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My name is Raegan Pack.

I have lived in
Arkansas my whole life and I absolutely
love it here. When its nice outside I am
usually out enjoying the weather in the
beautiful Natural State.
I graduated with Honors from Lonoke
High School in 2011 with 147 other
students. Most of the people I graduated
with went to school together k-12! I
graduated with a Business Completion
as well as a Community Service seal. I
was an active member of Future
Business Leaders of America, Teachers of Tomorrow, and
National Honors Society. I earned my Community Service seal by
graduating with over 4,000 hours of community service.
After my high school graduation, I was set to begin my college
career at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA). I started my
journey nervous and without a major. I knew I always wanted to
be a teacher but I could not decide what age group I wanted to
teach. I did not declare my major until
the end of my sophomore year and,
after a series of general education
classes, I declared as a pre-dental
hygiene major. After a semester of
those courses I knew that I loved the
idea of being a dental hygienist but I
loved my parenting class even more.
From there I decided to explore a few
more Family and Consumer Science
(FACS) classes. I knew I was home,
exactly where I should be.

This is the first fish I caught!
And I caught it with a piece
of cheese!
This is Jake, he is a Blue Heeler and
full of energy! He is the closest thing
I have to a child!

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