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D2013-01-13 18:12:17
mFormAdd.message.Add to bouquet=Pidat do pehledu
mFormAdd.message.Bouquet % already exists, enter a different name or leave the n
ew name blank and click on a existing bouquet.=Pehled % ji existuje, zadejte jin jmn
o nebo nechte jmno przdn a kliknte na existujci pehled.
mFormAdd.message.No selection made and no new Bouquet name provided!=Nevybrali j
ste dn pehled ani jste nezadali nov jmno.
mFormCompareSet.message. % servicenames updated in active fileset=Bylo aktualizo
vno % kanl v aktivnm nastaven
mFormCompareSet.message. % services added to active fileset=Bylo pidno % kanl do akt
ivnho nastaven
mFormCompareSet.message. % services deleted from active fileset=Bylo vymazno % ka
nl z aktivnho nastaven
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare active set with other set=Porovnn aktivnho nastaven
s jinm
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare and merge services files:~ % services added to a
ctive fileset~ % services deleted from active fileset~ % servicenames updated in
Active fileset~~New and updated services are marked with Flag "X" and different
line color in the serviceslist.=Porovnn a slouen soubor s nastavenm:~ % kanl bylo pi
o aktivnho nastaven~ % kanl bylo odstranno z aktivnho nastaven~ % kanl bylo aktualizo
aktivnm nastaven.~~Nov a aktualizovan kanly jsou oznaeny jako nov (Maj pznak "Nov"
u barevn odlieny).
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare and merge services files:=Porovnat a slouit soubo
ry s kanly:
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare services: service % on satellite at % added to b
ouquet %=Porovnn kanl: kanl % na satelitu % byl pidn do pehledu %
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare services: service % on satellite at % added=Poro
vnn kanl: kanl % na satelitu % byl pidn
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare services: service % on satellite at % deleted fr
om services and from % bouquets=Porovnn kanl: kanl % na satelitu % byl odstrann z kanl
z % pehled
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare services: service/package % on satellite at % up
dated. New servicename/Package: %=Porovnn kanl: kanl/poskytovatel % na satelitu % byl
aktualizovn. Nov jmno kanlu/poskytovatele: %
mFormCompareSet.message.No differences found between loaded file-set and the ser
vices file from the Dreambox=Nebyly nalezeny dn rozdly mezi aktivnm nastavenm a nastav
enm v Dreamboxu.
mFormCompareSet.message.Old Servicename / Package=Star jmno kanlu/Poskytovatele
mFormCompareSet.message.Satpos=Pozice satelitu
mFormCompareSet.message.Servicename=Jmno kanlu
mFormDetail.message.Do not specify the audio PID if you also specify the AC3 PID
.=Nezadvejte audio PID v ppad, e je zadan AC3 PID.
mFormDetail.message.Enter extra parameters here. Normally: :2:0 for satellite, :
0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2 for Terrestrial and :6887000:2:3:3 for Cable services.=Enter ext
ra parameters here. Normally: :2:0 for satellite, :0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2 for Terrestri
al and :6887000:2:3:3 for Cable services.
mFormDetail.message.Enter something in all fields marked with a red *!=Poloky ozn
aen ervenou hvzdikou mus bt vyplnn!
mFormDetail.message.Frequency must be a numeric value!=Frekvence mus bt seln hodnota!
mFormDetail.message.Service Details=Detaily kanlu
mFormDetail.message.You must first enter the satellite position and frequency fi
elds before you can calculate the namespace.=Satelitn pozice a frekvence mus bt zad
an, ped vpotem poloky 'Namespace'.
mFormEditSatXML.message.Are you sure you want to delete this transponder?=Opravd
u chcete odstranit tento transpondr?
mFormEditSatXML.message.Edit: %=Upravit: %
mFormFiles.message.Are you sure you want discard all changes you ever made to th
is set~and restore to the original files?=Opravdu chcete ztratit vechny zmny, kter
jste provedli a obnovit pvodn nastaven?
mFormFiles.message.Are you sure you want discard all changes you made since you
last saved?=Opravdu chcete ztratit vechny zmny, proveden od poslednho uloen souboru?
mFormFiles.message.Backup Date=Datum zlohy
mFormFiles.message.Backup Size=Velikost zlohy
mFormFiles.message.Directory is %=Sloka je %
mFormFiles.message.dreamboxEDIT File Info and Restore=dreamboxEDIT Informace o s
ouborech a obnova
mFormFiles.message.Error copying % to %=Chyba pi koprovn % do %
mFormFiles.message.Error trying to delete file %=Chyba pi odstraovn souboru %
mFormFiles.message.File % copied to %=Soubor % byl zkoprovn do %
mFormFiles.message.File % deleted=Soubor % odstrann
mFormFiles.message.Filename=Jmno souboru
mFormFiles.message.Original Date=Pvodn datum
mFormFiles.message.Original Size=Pvodn velikost
mFormFiles.message.Restore file(s) to last backup=Obnoven soubor z posledn zlohy
mFormFiles.message.Restore file(s) to original files=Obnoven soubor na pvodn soubory
mFormFTP.message.** Retrieving file "%" **=** stahuji soubor "%" **
mFormFTP.message.** Retrieving file list of "%" **=** stahuji seznam soubor z "%"
mFormFTP.message.** Sending file "%" **=** odeslm soubor "%" **
mFormFTP.message.Aborting receive files on user request.=Rum stahovn soubor na dost ui
mFormFTP.message.and a reboot command is issued.=a pkaz restart byl odesln.
mFormFTP.message.and a reload command is issued.=a pkaz obnovit byl odesln.
mFormFTP.message.and custom command "%" is issued=a uivatelsk pkaz je "%" odesln.
mFormFTP.message.but NO further reload or reboot command was issued (as is confi
gured on the options panel).=ale nebyl odesln DN pkaz na obnoven nebo restart (Jak je n
astaveno v panelu Monosti).
mFormFTP.message.Connect error setting up telnet session for sending reload comm
and.=Pi odesln pkazu obnovit pomoc protokolu Telnet dolo k chyb.
mFormFTP.message.Could not connect to Dreambox on IP adress %, check the IP addr
ess and/or your network.=Pi pipojen k Dreamboxu na IP adrese % dolo k chyb, zkontrolu
jte IP adresu nebo nastaven st.
mFormFTP.message.Could not connect to Dreambox. Check IP Address, network settin
gs and status of Dreambox.=Nelze se pipojit k Dreamboxu. Zkontrolujte adresu IP,
nastaven st a stav Dreamboxu.
mFormFTP.message.Could not disconnect from Dreambox.=Nelze se odpojit od Dreambo
mFormFTP.message.Could not login to Dreambox. Check username and password.=Nelze
se pipojit k Dreamboxu. Zkontrolujte jmno uivatele a heslo.
mFormFTP.message.Directory "%" already contains one or more of the files you are
going to download.~~Are you sure you want to overwrite them?=Sloka "%" ji obsahuj
e jeden nebo vce stahovanch soubor.~~Chcete je opravdu pepsat?
mFormFTP.message.Directory "%" contains no "%" file.=Sloka "%" neobsahuje "%" sou
mFormFTP.message.Directory "%" does not exist on your PC. Please first select a
valid directory.=Sloka % na pevnm disku neexistuje. Nejdve prosm vyberte platnou sloku
mFormFTP.message.Dreambox response: %=Odezva Dreamboxu: %
mFormFTP.message.Error retrieving file "%" from the Dreambox.=Chyba stahovn "%" z
mFormFTP.message.Error retrieving file list from the Dreambox.=Chyba stahovn sezna
mu soubor z Dreamboxu.
mFormFTP.message.Error sending file "%" to the Dreambox.=Chyba odesln "%" do Dreamb
mFormFTP.message.Error sending user command.=Chyba pi odesln pkazu uivatele.
mFormFTP.message.File "%" not found on the Dreambox.=Soubor "%" nebyl v Dreambox
u nalezen.
mFormFTP.message.File "%" not sent to the Dreambox. File does not exist.=Soubor
"%" nebyl do Dreamboxu odesln. Soubor neexistuje.
mFormFTP.message.Files on Dreambox in %:=Soubory v Dreamboxu v %:
mFormFTP.message.First of two steps completed.=Prvn ze dvou krok je ukonen.
mFormFTP.message.FTP - Transfer Files=FTP - penos soubor
mFormFTP.message.Neither a "services" nor a "lamedb" file was found in directory
"%" on the Dreambox. Check the dream path settings on the option panel to point
to the correct Dreambox directories and try again.=V Dreamboxu nebyl nalezen an
i jeden ze z tchto soubor: "services" nebo "lamedb". Zkontrolujte, zda mte zadny sprv
n cesty umstn soubor v panelu Monosti a zkuste to znovu.
mFormFTP.message.Neither a "services" nor a "lamedb" file was found in directory
"%" on the Dreambox.=V Dreamboxu nebyl nalezen ani jeden ze z tchto soubor: "serv
ices" nebo "lamedb".
mFormFTP.message.Network response: %=Odpov st: %
mFormFTP.message.Receive the complete file-set from the Dreambox=Nate kompletn sad
u soubor s nastavenm z Dreamboxu.
mFormFTP.message.Reload command ready.=Pkaz Obnovit byl ukonen.
mFormFTP.message.Second of two steps completed.=Druh ze dvou krok je ukonen.
mFormFTP.message.Select and/or create a directory on your PC to store the file-s
et=Vyberte nebo vytvote sloku na pevnm disku, kam bude uloena sada nastaven
mFormFTP.message.Send a reboot command to the Dreambox to activate the changed f
ile-set.=Odele pkaz pro restartovn Dreamboxu, aby dolo k aktivaci odeslanch soubor s n
tavenm do Dreamboxu.
