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By: by is used to say that something will happen at or before a certain time. There is a deadline.
You must finish this work by Friday.
Until: Until is used to say that something will continue up to a certain time and then stop.
You can stay in my flat until Sunday.
Remember to do
We use remember + nfiniti!e to show we remembered before the action and then did it. n other words
we did not forget to do something.
remembered to post the letter.
Remember doing
We use remember + "ing to show we remember after doing the action. We look back at things that
happened in the past.
remember posting the letter.
Stop to do
We use stop + infiniti!e to show we stop one action in order to do a different action.
#e stopped to play with his children
Stop doing
We use stop + "ing to show that an action stops.
#e stopped playing with his children.

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