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June 19

Our class was introduced to moodleling, a new way of communicating or sharing
our ideas, questions, beliefs, reflections which was considered to be exciting,
frightfully fun, a new experience of sharing. This is one way of learning from one
anothers expertise. However, this was not seen as something new to some of our
group mates because they have been into this before but since it is my first time to
do this, it challenges me more.

We were given a copy of the Graduating Teacher Standards which was considered
to be a way of measuring who was appropriate to move to a school context and
become a teacher. We used this document to apply one strategy of learning that is:
underlining what we want to know, highlighting words that are important, encircling
those that we dont understand and writing comments. This is done individually
but this had helped me unpack what I know. This unpacking of the content of
the document led me to understand better the GTS in relation to updates of
current practices and innovations.
We have accessed to prior knowledge by using the bus-stop strategy wherein we
have to work collaboratively in order to learn from one another. This is very
effective because this will bring out from each one what one really knows about
the subject matter. We were able to identify current knowledge and share this
knowledge through a team approach. Working collaboratively enhances better
learning and better understanding of the lesson presented. This activity give us
the chance to discuss, share our ideas and led us to come out with one final
answer that we shared to other groups.

The work was successful because it proved that we learned from each other and
that there was the spirit of cooperation and the openness to continue learning
from each other.

I realised that with this kind of activity, if I have to use this in the classroom
situation, students will be able to express their ideas of what they already know
regarding a topic. This will bring among themselves the spirit of cooperation
because this will enable them to work cooperatively with one another.
June 20

Today we were shown the schematic view of the New Zealand Curriculum and
again we were divided into several groups. My group was task to unpack the
Vision of the NZC: confident, Connected, Actively involved and Lifelong learners.

As a group, we worked cooperatively to unpacking the Visions of the NZC. The
snowball strategy was used. Cooperatively working with other groups, makes it
clear for me to what a teacher can and should do in her teaching to the learners.
There was a lot of discussion done during this activity. After which we shared it to
the other groups. To see the snowball effect of what we have unpacked we have to
post our ideas on the board together with the other groups. From here, the
different groups continued to learn by discussing with one another what they have
unpacked from their assigned tasked. From here, sharing of expertise can already
be seen. Theres a proof of the openness to learn from one another. Also, during
this activity we have developed more our skill of listening. We really have to listen
intently to be able to understand what is being shared to the group this way we were
able to link our work with their work.
It was a very amazing experience, working together, sharing ideas together,
coming out with one final analysis. We did cooperative learning.
What I have learned from this activity is that, it is really helpful if you know what
your visions are for your learners and this is linked with the Graduating Teacher
Standard. You will never be an effective teacher if you dont have the visions of
what the learners will be in your teaching.

We were also able to identify who were the priority learners. Priority learners
are the groups of students who have not identified as experiencing success in NZ
schools. They are the Maori, Pacifica, special Educational needs and low socio-
economic backgrounds. There is a need that these students are to be identified
as priority learners so that as a teacher I will be able to improve outcomes for
these learners to reach their potentials. Knowing who are priority learners are
will assist me on how to respond to their needs, strengths and interests.
The principles of effective pedagogy for English language learners was also
discussed. Here, it is important again knowing your learners first. I see this
as important because I will not be able to plan my lessons properly in
responding to the needs of my learners. It is really important to know their
schooling background, finding their prior knowledge so that I will be able to
identify what approaches I will need as a teacher to make their learning
effective and meaningful.
June 21

Teaching as an inquiry involves reflecting, developing new knowledge, developing students
learning where there is an issue. I found it important that in order to make teaching
inquiry important effective date or evidence are to be gathered . This data could be in the
form of processes, results of summative or formative assessments, conversation done with
students. The data to be gathered will be the basis of the strategies that will be used in the
teaching learning process.

This made me realise that it is not just imparting knowledge to the students that is
important, what is also important is to know if the student is really learning, if the student
is engage in the teaching learning process. Having a teaching inquiry also had helped see
closely what I need as a teacher and see also what my students need. This will help me
plan my lesson well. Its only now that I am now asking myself where am I now as a
teacher? What do I know about my students? What do I need to know them? What do
they need to learn? How will I facilitate their learning? How will I know that I am
facilitating in their learning? What would be my next step? These are just some of the
questions that are playing in my mind.