mFormFTP.message.Send a reload settings command to the Dreambox to activate the
changed file-set. This might take a minute to complete!=Odele pkaz obnovit nastaven,
aby dolo k aktivaci odeslanch soubor s nastavenm do Dreamboxu. Tako operace me trvat
i nkolik minut.
mFormFTP.message.Send the complete file-set to the Dreambox=Odele kompletn sadu so
ubor s nastavenm do Dreamboxu.
mFormFTP.message.Send the on the option panel specified custom Telnet command.~C
urrenty defined command:~~----------------------------------------------~%~-----
-----------------------------------------=Poslat pkaz protokolu Telnet z panelu Mon
osti.~Aktuln pkaz:~~----------------------------------------------~%~---------------
mFormFTP.message.Sending password %=Odeslm heslo %
mFormFTP.message.Sending reboot command=Poslm pkaz restart.
mFormFTP.message.Sending reload command failed. See the log for more information
.~~Reboot the Dreambox by hand to activate the new settings.=Pi odesln pkazu obnovit d
olo k chyb. Zkontrolujte protokol udlost.~~Chcete-li aktivovat nastaven run, restartujt
e Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Sending Reload commands.=Poslm pkaz obnovit.
mFormFTP.message.Sending user command: %=Poslm uivatelsk pkaz: %
mFormFTP.message.Sending username %=Poslm jmno uivatele %
mFormFTP.message.Starting FTP Download from Dreambox.=Natn z Dreamboxu pomoc protokol
u FTP.
mFormFTP.message.Succesfully received the file-set from the Dreambox.=Naten soubor
s nastavenm z Dreamboxu probhlo spn.
mFormFTP.message.Succesfully transferred the file-set to the dreambox %=Odesln sad
y s nastavenm do Dreamboxu probhlo spn %
mFormFTP.message.Succesfully transferred the file-set to the dreambox.~~To activ
ate the changes you must select "Reload" or "Reboot settings in Dreambox"!=Odesln
sady s nastavenm do Dreamboxu probhlo spn.~~Pro aktivaci zmn muste zvolit pkaz "Obno
staven" nebo "Restartovat "!
mFormFTP.message.Succesfully transferred the file-set to the dreambox.=Odesln sady
s nastavenm do Dreamboxu probhlo spn.
mFormFTP.message.There are changes made that are not yet saved!~You have to save
them before they can be transferred to the Dreambox!~~Save them now?=Provedli j
ste zmny, kter nebyly uloeny!~Aby je bylo mon odeslat do Dreamboxu, muste je nejdve ul
!~~Chcete je uloit nyn?
mFormFTP.message.There were errors retrieving the files from the Dreambox.~Check
the log for more information.=Pi natn soubor z Dreamboxu dolo k chyb.~Zkontrolujte pr
okol udlost.
mFormFTP.message.There were errors tranferring the files to the Dreambox.~Check
the log for more information.=Pi odesln soubor do Dreamboxu dolo k chyb.~Zkontrolujte p
rotokol udlost.
mFormFTP.message.This might take up to a few minutes to let the Dreambox complet
e the reloading.=Obnoven nastaven me trvat nkolik minut.
mFormFTP.message.Unused bouquet "%" removed from Dreambox.=Nepouvan pehled "%" byl o
dstrann z Dreamboxu.
mFormFTP.message.User command sent.=Uivatelsk pkaz byl odesln.
mFormFTP.message.You must select a local directory before you can transfer the f
iles from the Dreambox to your PC.=Ped pesunem soubor z Dreamboxu do potae je nutn nejd
zvolit mstn sloku.
mFormFTP.message.You must select a local directory before you can transfer the f
iles from your PC to the Dreambox.=Ped pesunem soubor z potae do Dreamboxu je nutn nejd
zvolit mstn sloku.
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Empty marker ignored (%)=Przdn znaka ignorovan (%)
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Filedate=Datum souboru
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Filename=Jmno souboru
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Import individual User Bouquets=Import uivatelskch
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Importing user bouquet file %=Probh import souboru
uivatelskho pehledu %
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Radio Favourite (%) without corresponding servic
e not loaded=Radio Favourite (%) bez odpovdajcho kanlu nebyl naten
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Reference in Radio User Bouquet (%) to bouquet s
kipped:=Odkaz v uivatelskm rdiovm pehledu (%) na pehled byl peskoen:
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Reference in TV User Bouquet (%) to bouquet skip
ped:=Odkaz v uivatelskm TV pehledu (%) na pehled byl peskoen:
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Services with User Bouquet imported from individ
ual User Bouquet files:~~- Services with TV User Bouquet imported: %~~- Services
with Radio User Bouquet imported: %=Uivatelsk pehledy importovan z individulnch uivate
lskch soubor:~- poet importovanch uivatelskch TV pehled: %~- poet importovanch uiva
iovch pehled: %
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Services with User Bouquet imported from individ
ual User Bouquet files:~~- Services with TV User Bouquet~ imported: %~ errors:
%~~- Services with Radio User Bouquet~ imported: %~ errors: %~~See the log fi
le for details about the errors.=Uivatelsk pehledy importovan z individulnch uivatelsk
soubor:~- poet importovanch uivatelskch TV pehled: %, poet chyb: %~- poet importovan
atelskch rdiovch pehled: % poet chyb: %~~Pro vce informac o chybch prozkoumejte proto
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.TV Favourite (%) without corresponding service n
ot loaded=TV Favourite (%) bez odpovdajcho kanlu nebyl naten
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Unsupported reference in Radio User Bouquet (%)
skipped:=Byl peskoen nepodporovan odkaz v uivatelskm radio pehledu (%):
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Unsupported reference in Radio User Bouquet (%)
to User Bouquet itself skipped:=Byl peskoen nepodporovan odkaz na sama sebe v uivate
lskm radio pehledu (%):
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Unsupported reference in TV User Bouquet (%) ski
pped:=Byl peskoen nepodporovan odkaz v uivatelskm TV pehledu (%):
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Unsupported reference in TV User Bouquet (%) to
User Bouquet itself skipped:=Byl peskoen nepodporovan odkaz na sama sebe v uivatelskm
TV pehledu (%):
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.User Bouquet files (*.tv and *.radio) in directo
ry %=Soubory s uivatelskmi pehledy (*.tv a *.radio) ve sloce %
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.User Bouquet name=Jmno uivatelskho pehledu
mFormLog.message.Log file saved in %=Protokol udlost byl uloen do: %
mFormLog.message.Show program log=Protokol udlost aplikace
mFormMain.message.- errors in bouquets file: %=- chyby v souboru bouquets: %
mFormMain.message.- errors in services file: %=- chyby v souboru services: %
mFormMain.message.- errors in file(s) (Radio): %=- chyb
y v souboru (Rdio): %
mFormMain.message.- errors in file(s) (TV): %=- chyby v so
uboru (TV): %
mFormMain.message.-- (Only (not empty) bouquets created via an original Dreambox
transponderscan are processed by this function.)=-- (Pomoc tto funkce jsou zpraco
vny pouze pehledy vytvoen pomoc prohledvn transpondru na Dreamboxu, kter nejsou prz
mFormMain.message."%" deleted from %="%" bylo odstranno z %
mFormMain.message.% ... invalid transponders skipped.=bylo peskoeno % ... neplatnch
mFormMain.message.% ... new transponders added,=bylo pidno % ... novch transpondr,
mFormMain.message.% bouquet entries read.~% bouquetnames prefixed with satellite
position.~~(Only (not empty) bouquets created via an original Dreambox transpon
derscan are processed by this function.)=Poet petench zznam pehled: %.~Poet jmen peh
kterch byla pidna pedpona s pozic satelitu: %.~~(Pomoc tto funkce jsou zpracovny pouze
hledy vytvoen pomoc prohledvn transpondru na Dreamboxu, kter nejsou przdn)
mFormMain.message.% Bouquets with % services deleted=Bylo odstranno % pehled, kter o
bsahovaly % kanl.
mFormMain.message.% deleted from %=% bylo odtranno z %
mFormMain.message.% entries deleted from one or more bouquets.=Bylo odstranno % p
oloek z jednoho nebo vce pehled.
mFormMain.message.% entries deleted=Bylo odstranno % poloek.
mFormMain.message.% existing transponders, =% existujc transpondry,
mFormMain.message.% existing transponders,~% new transponders added,~% invalid t
ransponders skipped.=% existujcch transpondr,~% novch transpondr pidno~% neplatnch t
ndr peskoeno
mFormMain.message.% invalid transponder definitions skipped. See the log for mor
e information.~This is not a severe error, you can just continue.=Bylo peskoeno %
neplatnch definic transpondru. Pro vce informac zkontrolujte protokol udlost.~Nejedn s
o zvanou chybu, mete pokraovat dle.
mFormMain.message.% locks from services removed,~% locks from bouquets removed,~
% other locks removed.=Poet odstrannch zmk z kanl: %,~Poet odstrannch zmk z pehle
trannch jinch zmk: %.
mFormMain.message.% renamed to % in %=% pejmenovno na % v %
mFormMain.message.% services added to bouquet %=% kanl bylo pidno do pehledu %
mFormMain.message.% Services added to Bouquets per package.~~% new Bouquets crea
ted:~%=% kanl bylo pidno do pehledu na poskytovatele.~~% novch pehled bylo vytvoeno:~
mFormMain.message.% services added to bouquets per satellite.~~% new bouquets cr
eated:~%=% kanl bylo pidno do pehledu na satelit.~~% novch pehled bylo vytvoeno:~%
mFormMain.message.% services deleted from services and from % bouquet(s)=Bylo o
dstranno % kanl se seznamu kanl a z % pehled.
