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1. You've been asked to schedule a conference with your child's teacher, or

you've gotten a special note from your child's teacher asking to see you.
2. While some parents are sure that they will receive good news about their
child, others are afraid to hear something diferent. n either case, you might
be a little nervous and don!t have a clue of what to ask or what to do.
". #ike you, the teacher could be nervous or stressed after a long day and they
also have to work very hard putting together all the information that they will
share with you about your child.
$. %ela&' (eachers don't want to put parents on the spot.
). (hey *ust like to meet with parents from time to time to discuss how to help
students do their best in school.
+. Working together, you and the teacher can help your child have a successful
school year.
,. -nd remember, this is a perfect time to meet your child!s teacher, the person
that spends a part of the day with them and is a great in.uence on your child.
Conference Tips:
1. /e there on time. f you have a problem with transportation or you will not
attend the conference due to an emergency, try to call the teacher and let
them know. %emember, time is gold and you should respect the teacher and
others that are helping you.
2. 0nter con1dently and shake hands with the teacher, giving your name and
your child's name.
". 2tart the conference with a positive comment about the classroom.
$. 2how that you are interested in what the teacher has to say. t will give the
teacher an idea of how important your child!s education is to you.
). (ry not to run over the amount of time that has been set aside, usually from
23 to $3 minutes. (here may be other parents waiting for a conference.
+. f you are a working parent and it is di4cult for you to meet during regular
hours, make this clear to the teacher and try to set up a time to meet that is
good for both of you.
,. t is very important to talk to your child before the conference. -sk what
he5she thinks are his5her best sub*ects and what sub*ects he5she likes the
least. 6ind out why.
7. -sk your child if there is anything he5she would like you to talk about with
his5her teacher8s9. :ake sure your child doesn!t worry about the meeting.
;elp him5her understand that you and his5her teacher8s9 are meeting
together in order to help him5her.
Parent Academy / Academia de Padres www.wcpss.net5parent<
>. f your spouse can't attend the conference with you, ask for his5her concerns
and ?uestions.
13./e open<minded to suggestions from the teacher and keep your emotions
under control.
11.:ake note of any important information that the teacher is giving you.
12.@ive any information about your child!s life at home that you think may be
helpful like personality, problems, habits, and hobbies without compromising
you privacy.
1".Aon!t be afraid to ask when you don!t understand educational terminology.
(eachers may not know that parents are unfamiliar with the terminology.
Suggested Conference uestions
1. Aoes my child participate in class discussions and activitiesB
2. Aoes my child have behavioral problemsB
f so, please provide me with some e&amples.
". ;ow is my child performing in the diferent content areasB
$. s there a particular content area that he5she needs more helpB
). -re there after school programs, tutoring, mentoring or any program that
could help my child academicallyB
+. Can you provide me with a package of activities that my child can do during
the summer or any breakB
,. ;ow can help my child to succeed when don!t speak 0nglishB
7. s my child at grade levelB f not, what is the school doing to provide her5him
with the help needed.
>. Ao you know of any community resources that can help my child improve
f not, is there someone that can provide me with this informationB
13.;ow can we work together as a teamB What can do at homeB
Rt!/"TSS in #CPSS
#$at is an Action P%an &Tier !! ' Tier !!! P%ans()
A p%an of action t$at is put toget$er to $e%p a student impro*e in certain
academic or +e$a*iora% areas
-ction Dlan (ips for Darents E
1. 2tart immediately on the action plan that you and the teacher worked out
together or that the teacher has suggested.
Parent Academy / Academia de Padres www.wcpss.net5parent<
2. Aiscuss the plan with your child. :ake sure he or she knows that you and the
teacher care.
". (o see if the action plan is working, watch your child's behavior and check
your child's class work and homework.
$. Feep good communication with the teacher to discuss the progress of your
). f it is possible, coordinate with the teacher for a follow<up conference.
Parent Academy / Academia de Padres www.wcpss.net5parent<

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