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Pre-Production Booklet for Animation

Name: Mathew Pitson

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)

Assessment criteria
Mind maps of ideas
Risk assessment
Format of your animation
Subject and storyline
Character notes and profiles
Movement of characters
Audio and soundtrack
Sound table
Props list
Storyboard and script (add script to booklet)
Frame rates
Lighting design
Production schedule
Crew details
Frame Numbers
Dope Sheets

How to use this booklet
You will need to complete every page of this booklet, and all sections / questions
Assessment criteria for Distinction grade;
Plans will show a full consideration of movement and continuity, perspective, point of view,
transitions and special effects.
Precise and workable planning of timing and synchronisation to a soundtrack will be
produced. It will be clear at this stage, from the documentation, what the finished piece will
look and sound like.
Learners will follow industry conventions and terminology used in storyboard production
Plans for the construction of models, sets and props will be realistic and clear.
Drawings, script and storyboard will all show a creative interpretation of the idea.

The documentation linked to the production will be full and detailed and there will be
evidence that the production management and scheduling of the project has been effective
and carried out in a professional manner. The techniques used in the production of the work
are likely to be related to an understanding of current trends in the industry.

Both LO2 and LO3
In all practical activity learners will be capable of working autonomously and effectively. They
will work on their own initiative, will not need constant support or supervision, will give the
work their full commitment, work positively and cooperatively with others, and meet
deadlines. In other words, they will have the kind of self-management skills that would be
expected of them in a professional context. Note also that this criterion should not be taken
to mean that learners do not seek advice or that they work without discussing things with
their tutor, but rather that they are not dependent upon the support of others and that when
they take advice they weigh it carefully for themselves.

Brainstorm / mind map (add extra pages if necessary)

Attach a 400 word treatment of your idea
The idea for my story is to use stop motion animation to film the story of
a man called Bobby Du Preez who is a South African businessman
fishing in the sea of the coast of South Africa who gets attacked by a
shark whilst fishing. It will last for 30 seconds, come under the genre of
thriller and will only be for the ages of 12 and above according to my
negotiated brief. This will allow me to have some more graphic and
violent scenes because the age restriction is higher.
The idea of combining play dough and Lego has not been used before,
using the play dough to make the ocean will be great because you can
create the waves and the ripple effect for more detail, also the
movement of the shark and building him up and down from the water
can be done especially with sop motion animation, using the Lego man
will be a really good idea because there will be a lot of movement in the
man and as compared to the rest of the set he is quite small and making
a play dough man that small would be difficult to control movement of a
play dough man that small whereas the design of the Lego man allows
you to mike slight movements which is too difficult with play dough.

Bobby: Bobby is a South African financial advisor who is married but on
the weekends enjoys fishing. He will be made of Lego.
Shark: Renowned of the coast of South Africa as being as big as 24ft
and very aggressive. He will be made of grey play dough.
Birds eye view: This will be used to show the shark moving towards the
boat for a few seconds.
Extreme close up: This will be used to show the expressions on Bobbys
Wide Angle: This will be used at first to show just the man fishing, but
also the shark rising from the ocean and moving towards the boat.
Over the shoulder: This will be used to show the shark moving closer to
Bobby whilst hes looking at the camera.
I will be using 24 pictures per second which is the industry standers, this
mean I will have to take 720 photos for the films but because there are
that many photos it will allow me to have a smooth running film with so

How will you meet the requirements of your brief?
The first Item on my brief was that genres had to be either horror, drama
or comedy, this was negotiated and we changed it to thriller to allow my
story to fall under that genre, I will create the films as a thriller by having
some suspense caused by the music and the scenes of the shark
approaching the boat without the fisherman knowing and then by the
scenes of the shark attacking the boat.
The second part of my brief was that it had to be for all ages, this was
negotiated and was changed to the ages of 12 and above, I will do this
by creating some scenes that are quite violent and graphic scenes.
The third item was that it had to be 30 seconds, I wanted to negotiate
this to a smaller, time but I could not do this, so I decided to add in more
scenes to my storyboard.

Risk assessment: Are there any health and safety issues you may encounter?
The main health and safety issues that may occur will be in the studio, There is
a lot of wires and expensive equipment in the studio, I could trip on of these
wires and hurt myself and damage the equipment.
Another one is that whilst using the play dough is that I might have to use a
knife to get a clean cut through the play dough, There is a potential risk ok
cutting myself whilst using this knife.

Discuss any legal issues you may face. Eg; sound, plagiarism, age restrictions
There are some legal issues that may occur, one of them being that even
though the age restriction has been negotiated from all ages to 12 and above
to allow for the violence, this still may be too young and some people may
believe that it is still to violent for people under 15 or under 18.
Also I do not have permission to use the soundtrack from jaws, this means
that the owners of this soundtrack could fine me and take the track away.

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