mFormMain.message.%~%~ChNr %~Package %~%~Frequency % %~%~SID %, Namespace %, TSI
D %, NID %, Type %=%~%~slo kanlu %~Poskytovatel %~%~Frekvence % %~%~SID %, Namespac
e %, TSID %, NID %, Typ %
mFormMain.message.%~%~This is a marker~%=%~%~Toto je znaka~%
mFormMain.message.%~%~This is not a regular service but~a subservice of a multip
le service~%~SID %, Namespace %, TSID %, NID %, Type %=%~%~Toto nen normln kanl ale~
podkanl vcensobnho kanlu~%~SID %, Namespace %, TSID %, NID %, Typ %
mFormMain.message.%~Parental Lock ON=%~Rodiovsk zmek ZAPNUT
mFormMain.message... All files are loaded but unsupported references were found
in the TV and/or Radio User Bouquet list!=-- Vechny soubory byly nateny, ale byly
nalezeny nepodporovan odkazy v seznamu uivatelskch TV a/nebo rdiovch pehled!
mFormMain.message... Although you will loose these unsupported references, you c
an still go on editing and saving.=-- I kdy o tyto nepodporovan odkazy pijdete, stle
mete tuto sadu upravovat a ukldat.
mFormMain.message... or a circular reference to User Bouquet itself, probably cr
eated by accident=-- nebo odkazy na sebe sama v uivatelkm pehledu, pravdpodobn nhodn vy
mFormMain.message... Those references were skipped as they were references to th
e complete services list, the complete bouquets list=-- Tyto odkazy byly peskoeny
peskoeny, protoe odkazovaly na kompletn seznam kanl nebo pehled.
mFormMain.message.A newer version of dreamboxEDIT is available but the auto-chec
k message is skipped=Je k dispozici nov verze aplikace online %, ale zprva automat
ick kontroly byla peskoena.
mFormMain.message.A newer version of dreamboxEDIT is available online: %=Je k di
spozici nov verze aplikace online %
mFormMain.message.All fields must be entered!=Vechny poloky mus bt vyplnny!
mFormMain.message.All files are loaded, but with errors:~ errors in services fil
e: %~ errors in bouquets file: %~ errors in file(s) (TV): %
~ errors in file(s) (Radio): %~~Check the log file for m
ore information!~~All errors are related to invalid definitions and references w
ithin the selected settings files.~This means the files are now cleaned up and c
ontain only valid items. You can now go on editing the settings.=Vechny soubory j
sou nateny, ale s chybami:~ poet chyb v souboru services: %~ poet chyb v souboru bo
uquets: %~ poet chyb v souboru(-rech) (TV): %~ poet chyb v so
uboru(-rech) (Rdio): %~~Pro vce informac zkontrolujte proto
kol udlost.
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to delete "%" from %?=Opravdu chcete ods
tranit "%" z %?
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to delete % services from all lists?=Opr
avdu chcete odstranit % kanl ze seznamu vech kanl?
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to delete % services from this bouquet?=
Opravdu chcete odstranit % kanl() z tohoto pehledu?
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to delete service "%" from all lists?=Op
ravdu chcete odstranit kanl "%" ze seznamu vech kanl?
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to sort the services within this bouquet
?=Opravdu chcete seadit kanly v tomto pehledu podle tohoto sloupce podle abecedy?
mFormMain.message.Bouquet % copied from % to %=Pehled % byl zkoprovn z % do %
mFormMain.message.Bouquet % renamed to %=Pehled % byl pejmenovn na %
mFormMain.message.Bouquet % with % services removed=Pehled % s % kanly odstrann
mFormMain.message.Bouquet details=Detaily pehledu
mFormMain.message.Bouquet name: %~Bouquet number: %~(modified with dreamboxEDIT)
=Jmno pehledu: %~slo pehledu: %~(upraveno v aplikaci dreamboxEDIT)
mFormMain.message.Bouquet name: %~Bouquet number: %~(original as scanned by Drea
mbox)=Jmno pehledu: %~slo pehledu: %~(jak bylo vyhledno v Dreamboxu)
mFormMain.message.bouquets saved in %=pehled uloeno do %
mFormMain.message.Cable service=Kabelov kanl
mFormMain.message.Cable=Kabelov TV
mFormMain.message.Ch.Nr.=slo kanlu
mFormMain.message.Create bouquet % for satellite position %: service % already i
n bouquet %=Vytvoen pehledu % pro satelitn pozici %: kanl % ji v pehledu % je.
mFormMain.message.Creating bouquet per package: service % already in bouquet %=V
ytvoen pehledu % pro poskytovatele %: kanl % ji v pehledu % je.
mFormMain.message.Creating bouquet per position: service % already in bouquet %=
Vytvoen pehledu % na pozici %: kanl % ji v pehledu % je.
mFormMain.message.Delete User Bouquet: % from list % not found ....=Odstrann uivate
lskho pehledu: % ze seznamu % nebylo nalezeno...
mFormMain.message.Deleted % from bouquet number %=% bylo odstranno z pehledu slo %
mFormMain.message.Deleted % from Radio user bouquet number %=% bylo odstranno z ui
vatelskho rdio pehledu slo %
mFormMain.message.Deleted % from TV user bouquet number %=% bylo odstranno z uivat
elskho TV pehledu slo %
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" already contains one or more of the files you ar
e going to download.~~Are you sure you want to overwrite them?=Sloka "%" ji obsahu
je jeden nebo vce stahovanch soubor.~~Chcete je opravdu pepsat?
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" contains no file called "%".~~You must first use
the FTP option to copy all necessary files from the dreambox to your PC.=Sloka "
%" neobsahuje soubor "%".~~Nejdve je nutn zkoprovat vechny potebn soubory pomoc FTP p
u do vaeho PC.
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" contains no file called "bouquets"~~You must fir
st use the FTP option to copy all necessary files from the dreambox to your PC.=
Sloka "%" neobsahuje soubor "bouquets"~~Nejdve je nutn zkoprovat vechny potebn soubory
omoc FTP penosu do vaeho PC.
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" contains no file called "satellites.xml"~You can
continue editing the file-set but now there is no translation from satellite po
sition to satellite name available.~~You might consider to first copy all necess
ary files from the dreambox to your PC with the FTP function.=Sloka "%" neobsahuj
e soubor "satellites.xml"~Je mon dal editace soubor, ale nebude k dispozici pekladov ta
bulka mezi satelitn pozic a nzvem satelitu.~~Mli byste nejdve zvit zkoprovn vech p
or pomoc FTP penosu do vaeho PC.
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" does not exist on your PC. Please first select a
valid directory on the FTP screen.=Sloka % na pevnm disku neexistuje. Nejdve prosm v
yberte platnou sloku v okn FTP penosu.
mFormMain.message.Directory % selected=Byla vybrna sloka %
mFormMain.message.Do you want dreamboxEDIT to check for a newer version on a reg
ular base?~(You can later always change this setting on the options panel)=Chcet
e aby aplikace pravideln kontrolovala zda existuje jej novj verze?~(Toto nastaven lze
pozdji kdykoliv zmnit v panelu monost)
mFormMain.message.dreamboxEDIT % started=Aplikace dreamboxEDIT % byla sputna
mFormMain.message.Duplicate bouquet not loaded: % type: % (%:%:%:% hex: %:%:%:%)
=Duplicitn pehled nebyl naten: % typ: % (%:%:%:% hex: %:%:%:%)
mFormMain.message.Duplicate Radio favourite (%) not loaded=Duplicitn Radio favour
ite (%) nebyl naten
mFormMain.message.Duplicate record skipped. Satellite: % (%):=Duplicitn zznam byl
peskoen. Satelit: % (%):
mFormMain.message.Duplicate TV favourite (%) not loaded=Duplicitn TV favourite (%
) nebyl naten
mFormMain.message.Edit package name=Upravit jmno poskytovatele
mFormMain.message.Empty marker ignored (%)=Przdn znaka ignorovan (%)
mFormMain.message.Empty or invalid file for import.~~A valid file:~- is a by dre
amboxEDIT exported bouquets file,~- has 26 columns (tab delimted),~- starts with
a row containing the fieldnames.=Neplatn nebo przdn soubor pro import.~~Platn soubo
r:~- soubor s pehledy exportovan aplikac DremaBoxEdit,~- obsahuje 24 sloupc (Oddlench
tabeltory),~- prvn dek obsahuje nzvy pol.
mFormMain.message.Empty or invalid file for import.~~A valid file:~- is a by dre
amboxEDIT exported services file,~- has 22 columns (tab delimted),~- starts with
a row containing the fieldnames.=Neplatn nebo przdn soubor pro import.~~Platn soubo
r:~- soubor s kanly exportovan aplikac DremaBoxEdit,~- obsahuje 20 sloupc (Oddlench ta
beltory),~- prvn dek obsahuje nzvy pol.
mFormMain.message.Enter (part of) packagename to filter below services on=Zadejt
e hledan etzec nebo jeho st pro vyhledvn (filtrovn) ve sloupci Poskytovatel.
