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Videotape Analysis and Reflection

Name: Rebeccah Calloway Recording Date: 10/10/14

Topic of Lesson: Socratic Seminar: Theme
SC State Standard E2-1.4 Analyze the relationship among character, plot, conflict, an
theme in a gi!en literary te"t#
CCSS.ELA RI 9-10.1. Cite strong an thoro$gh te"t$al e!ience to s$pport analysis of
what the te"t says e"plicitly as well as inferences rawn from the te"t#
CCSS.ELA.RL.9-10.2 %etermine a theme or central iea of a te"t an analyze in etail its
e!elopment o!er the co$rse of the te"t, incl$ing how it emerges an is shape an
refine by specific etails& pro!ie an ob'ecti!e s$mmary of the te"t#
Degree to which I accomplished my goal:
( feel that ( accomplishe )0* of my goal $ring the Socratic seminar acti!ity# +y
st$ents were acti!ely engage an intereste in the topic of theme, an they were also
igging eeper into the conte"t of the literary wor,s that we ha co!ere $p to that
partic$lar point in the semester# St$ents applie their ,nowlege of theme effecti!ely
an correctly )0* of the time# They then isc$sse their concl$sions an moifie their
notes accoring to the rest of the class-s obser!ations# The st$ents also cite their
e!ience +.A style $sing irect te"t$al /$otes from each of the literary wor,s# St$ents
were also able to ma,e s$bstantial connections between the protagonists of the wor,s an
the themes#
Self Analysis of My Teaching:
( feel that my classroom management s,ills were s$ccessf$l& st$ents staye on tas, an
were intereste $ring the entire class# ( also feel that st$ents gaine a eeper
,nowlege an $nerstaning of what theme is in literat$re, an they were able to
s$pport their ieas with strong te"t$al e!ience irectly from their boo,s# ( thin, that (
co$l ha!e one a better 'ob with 0ch$n,ing1 the lesson so that st$ents wo$l not ha!e
to m$ltitas,# They seem to o a better 'ob in gro$ps when they ha!e one tas, at a time
rather than se!eral tas,s at once# (n aition to more s$fficient 0ch$n,ing,1 ( co$l ha!e
also been more efficient when monitoring gro$p participation# ( feel that ( sho$l ha!e
been more aamant abo$t each gro$p member participating e/$ally#

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