 1 # 2 # 2 5# 3 5'
Before attem*ting to 2rite the function%, let u% try out the command%
interacti"ely and "erify our under%tanding of the %te*%. To di%*lay the gra*h of
the tru%%, 2e mu%t fir%t define the gra*h data %tructure 2ith the hel* of the
!a?e_(raph() function and then u%e show_(raph() function.
-->tail = c*nn(8(1)4# hea% = c*nn(8(2)4#
-->&n*%es( %:,,+' = si2e("+)#
-->7 = ,aWe$7.aph(40.:ss4( 1( n*%es( tail( hea%)#
-->7.n*%es.7.aphics." = "+(8(1)4*100#
-->7.n*%es.7.aphics.+ = "+(8(2)4*100#
The abo"e command% *roduce the figure %ho2n abo"e. 6et u% no2 2rite
the function% to com*lete the "ariou% a%%igned ta%)%.
7unction rows($) return% the number of ro2% in a matri$ $.
6:ncti*n &.' = .*)s(")
&.(%:,,+' = si2e(")#
7unction (e_nodes(id, conn) return% the number% of the node% n1 and
n2 at the end% of member 2ith number id.
6:ncti*n &n1( n2' = 7et$n*%es(i%( c*nn)
n1 = c*nn(i%( 1)# // B*l:,n 1 *6 c*nnectivit+ ,at.i" st*.es sta.t
n2 = c*nn(i%( 2)# // B*l:,n 2 *6 c*nnectivit+ ,at.i" st*.es en%
7unction len(id, $y, conn) return% the length G of a member.
6:ncti*n &K' = len(i%( "+( c*nn)
&n1( n2' = 7et$n*%es(i%( c*nn)#
p1 = "+(n1(8)# p2 = "+(n2(8)# // B**.%inates *6 n*%es n1 an% n2
%" = p2 - p1# // Xi66e.ence *6 c**.%inates *6 n1 an% n2
K =s-.t(s:,(%" .^2))# // C*.,:la 6*. len7th 6.*, anal+tical
Tutorial 1) &irected 1ra$!s | 4*
7unction proJecions(id, $y, conn) return% the $ and y *ro;ection% d$
and dy of a member a% 2ell a% the angle hea made by the member 2ith the $1
6:ncti*n &%"( %+( theta' = p.*Yecti*ns(i%( "+( c*nn)
&n1( n2'=7et$n*%es(i%( c*nn)#
p1 = "+(n1(8)# p2 = "+(n2(8)#
%i66e.ence = p2 - p1#
%" = %i66e.ence(1)# // "-p.*Yecti*n is in c*l:,n 1 *6 %i66
%+ = %i66e.ence(2)# // +-p.*Yecti*n is in c*l:,n 2 *6 %i66
i6 %" == 0 then
theta = ;pi/2#
theta = atan(%+/%")#
7unction oal_len(h($y, conn) return% the total length of all member%
in a tru%%.
6:ncti*n &t*t$K'=t*tal$len7th("+( c*nn)
,e,be.s = .*)s(c*nn)#
6*. i%=18,e,be.s
// %isp(K)#
t*t$K = s:,(K)#
7unction !e!'ers_a_node(nodeid, conn) return% the number% of
member% meeting at a node.
6:ncti*n &,e,lst' = ,e,be.s$at$n*%e(n*%ei%( c*nn)
,e,lst = 6in%( (c*nn(8(1)==n*%ei%) J (c*nn(8(2)==n*%ei%) )#
7unction nu!_!e!'ers_a_node(nodeid, conn) return% the number of
member% meeting at node.
6:ncti*n &n' = n:,$,e,be.s$at$n*%e(n*%ei%( c*nn)
,e,lst = ,e,be.s$at$n*%e(n*%ei%( c*nn)#
n = len7th(,e,lst)#
7unction !a?e_russ(na!e, $y, conn) *re*are% the data %tructure to
re*re%ent a tru%%.
6:ncti*n &7' = ,aWe$t.:ss(na,e( "+( c*nn( scale)
t = c*nn(8(1)4# // tail n*%e n:,be.s
h = c*nn(8(2)4# // hea% n*%e n:,be.s
7 = ,aWe$7.aph(na,e( 1( .*)s("+)( t( h)#
7.n*%es.7.aphics." = "+(8(1)4 * scale#
7.n*%es.7.aphics.+ = "+(8(2)4 * scale#
Tutorial 1) &irected 1ra$!s | 4-
D%ing the data *re"iou%ly entered, 2e can te%t the abo"e function% a%
%ho2n belo2B
-->7 = ,aWe$t.:ss(40.:ss4( "+( c*nn( 100)#
The other function% can al%o be te%ted a% follo2%B
-->t*t$len = t*tal$len7th("+( c*nn)# %isp(t*t$len)
-->6*. i = 18.*)s("+)
--> n = n:,$,e,be.s$at$n*%e(i( c*nn)#
--> ,e,$lst = ,e,be.s$at$n*%e(i( c*nn)#
--> %isp(&n ,e,$list')
2. 1. .
. 1. 2. 5. 6.
2. 2 7.
3. 3 . 5.
3. 6. 7.
(e can al%o te%t the length and *ro;ection function% in a %ingle for loo*B
-->6*. i = 18.*)s(c*nn)
--> K = len(i( "+( c*nn)#
--> &%"( %+( theta' = p.*Yecti*ns(i( "+( c*nn)#
--> %isp(&%" %+ theta K')
3. 0. 0. 3.
3. 0. 0. 3.
3. 0. 0. 3.
1.5 . 1.2120257 .272001!
-1.5 . -1.2120257 .272001!
1.5 . 1.2120257 .272001!
-1.5 . -1.2120257 .272001!
The node number% and member number% can be di%*layed on the gra*h
u%ing the Vie2 .*tion% from the main menu of the gra*hic% 2indo2. 5ra*h
%etting% can be modified from the 5ra*h !etting% from the main menu.
5ra*h %etting% that can be changed are node diameter, edge 2idth, border node
2idth, edge colour inde$ etc.
Tutorial 1) &irected 1ra$!s | .
Tutorial 1* Princi$al Stresses
In the theory of ela%ticity, the %tre%% com*onent% at a *oint are
re*re%ented a% a matri$ con%i%ting of # normal %tre%%e% on the diagonal and
three %hear %tre%%e% off the diagonal. The condition of eGuilibrium reGuire% that
the matri$ be %ymmetric. : ty*ical %tre%% matri$ i% 2ritten a% follo2%B