mFormMain.message.Enter (part of) servicename to filter below services on=Enter
(part of) servicename to filter below services on
mFormMain.message.Enter the number of services to look for=Zadejte poet kanl
mFormMain.message.Enter the search argument=Zadejte hledan text
mFormMain.message.Entry % deleted=Poloka % byla odstranna.
mFormMain.message.Error processing Cut action for %: service not found in Servic
etable=Chyba pi operaci 'Vyjmout' u %: kanl nebyl nalezen v seznamu kanl
mFormMain.message.Error reading services file=Chyba pi natn souboru s kanly.
mFormMain.message.Explanation of errors found within TV and/or Radio User Bouque
t:=Vysvtlen chyb, kter byly nalezeny v uivatelskch TV a/nebo rdio pehledech:
mFormMain.message.Export file saved to %=Exportovan soubor byl uloen do %
mFormMain.message.Exporting services to %=Exportuji kanly do %
mFormMain.message.File % copied from % to %=Soubor % byl zkoprovn z % do %
mFormMain.message.File % not found in "%"=Soubor % nebyl ve sloce "%" nalezen.
mFormMain.message.File satellites.xml not found in current directory %=Ve sloce %
nelze nalzt soubor satellites.xml.
mFormMain.message.File services not found in "%"=Ve sloce % nelze nalzt soubor ser
mFormMain.message.Files loaded with errors=Soubory byly nateny s chybami
mFormMain.message.Files loaded=Soubory byly nateny
mFormMain.message.Flags must be a value in the range 0 - 15=Pznak mus nabvat hodnotu
v intervalu 0 - 15
mFormMain.message.Import of exported bouquets file finished. There were % servic
es added, % bouquet entries added and % error(s) found (see log).=Byl dokonen imp
ort souboru exportovanch pehled. Bylo pidno % kanl, % pehled a vyskytlo se % chyb (Pr
umejte protokol udlost)
mFormMain.message.Import of exported bouquets file: error in line %, column %=Im
port souboru exportovanch pehled: chyba na dku %, sloupec %
mFormMain.message.Import of exported services file finished. There were % servic
es added and % error(s) found (see log).=Byl dokonen import souboru exportovanch k
anl. Bylo pidno % kanl a vyskytlo se % chyb (Prozkoumejte protokol udlost)
mFormMain.message.Import of exported services file: error in line %, column %=Im
port souboru exportovanch kanl: chyba na dku %, sloupec %
mFormMain.message.Invalid bouquet entry in "%" not loaded: SID: %, Namespace: %,
TSID: %, NID: %, Type: %: Service not found.=Nebyla natena neplatn poloka pehledu v
"%": SID: %, Namespace: %, TSID: %, NID: %, Type: %: Kanl nebyl nalezen.
mFormMain.message.Invalid line found (not enough values) and skipped in file "bo
uquet"=V souboru "bouquet" byl nalezen a peskoen neplatn dek (nedostaten poet pol)
mFormMain.message.Invalid line in settings found and skipped: missing or invalid
not-hexadecimal parameter %=V nastaven byl nalezen a peskoen neplatn dek: chybjc neb
platn (ne hexadecimln) paramert %
mFormMain.message.Invalid line in settings found and skipped: missing or invalid
not-numeric parameter %=V nastaven byl nalezen a peskoen neplatn dek: chybjc nebo ne
n (nenumerick) paramert %
mFormMain.message.Invalid line in settings found and skipped: missing parameter
%=V nastaven byl nalezen a peskoen neplatn dek: chybjc nebo neplatn paramert %
mFormMain.message.Invalid line in settings found and skipped: not enough paramet
ers:=V nastaven byl nalezen a peskoen neplatn dek: nedostaten poet parametr:
mFormMain.message.Invalid or damaged services file found, unable to continue loa
ding!The services file is missing one or more required sections.~~Check that the
file contains the following sections:~~transponders~ -- data --~ end~~services~
-- data --~end=Byl nalezen neplatn nebo pokozen soubor s kanly, v natn nen mon pok
souboru chyb jedna nebo vce poadovanch sekc.~~Zkontrolujte, e soubor obsahuje nsleduj
ekce:~~transponders~ -- data --~ end~~services~ -- data --~end
mFormMain.message.Invalid satellites.xml record skipped: fec_inner not found=Byl
peskoen neplatn zznam v souboru satellites.xml: chyb poloka fec_inner
mFormMain.message.Invalid satellites.xml record skipped: polarization not found=
Byl peskoen neplatn zznam v souboru satellites.xml: chyb poloka polarizace
mFormMain.message.Invalid satellites.xml record skipped: symbol_rate not found=B
yl peskoen neplatn zznam v souboru satellites.xml: chyb poloka symbol_rate
mFormMain.message.Make Bouquet for package %=Vytvoit pehled pro poskytovatele %
mFormMain.message.Make Bouquet for satellite %=Vytvoit pehled pro satelit %
mFormMain.message.Make Bouquet for this package=Vytvoit pehled pro tohoto poskytov
mFormMain.message.Make Bouquet for this satellite=Vytvoit pehled pro tento satelit
mFormMain.message.Marker Text=Text znaky
mFormMain.message.Maximum number of 147.967 % user bouquets reached.=Bylo dosaeno
maximlnho potu uivatelskch pehled 147.967 %
mFormMain.message.Messages about new version % are skipped=Zprvy o nov verzi % jso
u peskoeny
mFormMain.message.Network response: %=Odpov st: %
mFormMain.message.New version notes:~~Error: file "%" not found~~=Poznmky k nov ve
rzi:~~Chyba: nebyl nalezen soubor "%"
mFormMain.message.No (more) occurrences of "%" found in services.=dn dal vskyty "%" ji
v kanlech nebyly nalezeny.
mFormMain.message.No directory for file-set selected. Files are not saved.=Soubo
ry nebyly uloeny. Nebyla vybrna dn sloka.
mFormMain.message.No file-set open and no directory selected.~~You must first se
lect or create a directory before you can import your exported bouquets file and
save.~Do you want to select or create a directory now?=Nebyla otevena dn sada nasta
ven a nebyla vybrna dn sloka.~~Ped importem souboru s exportovanmi pehledy, muste ne
rat nebo vytvoit sloku.~Chcete nyn vybrat nebo vytvoit sloku?
mFormMain.message.No file-set open and no directory selected.~~You must first se
lect or create a directory before you can import your exported services file and
save.~Do you want to select or create a directory now?=Nebyla otevena dn sada nasta
ven a nebyla vybrna dn sloka.~~Ped importem souboru s exportovanmi kanly, muste nejd
t nebo vytvoit sloku.~Chcete nyn vybrat nebo vytvoit sloku?
mFormMain.message.No new bouquet possible. Maximum number of 1000 bouquets is re
ached.=Nen mon pidat dal pehledy. Byl dosaen maximln poet 1000 pehled.
mFormMain.message.Package name=Jmno poskytovatele
mFormMain.message.Parental Lock is On=Rodiovsk zmek aktivn
mFormMain.message.Please first select an entry in the part of the list where the
new entry should be added=Nejdve prosm vyberte poloku v sti seznamu, kam m bt nov po
mFormMain.message.Polarization must be a value in the range 0 - 3=Polarizace mus
bt mezi 0-3
mFormMain.message.Prefixing bouquet names: bouquet % created=Pidvn pedpon pehledm:~ byl
o vytvoeno % pehled.
mFormMain.message.Prefixing bouquetnames: % bouquet entries read,% bouquetnames
prefixed with satellite position.=Pidvn pedpon pehledm:~ bylo peteno % poloek,~ ped
pehled byla pidna pedpona s pozic satelitu.
mFormMain.message.Previous check was done on %=Posledn kontrola byla provedena: %
mFormMain.message.Processing ZAP command for service: %=Zpracovvm pkaz ZAP pro kanl:
mFormMain.message.Radio Favourite (%) without corresponding service not loaded=R
adio Favourite (%) bez odpovdajcho kanlu nebyl naten
mFormMain.message.Radio User Bouquet % saved in %=Uivatelsk rdiov pehled % byl uloen d
o %
mFormMain.message.Radio User Bouquet details=Detaily uivatelskho Rdio pehledu
mFormMain.message.Radio User Bouquet index file % saved in %=Soubor s indexy uiva
telskho rdiovho pehledu % byl uloen do %
mFormMain.message.Ready updating satellites.xml=Pipraven pro aktualizaci souboru
mFormMain.message.Reference in Radio User Bouquet (%) to bouquet skipped:=Odkaz
v uivatelskm rdiovm pehledu (%) na pehled byl peskoen:
mFormMain.message.Reference in TV User Bouquet (%) to bouquet skipped:=Odkaz v ui
vatelskm TV pehledu (%) na pehled byl peskoen:
mFormMain.message.Remove bouquets with only x services=Odstranit pehledy s potem n
mFormMain.message.Rename service % in this userbouquet=Pejmenuje kanl % v tomto uiv
atelskm pehledu
mFormMain.message.Renamed service: %~Real name: %=Pejmenovan kanl: %~Prav jmno: %
mFormMain.message.SatPos % (%)=Pozice satelitu % (%)
mFormMain.message.SatPos %=Pozice satelitu %
mFormMain.message.SatPos=Pozice satelitu
mFormMain.message.Saving file-set in %=Ukldm nastaven do %
mFormMain.message.See earlier logged messages for more details=Pro vce informac pr
ozkoumejte pedchoz poloky protokolu udlost
mFormMain.message.Select Directory=Vbr sloky
mFormMain.message.Select the exported bouquets file to import=Zvolte soubor s ex
portovanmi pehledy, kter chcete importovat.
