Eng I B Claimcounterclaim

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Student Name

Mrs. Schwade
Eng. I B U2 L8
23 October 2014
Stating Your Claim
Claim: College athletes should not be paid to play because it is a personal choice to play.
Counterclaim: College athletic programs earn a lot of money for the school.

College athletes should not be paid to play because it is a personal choice to play; however college
athletic programs earn a lot of money for the school.

College athletics can spark fierce rivalries, fan loyalty and mega-bucks! The typical sport that
comes to mind when considering college sports is football. Very rarely do other sports such as swimming,
volleyball or even rowing come to mind as college sports, but they are! If college athletes get paid to play,
then more than just the football team gets paid. Choosing to play sports in college should come from a
person's desire to play. Students chose to play sports, and therefore, should not get paid to play.

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