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Rajeev, Will, Nikolai, and Alec

Per. 5 11-19-08
Best Way to Eat an reo
!"e reo is a #a$ily #avorite and delicacy to everyone. %t is also A$erica&s
#avorite cookie. !"e ric", c"ocolaty o'tside and t"e so#t, crea$y inside $ake t"is cookie
$o't"-(aterin) to 's all. Everyone "as t"eir o(n (ay o# eatin) t"is delicio's treat, *'t
t"ere is one $et"od t"at en"ances its taste to t"e #'llest. !"e *est (ay to eat an reo
involves t"e s+lit, t"e lick, and t"e cr'nc".
,irst is t"e s+lit. !o s+lit an reo +ro+erly, yo' $'st *e very +recise. ne $'st
+'t t"eir le#t "and on one side and t"eir ri)"t "and on t"e ot"er. !(ist yo'r ri)"t "and
clock(ise and yo'r le#t "and co'nter-clock(ise. nce yo' #eel t"e crea$ )ivin) (ay,
+'ll t"e "alves a+art. -o' $'st )et all o# t"e crea$ on one o# t"e "alves and none on t"e
ot"er. Precision is o# 't$ost i$+ortance to ac"ieve +er#ection. By t"e ti$e yo' "ave done
t"is, yo' s"o'ld not "ave tasted any +art o# t"e reo yet, *'t yo'r $o't" s"o'ld *e
(aterin) (it" antici+ation. A +er#ect ste+ one is necessary to t"e rest o# t"e +rocess, so
yo' s"o'ld *e very care#'l.
Ne.t is t"e lick. !"e lick is t"e $ost scr'$+tio's ste+ o# t"is entire +roced're.
!"e delecta*le taste o# t"e crea$ is ("at $akes t"is cookie one o# a kind. !"e lick $akes
t"e e.+erience o# eatin) an reo 'ni/'e. 0lo(ly lick t"e crea$ o## t"e cookie to savor t"e
a$a1in)ly desira*le #lavor. W"en t"e so#t, delicate crea$ sli+s do(n yo'r t"roat, yo'
(ill #eel like yo' are in "eaven. !"at co$+letes ste+ t(o o# eatin) t"e reo.
!"e #inal ste+ o# eatin) an reo is t"e cr'nc". Be#ore yo' do t"is, yo' $'st di+ it
in $ilk. ,or a very so#t, tender taste, di+ t"e reo in #or 10-15 seconds. %# yo' +re#er a
cris+y, cr'nc"y taste, di+ t"e reo in #or t"ree to #ive seconds. A#ter di++in) t"e reo, eat
it2 ,or s'+re$e enjoy$ent, cons'$e eac" "al# o# t"e reo in no $ore t"an t"ree *ites.
!"is lets yo' *ot" savor t"e taste and a++reciate a lar)e a$o'nt o# t"e reo
Eatin) an reo incl'des t"e s+lit, t"e lick, and t"e cr'nc". !"e reo is delicio's
no $atter ("at (ay yo' eat it, *'t i# yo' really (ant to enjoy it, t"is is t"e (ay to do it.

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