One effective pedagogy in teaching is that teachers should inquire into the impact of
their teaching on their students. To be able to do this, teachers should have arrived at
questions like: have I identified the present status of the students? Have I stated very
well the learning Intentions in a way that the students can understand and internalise?

As to the question on where do I place my self? A dispenser of knowledge who always
prescribed the students activity or as a coach and facilitator wherein my students have a
student directed learning. Whatever is best for the student is what that matters. But I
always bear in mind that it should always be a student centred activity wherein my role is to
coach and facilitate their learning and not to prescribe their activities. Students should be
given the chance to design their own activities where in the teacher is just there to guide,
assist, help process the information with the students.

We had a recapitulations about the learning intentions and success criteria.......
The Contexttual factors that influence teaching and learning

Specific task was given to the group on the contextual factors that influence teaching
and learning: national and community context, classroom context, school context,
students characteristics context. We unpacked about what we understand about the
contextual framework assigned and write it on the jigsaw puzzle using one colour.
We were given time to unpack the document and then we exchange with another
group who had worked on another contextual framework that influence teaching and
learning. Whatever was unpacked by the other group, my group has to put it back in
the jigsaw puzzle and come out with what was unpacked by the group whose work we
are working on. This activity is very effective because we worked as a team in
unpacking the content of the document. It entails patience in looking for the right
position of the puzzle. Its fun too because you could see how the other groups are
making it complicated so as to make it for us difficult to find the correct place. Its
tricky but it was taken by the group as a challenge.
This kind of activity will be useful in a classroom situation because the
students will be able to work as a team and will develop patience and
perseverance as well. Working collaboratively will be enhanced in this kind of
On the nature of learning, I strongly believe that students are move motivated to engage in
learning when they feel competent to do what they are expected of them. They feel
confident that that they know what they are doing. Also, students are feel more motivated
when they value the subject and have a clear purpose. Which would mean that they love the
subject because they know why they are there, they know that they have a goal to achieve.
Students who see and feel that their learning environment is favourable or safe they are more
engaged in their learning. If they have positive experiences in the learning environment then
the students are well engaged.

Students have to feel their worth as persons so that they will have more confidence in

In the teaching learning process, what matters very much is the quality of knowledge and
understanding rather than the quantity or how much is taught. Even if there is a lot of things
taught to the students if they dont internalise it , it would only mean that they did not really
understand what they are learning.

Learners are to be the centre in the teaching learning process. They are to be the central
players. Teachers are their to guide, assist, facilitate, coach .
With these, knowing the nature of learning is very crucial for me because it will help me
plan and design the activities basing on their needs. This will also help me have some self
introspections as to where am I going as a teacher? What do I need to be of help in the
learning of my students.
On Tataiako, cultural competencies for teachers of Maori learners. This emphasises the
important of the relationship and the engagement between the teacher and the maori
learner. It is important for the teacher to have the competencies of dealing with maori
students so that they will be able to assist them to achieve. This resource is helpful to the
teacher as well as other people involved in the learning development of the maori
learner. It is very important that a teacher who teaches the maori leaners will show
respect, integrity, sincerity to the maori learners beliefs, language and culture. With this,
it will lead to a more engaging teaching learning situation.

On Kahikitia, Managing for success, this emphasises the importance of the teacher-
learner relationship. Effective teaching and learning depends on the relationship between
the teacher and the student. It is best if the teacher knows where her students come
from so that from there she can start building trust from her students.

These two resources could be very helpful in teaching maori learners because it will lead
the teacher understand better her diverse students.
On the importance of the teacher /student relationship for Maori and Pasifika students by Kay
Hawk, et. Al shows that when a positive relationship exist students are more motivate to learn or
are more engaged in their leaning. They will actively participate in their learning which will result
to effective learning. The study shows also that when a teacher is unable to form a positive
relationship with her students, the students are less able to open themselves to learning from the
particular teacher. In this study , it shows that the type of person which includes their beliefs,
values, skills, attitudes will contribute to their being able to form a positive relationship with the
students. With these, it is necessary that teachers should display or demonstrate an understanding
of the Maori and Pasifika cultures as well as the teacher should know how to empathise with them.
It is not only on how to know dealing with them but also it would be very effective if the teacher will
be very careful in pronouncing the names of the students. Teacher should know how to respect
her students so that students will respect her backrespect begets respect. From this , I would say
that the first thing that a teacher should do is to build a positive relationship with her students so
that there will be an effective-teaching-learning to take place.