The *rinci*al *lane% are defined a% tho%e *lane% on 2hich only normal
%tre%%e% act and are free of %hear %tre%%e%. They al%o re*re%ent the ma$imum
"alue% of the normal %tre%% at that *oint. The condition for a *lane to be a
*rinci*al *lane and the %tre%%e% on it to be the *rinci*al %tre%% i% e$*re%%ed in
the form of a homogeneou% eGuationB










2here i% the *rinci*al %tre%% and
are the direction co%ine% of
the out2ard normal to the *rinci*al *lane. It i% reGuired to determine the
*rinci*al %tre%%e% and the direction co%ine% of the *rinci*al *lane%. The
characteri%tic eGuation of the abo"e %et of homogeneou% eGuation% i%


=0 . Being a cubic eGuation, it ha% three root% and thu% there
are three "alue% of *rinci*al %tre%%e%. Corre%*onding to each *rinci*al %tre%% i%
one *rinci*al *lane re*re%ented by the direction co%ine% of it% out2ard normal.
In mathematic%, thi% i% an eigen"alue *roblem, the eigen"alue% are the *rinci*al
%tre%%e% and eigen"ector% are the direction co%ine% of the out2ard normal to
the *rinci*al *lane%.
The *rinci*al %tre%%e% and *rinci*al *lane% can thu% be obtained 2ith the
spec function in !cilab. :% an e$am*le, let the %tre%% matri$ be a% follo2%B
3 2.5 4
2.5 1 0
4 0 2
Then the %olution can be obtained a% follo2%B
-->s = &3( 2.5( # 2.5( 1( 0# ( 0( 2'#
-->&"( p' = spec(s)
p =
-2.316605 0. 0.
0. 1.2!6876! 0.
0. 0. 7.137836
" =
0.652!665 -0.0!7!278 0.75102!3
-0.756!28 -0.826!! 0.3060537
-0.58!3651 0.5571020 0.5850523
Tutorial 1* Princi$al Stresses | 1
The eigen"alue% are on the diagonal of the matri$ p. The column% of
eigen"ector $ corre%*ond to the eigen"alue on the diagonal. Thu% the fir%t
column of $ corre%*ond% to the *rinci*al %tre%% "alue -2&.#1,,%5. The
eigen"alue% are arranged in increa%ing order 2herea% the *rinci*al %tre%%e%
are, by con"ention, arranged in decrea%ing order. Thu% the fir%t *rinci*al %tre%%

, %econd *rinci*al %tre%% i%

and the third
*rinci*al %tre%% i%

. The fir%t *rinci*al *lane i% defined by the
direction co%ine%
The %olution can al%o be obtained by an alternati"e 2ay, u%ing
*olynomial%. In thi% a**roach the eigen"alue% can be be obtained ea%ily but
obtaining the eigen"ector% may in"ol"e a fe2 additional manual calculation%.
But it ha% the ad"antage that 2e can obtain the characteri%tic eGuation, 2hich i%
not a"ailable in the fir%t %olution. Here, let u% fir%t define a %eed for a *olynomial
a% p = poly(%, "p") and u%e it to re*re%ent the homogeneou% eGuation% a%
-->p = p*l+(0( 4p4)#
-->ss = s 5 e+e(s) * p#
-->ch = %et(ss)
ch =
2 3
-22.5 + 11.25p + p - p
ans =
To obtain the eigen"ector corre%*onding to a cho%en eigen"alue, 2e mu%t
%ub%titute the "alue of the eigen"alue into the homogeneou% eGuation%, and
choo%e any t2o of the three eGuation% and %ol"e them for t2o of the direction
co%ine% in term% of the third.







The abo"e eGuation% can be %ol"ed to obtain
in term% of
. Then u%ing the fact that the %um of the %Guare of
the direction co%ine% i% unity, all the three direction co%ine% can be obtained.
=1 or 1k
8earranging and %ol"ing 2e getB



(e could 2rite our o2n function% to do the%e calculation%, ta)ing care to
%ort the eigen"alue% before *roceeding 2ith the eigen"ector calculation%.
Tutorial 1* Princi$al Stresses | 2

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