Cheat Sheet

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At Home With Your PC

Microsoft Word

Function Key Combination

Create a new document Ctrl +N
Open an existing document Ctrl +O
Close an open document Ctrl +W
Save the current document Ctrl +S
Save current document by name F12
Print the current document Ctrl +P

Select all the text in a document Ctrl +A
Select text a word at a time Shift +left/right arrow
Select text a sentence at a time Ctrl +one click of mouse
Bold selected text Ctrl +B
Centre selected text on page Ctrl +E
Italicise selected text Ctrl +I
Underline selected text Ctrl +U
Double underline selected text Ctrl +Shift +D
Cut selected text Ctrl +X
Copy selected text Ctrl +C
Undo last edit Ctrl +Z
Paste text from clipboard Ctrl +V or Insert key
Make font size larger Ctrl +Shift +>
Make font size smaller Ctrl +Shift +<
Open Font and style window Ctrl +D
Align text on the left Ctrl +L
Align text on the right Ctrl +R
Check document spelling F7
Open Thesaurus program Shift +F7
Insert a footnote Alt +Ctrl +F


Help F1
Insert the current time Alt +Shift +T
Insert the current date Alt +Shift +D
Go to menu bar F10
Create double line spacing Ctrl +2
Find an item of text Ctrl +F
Replace an item of text Ctrl +H
Print Preview Ctrl +Alt +I

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