Communication Skills Activity

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Business Technology and Management A

Communication in the Workplace Activity

Using the article on Moodle or any additional research, explain in detail 5 benefits of using effective
communication in the workplace in the space below:
1. It helps with diversity, good communication skills help to reduce the barriers from language and
cultural differences.

2. Global business transactions are continuing to increase and the need of communication skills is
increasing as well and employees and managers must know how to effectively communicate
with the companys international counterpart.

3. Teamwork, effective communications in the workplace helps managers and employees form
highly effective and efficient teams.

4. Better morale can come from employees who are effective communicators. They appreciate
good communication coming from there mangers.

5. Having good communication skills can help solve problems faster. Communicating the issue at
hand with coworkers and managers can help solve problems and can even prevent them.

Complete the following table by researching Keys to being Successful and Barriers to Success for
each of the main types of communication that occur in the workplace. (Example search: keys to
successful verbal communication and barriers to verbal communication)
Type of Communication in
the Workplace
Keys to Being Success Barriers to Success
1.Eye contact
1.Cultural (doesnt speak same
2.not speaking clearly
3.thinking they know what
youre talking about
2.Eye contact
3.Facial expression
1. Not being able to see
2. People who dont like getting
3. Negative nonverbal
1.Dont interrupt
2.Dont Assume
1. Not being able to hear
2.Trying to listen to more than
one conversation
3.Not focused
1. Focus on subject
2. Get to the point quick
3. Rewrite if needed
1.Language(slang, different
2.Cant read
3.Misinterpret message

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