mFormMain.message.Select the exported services file to import=Zvolte soubor s ex
portovanmi kanly, kter chcete importovat.
mFormMain.message.Select the services file to compare with=Vbr souboru s kanly pro
mFormMain.message.Service % added to bouquet % (%)=Kanl % byl pidn do pehledu % (%)
mFormMain.message.Service % added to bouquet %=Kanl % byl pidn do pehledu %
mFormMain.message.Service % added to list %=Kanl % byl pidn do seznamu %
mFormMain.message.Service % added to new bouquet %=Kanl % byl pidn do novho pehledu %
mFormMain.message.Service % added to services list %=Kanl % byl pidn do seznamu kanl
mFormMain.message.Service % added to User Bouquet %=Kanl % byl pidn do uivatelskch peh
led %
mFormMain.message.Service % already exists in bouquet %~~Skip this warning for t
he remainder of this action?=Kanl % ji v pehledu % existuje.~~Peskakovat dal stejn varo
mFormMain.message.Service % already exists!~~Select "Yes to all" to skip this wa
rning during the remainder of this operation=Kanl % ji existuje!~~Stisknte "Yes to
all" pro peskakovn dalch stejnch varovn.
mFormMain.message.Service % deleted from services and from % bouquet(s)=Kanl % by
l odstrann ze seznamu kanl a z % pehled.
mFormMain.message.Service % deleted from User Bouquet %=Kanl % byl odstrann z pehle
du uivatele %.
mFormMain.message.Service % set to type TV=Kanl % byl nastaven na typ TV
mFormMain.message.Service without corresponding transponder definition not loade
d=Kanl bez nadefinovanho odpovdajcho transpondru nebyl naten
mFormMain.message.Service=Kanl saved in %=kanl byl uloen do % saved in %=zmek kanlu byl uloen do %
mFormMain.message.Starting import of exported bouquets file "%"=Spoutm import expo
rtovanho souboru s pehledy "%"
mFormMain.message.Starting import of exported services file "%"=Spoutm import expo
rtovanho souboru s kanly "%"
mFormMain.message.Terrestrial service=Pozemn kanl
mFormMain.message.The currently active profile is "%".~You can define profiles o
n the options panel.=Aktivn profil: "%".~Profily mete vytvet a pepnat mezi nimi v panel
u Monosti.
mFormMain.message.The directory you selected contains either no services data or
an old version of the setting files.~This version of dreamboxEDIT only supports
file-sets belonging to (unofficial) images 1.04.a.5 released after february 14t
h 2003.~~To edit older file-sets use dreamboxEDIT version 1.41 or older.=Sloka, k
terou jste vybrali obsahuje buto sadu nastaven star verze, nebo je przdn.~Tato verze a
plikace podporuje pouze sady nastaven vytvoen v aplikaci verze 1.04.a.5 a novj. (Aplik
ace uvolnn po 14. noru 2003).~~Chcete-li editovat star sady aplikac, pouijte prosm apl
aci dreamboxEDIT verze 1.41 nebo star.
mFormMain.message.The entry you selected in the details panel is not a regular s
ervice but a "sub service",~which means there is no corresponding service defini
tion.=Poloka, kterou jste zvolili v panelu s detaily, nen normln kanl ale podkanl,~a p
roto nen k dispozici odpovdajc definice kanlu.
mFormMain.message.The service you selected in the details panel is currently not
available in the services panel~due to the there made selection on type or sate
llite=Kanl, kter jste vybrali v okn detail nen momentln k dispozici v hlavnm okn kan
u proveden zmny typu nebo satelitu.
mFormMain.message.The ZAP command did not receive the normal 0 returncode from t
he Dreambox.=Pkaz ZAP neobdrel oekvan navratov kd 0 z Dreamboxu.
mFormMain.message.There are alternatives defined for this service=Pro tento kanl
existuj alternativy definovan na Dreamboxu
mFormMain.message.There is no file-set loaded to upload to the Dreambox.=Nen naten
a dn sada nastaven, kterou by bylo mon odeslat na Dreambox.
mFormMain.message.There is no newer version of dreamboxEDIT available online=Na
webu autora nen k dispozici dn nov verze aplikace.
mFormMain.message.There were % service entries with errors found.~See the log fo
r more information=Bylo nalezeno % poloek kanl, kter obsaholavy chyby.~Pro vce inform
ac prozkoumejte protokol udlost.
mFormMain.message.There were errors retrieving the files from the Dreambox.~Chec
k the log for more information.=Pi natn soubor z Dreamboxu dolo k chyb.~Zkontrolujte p
tokol udlost.
mFormMain.message.This field shows the choosen type of parental control: Blackli
st or Whitelist.~You can choose the type to be used on your Dreambox (only with
newer Dreamboxes that use settings-type 3 or 4!).~~When using Blacklist: all loc
ked services are shown in red,~with Whitelist all allowed services are shown in
green.=Toto pole ukazuje vybran typ rodiovsk kontroly: ern nebo Bl listina.~Mete si v
t, kter typ chcete na Vaem Dreamboxu pouvat (Mon pouze s novjmi typy Dreambox, kter
taven verze 3!).~~V ppad, e pouvte ernou listinu: uzamen kanly jsou zobrazeny erv
listiny: povolen kanly jsou zobrazeny zelen.
mFormMain.message.This field shows the IP settings of the currently active profi
le.=Toto pole zobrazuje nastaven IP z aktulnho profilu.
mFormMain.message.This field shows the receiver type (Satellite/Cable) for the n
ot-multiple-receiver Dreambox models=Toto pole zobrazuje typ pijmae (Satelitn/Kabelo
v) u model Dreamboxu, kter nepodporuj oba mdy zrove.
mFormMain.message.This field shows the version type of the currently loaded sett
ings.~You can switch between versions in the "Tools" menu (normally not needed).
=Toto pole zobrazuje verzi aktuln sady nastaven.~Pepnat mezi verzemi mete v meny Nstro
. (Bn to nen nutn).
mFormMain.message.TV Favourite (%) without corresponding service not loaded=TV F
avourite (%) bez odpovdajcho kanlu nebyl naten
mFormMain.message.TV User Bouquet % saved in %=Uivatelsk TV pehled % byl uloen do %
mFormMain.message.TV User Bouquet details=Detaily uivatelskho TV pehledu
mFormMain.message.TV User Bouquet index file % saved in %=Soubor s indexy uivatel
skho TV pehledu % byl uloen do %
mFormMain.message.Unable to complete dreamboxEDIT Version Check (%)=Kontrola nov
verze aplikace selhala (%)
mFormMain.message.Unsupported reference in Radio User Bouquet (%) skipped:=Byl pe
skoen nepodporovan odkaz v uivatelskm radio pehledu (%):
mFormMain.message.Unsupported reference in Radio User Bouquet (%) to User Bouque
t itself skipped:=Byl peskoen nepodporovan odkaz na sama sebe v uivatelskm radio pehle
du (%):
mFormMain.message.Unsupported reference in TV User Bouquet (%) skipped:=Byl peskoe
n nepodporovan odkaz v uivatelskm TV pehledu (%):
mFormMain.message.Unsupported reference in TV User Bouquet (%) to User Bouquet i
tself skipped:=Byl peskoen nepodporovan odkaz na sama sebe v uivatelskm TV pehledu (%)
mFormMain.message.Updating satellites.xml with currently loaded transponder data
=Aktualizace souboru satellites.xml aktuln natenmi daty transpondru
mFormMain.message.You are already running the latest version of dreamboxEDIT.=Po
uvte nejnovj verzi aplikace.
mFormMain.message.You can not delete the last TV or Radio user bouquet, there mu
st always remain at least one list in each category.=Nen mon smazat posledn TV nebo
rdio pehled. V kad kategorii mus zstat alespo jeden zznam.
mFormMain.message.You can not lock subservice %=Nelze uzamknout podkanl %
mFormMain.message.You can not ZAP to a marker.=Nelze pout funkci ZAP na znaku.
mFormMain.message.You have selected a directory that already contains a file-set
.~When you later save the set you are now building, you will completely overwrit
e the existing set.~~Are you sure want to continue with this directory?=Zvolili
jste sloku, kter ji obsahuje sadu nastaven.~Jestlie pozdji ulote rozpracovanou sadu na
aven, kompletn pepete tuto exitujc sadu.~~Opravdu chcete zvolit tuto sloku?
mFormMain.message.You made changes that are not yet saved!~~Do you want to save
them before making an export file?=Zmny, kter jste udlali nejsou uloeny!~~Chcete je
uloit ped exportovnm souboru?
mFormMain.message.You made changes that are not yet saved!~~Do you want to save
them before opening a new set?~(Choosing "No" means any changes you made, will b
e lost)=Zmny, kter jste udlali nejsou uloeny!~~Chcete je uloit ped otevenm nov sady?~
sknete-li 'Ne' vechny proveden zmny budou ztraceny)
mFormMain.message.You made changes that are not yet saved!~~Do you want to save
them before quiting?~(Choosing "No" means any changes you made, will be lost)=Zmn
y, kter jste udlali nejsou uloeny!~~Chcete je uloit ped ukonenm aplikace?~(Stisknete-li
'Ne' vechny proveden zmny budou ztraceny)
mFormMain.message.ZAP command failed. See log for more information.~Check IP add
ress, HTTP Port, username and password.=Pkaz ZAP selhal. Pro vce informac prozkoumej
te protokol udlost.~Zkontrolujte IP adresu, port protokolu HTTP, jmno uivatele a hes
lo, zda jsou sprvn.