We had a mini lesson for the day. We were grouped and have to teach the topic to our
group. To ease the tension that some of us were feeling, all the participants were asked to stand
with raised hands so as to identify the height and where they should be. This had helped. The
reason for this is, each one has given a number until 3 and all those who have the same
number should stay together. Those having the same number are those who will be in one
group where the mini lesson prepared by each be taught.
It was a mixed emotion before the teaching of the lesson prepared. We even went to the extent
of doing the paper, scissor, rock just as to who will teach first. We feel so tensed

My learning intention was. WALT to plan to elaborate ideas. And the success criteria was to
the students to be able to write a plan ........ During the teaching of the lesson, every now and
then Colleen, has to say immediately what it is to be added in the lesson, that she was always
reminding me that I have to bear in mind to always remember the learning intention that I am
there to teach how to plan and that the students will be able to make a plan . The model that I
used was that on pollution which was one of the envrironmental problems faced in caring for
the earth. The facilitating of Colleen is so enriching that the path that Im going is clearer.
There is more clarity now on what I need to know as to my needs as a teacher in order to be
able to teach what is expected to be taught and not going beyond what is not to be covered.

What I want to do next is to do more learning literacy. More content knowledge.

Kate Neilson gave us a lecture on the English Learning Progression . The main focus
on this to consistently monitor, describe, record the progress of English language
learners. On the part of the teacher, the ELLP explains what the teacher need to know
about English language learners in order to engage them more in learning the language.
Ways on how to create a supportive classroom environment were discuss and this is
very helpful especially with the diverse students that we have. It will help the teacher
understand the students better. As teachers we will be able to adjust the learning that
will take place in the classroom. Also, it was discussed how to help students increase
their achievement levels in subject areas. And foremost , is that , still we should know
our learners.
On the Use of Te Reo in the health classroom. This is very evident when the
topic was on Maori/Pasifika health promotion models. Maori Terms were used
side by side with the English Translation. This way the students will be able to
understand what it means. Using Te Reo health terms and pasifika health
terms will build up the confidence of the students because there is the
demonstration of knowing, understanding, respecting their language. This way,
students will be more motivated to be engaged in learning.

On Attending Staff meetings, this is one way to know the other staff members. It is
during the staff meeting wherein the whole staff will first pray together in the form
of a reflection from a teacher assigned for the day. It is during this time that
teachers give their feedback of students activities, feedbacks of teachers activities.
This is one way of understanding whats going on in the school campus. Staff
meetings are done every Mondays, wednesdays and Fridays. After the staff
meeting, everyone together with the students will go to the chapel for the assembly.
Here, students are given the chance to pray altogether as one family. Notices for
the students are given by student leaders. This is another way also of socialising not
only with the members of the faculty but also with the students.
I have the chance to communicate with learners regarding their
assessment(NCEA). This is evident when I was asked by my associate teacher to
read the internal assessment of Xavier. A copy was given to me and I read the
whole paper before I gave my comments to Xavier himself and to my associate
teacher. The purpose of my comment was for Xavier to improve more his
internal assessment before he will submit it to the teacher. Talking to him also
gave me the chance to talk to him and discuss with him the assessment. Here,
there is the reciprocal interaction between the learner and the teacher. Its not
only in the classroom that I communicate with the learners regarding their
assessment. If I see them around, I always ask them how are they doing with
their internal assessment. I ask them if they need assistance, Im free to assist
them. Communicating with them informally make them feel more relax so that
they can ask questions if they want to.
On the last day of the TER programme, Jenny Thomas, the manager of
Teachers Registration board came to our class and we had a chance to ask
questions from her. She professionally answered the questions asked her and
she told the class we are doing the refreshers programme not to punish us but
to let us provisional teacher be up to date with innovations in education. She
discuss a little bit of the legal responsibilities of teachers citing the code of
ethics for teachers. Her presence that day is an indication that she is really
concerned to us teacher, not just us but to all teachers. An indication also that
she is very concerned with students. That students should be taught the way
they are to be taught, their needs should be considered. We are here in this
refreshers programme to update our skills in teaching so that when we face
our students we are properly equipped with the skills in teaching so as we will
really become coaches, facilitators of learning.

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