PKSR 1 / 2010 Mathematics Year 2 (Paper 2)

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PKSR 1 / 2010


NAME : ............................................................. CLASS :
Answer all te !"est#$ns.
1. Write %e#&t "n're' an' twent()*$"r+ in numerals.
( 1 mark )
2. State the ,al"e of digit 3 in the number 936.
( 1 mark )
3. What is the -la.e ,al"e of the underline digit in the number below.
( 1 mark )
!. " 2 #
( 2 marks )
. ! $ 28 #
( 2 marks )
6. 9 $ ! $ 2 #
( 2 marks )
7. What is the '#/eren.e between 8! and 3! ?
( 2 marks )
8. %ind the s"0 of 78 and .
( 2 marks )
9. &rrange the numbers below in 'es.en'#n& order.
737' 771' 7(7' 77' 711
( 2 marks )
1(. 8 $ # 2
( 2 marks )
11. %ind the -r$'".t of 9 and .
( 2 marks )
12. %ill in the bo)es with the *orre*t numbers based on the diagram below.

+ + + #

" #
( 2 marks )
13. Write the number senten*e for multi,li*ation based on the number line below.

( 2 ! 6 8 1( 12 1! 16
" #
( 2 marks )
1!. Ta1e awa( 7 from 93.
( 2 marks )
1. 6 " # 18
( 2 marks )
16. + 6 # 8!
( 2 marks )
17. .al*ulate the t$tal of 8' ! and 3.

( 2 marks )
18. /ak Samat take out ! nails from a bo) and has 6! nails left. 0ow man1 nails are
2here in the bo) at 3rst ?
( 3 marks )
19. 4mran has 36 marbles. 5amal has 28 marbles. 0ow man1 marbles do the1 ha6e
altogether ?
( 3 marks )
2(. Saiful bu1s 7( mangoesteens. 0e gi6es 2 mangoesteens to his friend. 0ow
mangoesteens does he ha6e left ?
( 3 marks )

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