mFormMain.message.ZAP command failed. See log for more information.=Pkaz ZAP selha
l. Pro vce informac prozkoumejte protokol udlost.
mFormMain.message.ZAP to service (disabled in options)=ZAP na kanl (Zakzno v panelu
mFormMain.message.Zap to service=ZAP na kanl
mFormNewVersion.message.dreamboxEDIT New version info=dreamboxEDIT Informace o n
ov verzi
mFormOptions.message.All fields must be filled=Vechny poloky mus bt vyplnny
mFormOptions.message.Can not add a new profile. A profile with the name "New Pro
file" already exists.=Nelze vytvoit nov profil. Profil se jmnem "New profile" ji exi
stuje. has to be patched to make this channels
visible on has to be patched to make this channels
visible on Enigma2
mFormOptions.message.Could not connect to the Dreambox on address %, port %.~~Ch
eck the IP address and the port number and try again.=Nepodailo se pipojit k Dream
boxu na adrese %, a portu %.~~Zkontrolujte, zda je IP adresa a port zadn sprvn a vy
zkuejte to znovu.
mFormOptions.message.Could not login to the Dreambox with username "%" and passw
ord "%".~~Check the username and password and try again.=Nen mon se pipojit k Dreamb
oxu se jmnem uivatele % a heslem %.~~Zkontrolujte prosm jmno uivatele a heslo a vyzko
uejte to prosm znovu.
mFormOptions.message.Delete not possible. There must always remain at least one
profile.=Posledn profil nelze odstranit.
mFormOptions.message.Double Click=Dvojit kliknut
mFormOptions.message.dreamboxEDIT Options=Monosti dreamboxEDIT
mFormOptions.message.Enter the file path on the Dreambox where dreamboxEDIT shou
ld read and write the satellites.xml file to and from=Zadejte cestu na Dreamboxu
odkud bude aplikace natat a zapisovat soubor satellites.xml
mFormOptions.message.Enter the file path on the Dreambox where dreamboxEDIT shou
ld read and write the services and bouquet files to and from=Zadejte cestu na Dr
eamboxu odkud bude aplikace natat a zapisovat soubory s pehledy a kanly
mFormOptions.message.Enter the file path on the Dreambox where dreamboxEDIT shou
ld read and write the user bouquet files to and from=Zadejte cestu na Dreamboxu
odkud bude aplikace natat a zapisovat soubory s uivatelskmi pehledy
mFormOptions.message.Enter the IP address of the Dreambox (like or M
yDreambox.DYNDNS.COM etc.)=IP adresa Dreamboxu (nap.
mFormOptions.message.Enter the password for the Dreambox (normally: dreambox)=He
slo (Dreambox) (normln: dreambox)
mFormOptions.message.Enter the port used for FTP by the Dreambox (normally 21)=F
TP port (Dreambox) (normln: 21)
mFormOptions.message.Enter the port used for HTTP by the Dreambox (normally 80)=
HTTP port (Dreambox) (normln 80)
mFormOptions.message.Enter the username for the Dreambox (normally: root)=Jmno uiv
atele (Dreambox) (normln: root)
mFormOptions.message.Failed to connect to the Dreambox on IP address % (port %)=
Nepodailo se pipojit k Dreamboxu na adrese % (port %)
mFormOptions.message.First select the profile you want to delete.=Nejdve vyberte p
rofil, kter chcete odstranit.
mFormOptions.message.FTP Port must be a numeric value (default is 21)=FTP port m
us bt cel slo (normln: 21)
mFormOptions.message.Here you can enter (part of) the command prompt on the Drea
mBox. dreamboxEDIT waits for this prompt when sending Telnet commands like Reboo
t.=Do tohoto pole je mon vloit dkov pkaz na Dreambox. Aplikace ek na tento pkaz kd
pkazy jako napklad restart.
mFormOptions.message.Here you can enter a command that can be send to the Dreamb
ox from the FTP panel, for instance to start a script for a customised reboot.=S
em je mon vloit pkaz, kter bude odesln do Dreamboxu z okna FTP.
mFormOptions.message.HTTP Port must be a numeric value (default is 80)=HTTP Port
mus bt cel slo (normln: 80)
mFormOptions.message.If you want to enable the ZAP function, you must enter the
IP address of the Dreambox!=Jestlie chcete povolit funkci ZAP, muste nejdve zadat IP
adresu Dreamboxu.
mFormOptions.message.Successfully connected to the Dreambox FTP server!~IP addre
ss, FTP port number, username and password are correct.=Pipojen k Dreambox FTP Ser
veru bylo spn!~IP adresa, slo FTP portu, Jmno uivatele a Heslo jsou sprvn.
mFormOptions.message.Successfully connected to the Dreambox on IP address % (por
t %)=Pipojen k Dreamboxu bylo spn na IP adrese % (port %)
mFormOptions.message.Test the IP address and Username / Password by trying to co
nnect to the Dreambox (this might ake up to a minute)=Testovat FTP pipojen k Dream
boxu (me to trvat i minutu)
mFormOptions.message.Test the IP address by trying to connect to the Dreambox (t
his might take up to a minute)=Testovat IP adresu pipojen k Dreamboxu (me to trvat i
mFormOptions.message.The IP Address must be a valid IP address like~
or MyDreambox.DYNDNS.COM etc.=IP adresa mus bt platn jako nap.~ nebo MyDr
eambox.DYNDNS.COM apod.
mFormOptions.message.You must enter the Dreambox HTTP port (normally 80).=Muste v
loi port HTTP na Dreamboxu (normln 80).
mFormOptions.message.You must first enter the Dreambox IP Address.=Nejdve muste vloi
t IP adresu Dreamboxu.
mFormSelectiveReceive.message.No selection for the files to receive has been mad
e.=Nebyly vybrny dn soubory pro penos.
mFormSelectiveReceive.message.Select the files to receive from the Dreambox=Vybr
at soubory ke staen z Dreamboxu
mFormTransponder.message.Enter extra parameters here. Normally: :2:0 for satelli
te, :0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2 for Terrestrial and :6887000:2:3:3 for Cable services.=Ente
r extra parameters here. Normally: :2:0 for satellite, :0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2 for Terr
estrial and :6887000:2:3:3 for Cable services.
mFormTransponder.message.Enter something in all fields marked with a red *!=Polok
y oznaen ervenou hvzdikou mus bt vyplnn!
mFormTransponder.message.Frequency must be a numeric value!=Frekvence mus bt seln hod
mFormTransponder.message.Transponder data of % services changed.=Data transpondru
u % kanl jsou zmnn.
mFormTransponder.message.Transponder data=daje o transpondru
mFormTransponder.message.You changed the key data of the transponder definition
but a transponder with this key already exists.~~Are you sure you want to add th
e services of this transponder to the already existing transponder?=Zmnili jste k
lov data transpondru, ale transpondr s tmito daty ji existuje.~~Opravdu chcete pidat k
y z tohoto transpondru k ji existujcmu?
mFormTransponder.message.You must first enter the satellite position and frequen
cy fields before you can calculate the namespace.=Satelitn pozice a frekvence mus
bt zadan, ped vpotem poloky 'Namespace'.
pFormAbout.lblAdapted.Caption=Code based on DreamBoxEdit by Llamaware && Digsat.
pFormAbout.lblDevelopedBy.Caption=dreamboxEDIT is developed and maintained by dh
pFormAbout.lblTranslators.Caption=With many thanks to all people who made the va
rious translations of this program!
pFormAbout.lblTutorialsby.Caption=Thanks go to for the great
video tutorials.
pFormAbout.lblWebsite.Caption=Go to the dreamboxEDIT website
pFormAdd.Label1.Caption=Zadejte nov nebo vyberte existujc pehledu, do kterho budou pidn
y kanly.
pFormAdd.Label2.Caption=Nov jmno pehledu
pFormAdd.Label3.Caption=nebo existujc pehled
pFormCompareSet.bCheckAll.Caption=Vybrat ve
pFormCompareSet.bImport.Caption=Aktualizovat aktivn nastaven vybranmi kanly
pFormCompareSet.bUncheckAll.Caption=Zruit vbr vech
pFormCompareSet.GroupBox1.Caption=Rozdly v kanlech mezi aktivnm a porovnvanm nastavenm
pFormCompareSet.GroupBox3.Caption= Jak porozumt vsledkm porovnn
pFormCompareSet.GroupBox4.Caption= Informace o umstn soubor
pFormCompareSet.Label1.Caption=Sloka aktivnho nastaven:
pFormCompareSet.Label2.Caption=Soubory porovnvanho nastaven:
pFormCompareSet.Label3.Caption=Pi stisku "Aktualizovat aktivn nastaven vybranmi kanly
" se stane nsledujc:
pFormCompareSet.Label4.Caption=Vybran kanly s innost "Update" budou aktualizovny v ak
tivnm nastaven
pFormCompareSet.Label5.Caption=Pro oznaen/zruen oznaen kanl lze pout Mezernk.
