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You have two hours to finish this examination; you are required to attempt all questions. You are not expected to
engage in any form of communications with your colleagues, you are only allowed to communicate with your
instructor or invigilator. Failure to adhere to this instructions could results in your guided.
Type in the answer where you have (A) and resend it back to my E-mail:, The subject should be Exam
on Internet.

OBJECTIVES: 10 (Marks in each)
1. What is computer?
A.A computer is an electronic device which accepts data and processes it in other to bring out
useful information
2. Who is the founder of Microsoft?
A.bill gates

3. Who is the Co- founder of Microsoft?
4. Control Q is used for what in shortcut key?

5. Define Internet?
A.Internet is a connection of computers in other to give its users useful information.
6. Memory store what in computer?
7. What is a peripheral device?
A.A peripheral device connects the computer software and hardware.

8. What is the full meaning of V.I.R.U.S?
9. State one Objective of an operating system.
10. How do you open an existing document in Microsoft word?
A.left click on your created folder double times for your folder to open,then double click on the
particular document you desire to open.
11. In Microsoft word Group is used for what?
A.It is used to select or group a particular piece of work in other to be able to move it to a
desired position or in other to work more on it.

12. Define backing storage.
Backup storage such as flash drive,etc are those devices used to store information in case of
13 Microsoft Power Point is used for what?

A.It is used for the preseentation of slide show such as advertising, film show presentation,
presentation of cast names for a film.
15. Control T is used for what in shortcut key?
A.It is used for a new tab

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