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English I B U2 L8: Stating Your Claim

100 points possible

Is this the correct assignment for this lesson?
Yes: 30 points
No: 0 points and a webmail
Does the claim state the students position in the argument in one sentence?
Yes: 30 points
No: 0-29 points
Does the counterclaim address the counter-position in one sentence?
Yes: 10
No: 0-9 points
Introductory paragraph:
Is there a 5 sentence introductory paragraph which grabs the readers attention, states the students
position and addresses the counterclaim?
Yes: 20
No: 0-9 points
Does the student present the paragraph with attention to correct spelling and grammar?
Is the paragraph indented and double-spaced?
Yes: 10
No: 0-9 points

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