pFormCompareSet.Label6.Caption=Vybran kanly s innost "Add" budou pidny do aktivnho nast
pFormCompareSet.Label7.Caption=Vybran kanly s innost "Delete" budou vymazan z aktivnho
pFormCompareSet.Label8.Caption=Voliteln nzev pehledu pro pidan kanly:
pFormCompareSet.lExplanation.Caption=Naposledy naten sada s nastavenm je povaovna za
novj, ne aktivn (oteven). Proto jsou poloky, kter se nachz v naten sad a chyb v
akem innosti "Add" (Pidat). Poloky, kter chyb v naten sad jsou oznaeny pznakem inn
te" (Odstranit), ale nebudou standardn oznaeny (zakrtnuty) pro zpracovn. Jestlie je u
poloky rozdl v poli Jmno kanlu nebo Poskytovatel, je oznaena pznakem innosti "Update"
pFormDetail.bCalculate.Caption=Vypotat namespace
pFormDetail.cbNew.Caption=N (New): This service was marked as new at the last se
rvice scan
pFormDetail.cbNODVB.Caption=K (Ponechat): Neaktualizovat automaticky parametry k
anlu. (dxNoSDT)
pFormDetail.cbNoPMT.Caption=P (Pout PID's): Vdy pout specifick PID, msto aktulnho. (d
pFormDetail.cbNoShow.Caption=H (Skrt): Nezobrazovat tento kanl v seznamu 'Vechny ka
nly'. (dxDontshow)
pFormDetail.gbMemo.Caption=Umstn v pehledu:
pFormDetail.GroupBox3.Caption= Pznaky
pFormDetail.GroupBox4.Caption= daje o transpondru
pFormDetail.GroupBox5.Caption=daje o kanlu
pFormDetail.GroupBox6.Caption=Zpodn (v MS):
pFormDetail.Label15.Caption=Upesujc nastaven k tomuto kanlu
pFormDetail.Label16.Caption=(1: TV, 2: Rdio, jin: data)
pFormDetail.Label20.Caption=Rodiovsk zmek
pFormDetail.Label21.Caption=Extra parameters
pFormDetail.Label3.Caption=Typ kanlu
pFormDetail.Label30.Caption=Dal parametry
pFormDetail.Label31.Caption=* povinn pole
pFormDetail.Label4.Caption=ID kanlu
pFormDetail.Label5.Caption=Pozice satelitu
pFormDetail.Label6.Caption=ID transpondru
pFormDetail.Label7.Caption=ID st
pFormDetail.lReminder.Caption=Vechna sla v tomto okn mus bt zadna v destkovm formtu!
pFormEditSatXML.bReload.Caption=Obnovit tabulku
pFormEditSatXML.DeleteTransponder1.Caption=Odstranit transpondr
pFormEditSatXML.Insertcopyoftransponder1.Caption=Vloit kopii transpondru
pFormEditSatXML.InsertTransponder1.Caption=Vloit transpondr
pFormEditSatXML.Label1.Caption=Nzev souboru:
pFormEditSatXML.Label10.Caption=4: 5/6
pFormEditSatXML.Label11.Caption=5: 7/8
pFormEditSatXML.Label12.Caption=2: Levo
pFormEditSatXML.Label13.Caption=3: Pravo
pFormEditSatXML.Label14.Caption=Poet transponder v tabulce:
pFormEditSatXML.Label16.Caption=1: Prohledn st
pFormEditSatXML.Label17.Caption=2: Pout BAT
pFormEditSatXML.Label18.Caption=4: Pout ONIT
pFormEditSatXML.Label19.Caption=8: Vynechat NIT znmch st
pFormEditSatXML.Label20.Caption=9: 8/9
pFormEditSatXML.Label21.Caption=7: 3/5
pFormEditSatXML.Label22.Caption=8: 4/5
pFormEditSatXML.Label23.Caption=9: 9/10
pFormEditSatXML.Label25.Caption=0: DVB-S
pFormEditSatXML.Label26.Caption=1: DVB-S2
pFormEditSatXML.Label28.Caption=0: Auto
pFormEditSatXML.Label29.Caption=1: QPSK
pFormEditSatXML.Label3.Caption=0: Horizontln
pFormEditSatXML.Label30.Caption=2: 8PSK
pFormEditSatXML.Label4.Caption=1: Vertikln
pFormEditSatXML.Label6.Caption=0: Auto
pFormEditSatXML.Label7.Caption=1: 1/2
pFormEditSatXML.Label8.Caption=2: 2/3
pFormEditSatXML.Label9.Caption=3: 3/4
pFormFiles.bRestToLBU.Caption=Obnoven vybranch soubor z posledn zlohy
pFormFiles.bRestToOrg.Caption=Obnoven vybranch soubor na pvodn
pFormFiles.Label2.Caption=Jestlie jsou Datum nebo Velikost zelen, zlon nebo pvodn soubo
ry jsou rzn od aktulnch a lze je obnovit.
pFormFTP.bCustomCmd.Caption=Poslat uivatelsk pkaz Telnet
pFormFTP.bEnigma2Restart.Caption=Restart Enigma2
pFormFTP.bReboot.Caption=Restartovat Dreambox
pFormFTP.bReceive.Caption=Nast soubory z Dreamboxu
pFormFTP.bReload.Caption=Obnovit nastaven na Dreamboxu
pFormFTP.bSend.Caption=Odeslat soubory do Dreamboxu
pFormFTP.cbAutoReload.Caption=Auto Reload Settings Enigma2
pFormFTP.cbCleanUpDreambox.Caption=Odstranit nepouvan pehledy z Dreamboxu
pFormFTP.cbPiconUpload.Caption=Upload picons when sending files to Dreambox
pFormFTP.cbProfileName.Hint=Vyberte profil pro clov Dreambox. Profily mete vytvoit na
zloce Profiles v panelu Monosti.
pFormFTP.cbSelectiveReceive.Caption=Vybrat soubory ke staen
pFormFTP.GroupBox1.Caption=Nastaven FTP
pFormFTP.GroupBox2.Caption=Protokol udlost FTP
pFormFTP.Label14.Caption=Vbr profilu
pFormFTP.Label4.Caption=Mstn sloka
pFormFTP.lIPAddress.Caption=IP adresa
pFormImportUserBouquets.bCheckAll.Caption=Vybrat ve
pFormImportUserBouquets.bRefresh.Caption=Obnovit seznam soubor
pFormImportUserBouquets.bUncheckAll.Caption=Zruit vbr vech
pFormImportUserBouquets.GroupBox1.Caption=Uivatelsk pehledy (*.tv a *.radio)
pFormImportUserBouquets.Label1.Caption=Zrute vbr soubor, kter nechcete zpracovat. (Me
zernk ozna / zru)
pFormImportUserBouquets.puCheckall.Caption=Vbr vech pro zpracovn
pFormImportUserBouquets.puUncheckall.Caption=Zruit vbr vech pro zpracovn
pFormLoadPicon.Label1.Caption=Loading Picons, please wait...
pFormLog.bSave.Caption=Uloit protokol na disk
pFormLog.Label1.Caption=Zprvy aplikace:
pFormMain..Caption=black box
pFormMain..Caption=iOS dark
pFormMain..Caption=Office2007 Black
pFormMain..Caption=Office2007 Blue
pFormMain..Caption=Office2010 Blue
pFormMain..Caption=Snow Leopard
pFormMain..Caption=Windows 8
pFormMain..Caption=WMP 2008
pFormMain.AddAlternativepopup.Caption=Add alternatives to service
pFormMain.AddaNewService1.Caption=Pidat nov kanl...
pFormMain.Addthissatellitetobouquet1.Caption=Vytvoit pehled pro tento satelit
pFormMain.AssignPicontoservice.Caption=Assign Picon to service
pFormMain.AutoInsertMarker.Caption=Automatick vloen znaky...
pFormMain.cbCrypto.Hint=Filter the below displayed services on encryption
pFormMain.cbProfileName.Hint=Select the profile for the target Dreambox.
pFormMain.cbSatName.Hint=Filtrovat zobrazen kanly podle nzvu satelitu
pFormMain.cbSatSystem.Hint=Filter the below displayed services on dvb system
pFormMain.cbTVRadio.Hint=Filtrovat zobrazen kanly podle jejich typu
pFormMain.ChangetypetoTV1.Caption=Oznait jako TV kanl
pFormMain.ClearallNewflags1.Caption=Odstranit pznak 'Nov' u oznaench kanl
pFormMain.CloseStream.Hint=Close Stream
pFormMain.CopyEditthisservice1.Caption=Koprovat a uloit tento kanl...
pFormMain.CopyservicereferenceDet.Caption=Copy service reference to clipboard
pFormMain.CopyservicereferenceServ.Caption=Copy service reference to clipboard
pFormMain.CreateBouquet1.Caption=Vytvoit pehled
pFormMain.DeletefromallBouquets1.Caption=Odstranit ze vech pehled
pFormMain.Deletefromalternatives1.Caption=Delete entry Del
pFormMain.Deletefromfavourites1.Caption=Odstranit poloku Del
pFormMain.Deletesatellite1.Caption=Odstranit Satelit
pFormMain.DeleteService1.Caption=Odstranit Del
pFormMain.DetCopy.Caption=Koprovat Ctrl+C
pFormMain.DetCut.Caption=Vyjmout Ctrl+X
pFormMain.DetLock.Caption=Pepnat rodiovsk zmek Ctrl+L
pFormMain.DetPaste.Caption=Vloit Ctrl+V
pFormMain.DreamBoxEdit1.Caption=dreamboxEDIT (Basics)
pFormMain.dreamboxEDITAdvancedFeatures1.Caption=dreamboxEDIT (Advanced Features)
pFormMain.dreamboxEDITNewFeatures1.Caption=dreamboxEDIT (New Features)
pFormMain.EditMarker1.Caption=Pejmenovat znaku
pFormMain.EditTransponder.Caption=Upravit daje transpondru
pFormMain.fmAbout.Caption=O aplikaci...
pFormMain.fmCheckfornewversion.Caption=Kontrola nov verze...
pFormMain.fmClearLocks.Caption=Odstranit vechny rodiovsk zmky
pFormMain.fmClearNew.Caption=Clear ALL "N" and "X" flags
pFormMain.fmClearSatXML.Caption=Vymazat satellites.xml (ponechat satelity pro ak
tuln kanly)
pFormMain.fmCompareDB.Caption=Porovnat naten kanly s kanly na Dreamboxu
pFormMain.fmCompareDisk.Caption=Porovnat naten kanly s jinmi kanly na disku
pFormMain.fmEditSatXML.Caption=Upravit satellites.xml
pFormMain.fmExportBouquetsExcel.Caption=Exportovat vechny pehledy ve formtu Excel
pFormMain.fmExportServicesExcel.Caption=Exportovat vechny kanly ve formtu Excel
pFormMain.fmFFTPDown.Caption=Rychl FTP naten
pFormMain.fmFFTPUp.Caption=Rychl FTP odesln
pFormMain.fmFiles.Caption=Zobrazen / Obnova soubor
pFormMain.fmImportExportedBouquets.Caption=Importovat exportovan soubor s pehledy
pFormMain.fmImportExportedServices.Caption=Importovat exportovan soubor s kanly
pFormMain.fmImportUserBouquets.Caption=Importovat soubory s uivatelskmi pehledy
pFormMain.fmLanguageTool.Caption=Language Tool
pFormMain.fmLog.Caption=Protokol udlost
pFormMain.fmPiconCleanup.Caption=Remove all unused Picons from local Picon direc
pFormMain.fmSaveAs.Caption=Uloit jako ...
pFormMain.fmSearchRepeat.Caption=Opakovat hledn
pFormMain.fmSwitchVersion2and3.Caption=Pepnout mezi verz nastaven 2 a 3
pFormMain.fmUpdSatXML.Caption=Aktualizovat satellites.xml (pidat nov zznamy z kanl)
pFormMain.iLogo.Hint=Click here to check for a new version of dreamboxEDIT or to
go directly to
pFormMain.InsertMarker1.Caption=Vloit znaku
pFormMain.InsertMarkerPackage.Caption=Vloit znaku pi zmn poskytovatele
pFormMain.InsertMarkerPos.Caption=Vloit znaku pi zmn satelitu
pFormMain.IPTVClipboard.Caption=Paste from clipboard
pFormMain.Label1.Caption=Celkem kanl:
pFormMain.Label3.Caption=Zobrazen kanly:
pFormMain.Label5.Caption=Items in list:
pFormMain.Label8.Caption=Poloek v seznamu:
pFormMain.LocateInServices1.Caption=Vyhledat v seznamu kanl Enter
pFormMain.MakeaBouquetperSatellite1.Caption=Vytvoit nov pehled pro kad satelit
pFormMain.MakeBouquetforeachPackage1.Caption=Vytvoit nov pehled pro kadho poskytovate
pFormMain.MakeBouquetperPackage1.Caption=Vytvoit nov pehled pro tohoto poskytovatel
pFormMain.MarkservicesnotinBouquet1.Caption=Oznait kanly, kter nejsou v uivatelskch pe
hledech jako nov
pFormMain.puLogoCheckfornewversion.Caption=Kontrola nov verze...
pFormMain.puLogoGotowebsite1.Caption=Pejt na webovou strnku
pFormMain.ReadVersionNotes.Caption=Zobrazit poznmky k nov verzi
pFormMain.Removeemptymarkers1.Caption=Odstranit 'przdn' znaky
pFormMain.RemovePiconofservice.Caption=Remove Picon of service
pFormMain.RenameBouquet1.Caption=Pejmenovat pehled
pFormMain.Renameserviceinbouquet1.Caption=Pejmenovat kanl v tomto pehledu Ctrl+R
pFormMain.Renameserviceto1.Caption=Automaticky formtovat jmno kanlu Ctrl+F
pFormMain.Renumberallservices1.Caption=Peslovat vechny kanly field shows the receiver type (Satellite/Cable) for the n
ot-multiple-receiver Dreambox models
pFormMain.SelectAudioTrack1.Caption=Audio Track
pFormMain.SelectDeinterlaceMode1.Caption=Deinterlace mode
pFormMain.ServCopy.Caption=Koprovat Ctrl+C
pFormMain.ServCut.Caption=Vyjmout Ctrl+X
pFormMain.servLock.Caption=Pepnat rodiovsk zmek Ctrl+L
pFormMain.ServPaste.Caption=Vloit Ctrl+V
pFormMain.SetKeepFlag.Caption=Nastavit pznak 'Ponechat'
pFormMain.SetPackagename1.Caption=Upravit jmno poskytovatele
pFormMain.ShowDetails1.Caption=Zobrazit/Upravit detaily Enter
pFormMain.Sortlistalfabeticaly1.Caption=Seadit podle abecedy
pFormMain.StreamEdit.Caption=IPTV and other streaming services
pFormMain.StreamEdit_Edit.Caption=Edit selected
pFormMain.StreamService_Det.Caption=Stream service Ctrl+S
pFormMain.StreamService_Serv.Caption=Stream service Ctrl+S
pFormMain.tbAbout.Hint=Zobraz informaci o aplikaci
pFormMain.tbExit.Hint=Ukon aplikaci
pFormMain.tbFFTPDown.Hint=Natn sady nastaven pomoc protokolu FTP s minimlnm potem dia
pFormMain.tbFFTPUp.Hint=Odesln sady nastaven pomoc protokolu FTP s minimlnm potem dialo
pFormMain.tbFiles.Hint=Prce se sadami nastaven na rovni soubor.
pFormMain.tbFTP.Hint=Sou k penen sady nastaven mezi potaem a Dreamboxem.
pFormMain.tbLog.Hint=Prohlen protokolu udlost, zaznamenanch od startu aplikace.
pFormMain.tbOpen.Hint=Oteve sadu nastaven umstnou na pevnm disku.
pFormMain.tbOptions.Hint=Nastaven rznch monost aplikace.
pFormMain.tbSave.Hint=Ulo zmnnou sadu nastaven na pevn disk.
pFormMain.toggleParentalLock1.Caption=Pepnat rodiovsk zmek
pFormMain.tvCleanUp0.Caption=Odstranit przdn pehledy
pFormMain.tvCleanUp1.Caption=Odstranit pehledy s n kanly...
pFormMain.tvCollapseAll.Caption=Sbalit ve
pFormMain.tvDelete.Caption=Odstranit pehled Del
pFormMain.tvExpandAll.Caption=Rozbalit ve
pFormMain.tvInsert.Caption=Vloit nov pehled Ins
pFormMain.tvPrefix.Caption=Pedpona pehled satelitn pozic
pFormMain.tvShowServices.Caption=Zobrazit kanly
pFormMain.tvSort.Caption=Seadit sekci podle abecedy
pFormMain.VolumeDown.Hint=Volume down
pFormMain.VolumeDownStream.Hint=Volume down
pFormMain.VolumeUp.Hint=Volume up
pFormMain.VolumeUpStream.Hint=Volume up
pFormMain.Yadif2x1.Caption=Yadif (2x)
pFormMain.ZapInfo.Caption=Currently active service on
pFormMain.ZAPtoservice1.Caption=ZAP na kanl
pFormMain.Zaptoservice2.Caption=ZAP na kanl
pFormNewVersion.bGotoDL.Caption=Pejt na strnku pro staen
pFormNewVersion.bReset.Caption=Zruit peskoen verze
pFormNewVersion.bSkipVersion.Caption=Peskoit tuto verzi pi automatick kontrole, ale
upozornit na dal dostupnou verzi
pFormNewVersion.GroupBox1.Caption=Zmny v nov verzi
pFormNewVersion.GroupBox2.Caption=Monosti automatick kontroly pi sputn aplikace
pFormNewVersion.Label2.Caption=Vae aktuln verze:
pFormNewVersion.Label3.Caption=Verze dostupn online:
pFormNewVersion.Label4.Caption=Poet dn mezi automatickou kontrolou aktualizac
pFormOptions.bDefaultColors.Caption=Obnovit pvodn barvy
pFormOptions.bDefaultsEnigma2.Caption=Enigma2 settings
pFormOptions.bDefaultsForCable.Caption=Kabelov pijma
pFormOptions.bDefaultsForSat.Caption=Satelitn pijma
pFormOptions.bDefaultsForTerrestrial.Caption=Terrestrial Receiver
pFormOptions.bDeleteProfile.Caption=Odstranit profil
pFormOptions.bNewProfile.Caption=Nov profil
pFormOptions.bRDDefaults.Caption=Obnovit pvodn nastaven
pFormOptions.bResetTCPIP.Caption=Obnovit pvodn monosti TCP/IP
pFormOptions.bResetWidth.Caption=Obnovit pvodn ku hlavnho okna seznamu
pFormOptions.bSaveProfile.Caption=Save Profile
pFormOptions.bSetOptionsToDefaults.Caption=Obnovit pvodn nastaven veobecnch monost
pFormOptions.bTestFTP.Caption=Otestovat jmno uivatele / heslo
pFormOptions.bTestIP.Caption=Otestovat nastaven IP
pFormOptions.bTVDefaults.Caption=Obnovit pvodn nastaven
pFormOptions.Button1.Caption=Add special services
pFormOptions.cbAllowDuplicates.Caption=Povolit duplicitn poloky v (uivatelskch) pehle
pFormOptions.cbAutoCheckVersion.Caption=Automaticky konrolovat zda existuje nov v
erze programu pi sputn aplikace
pFormOptions.cbAutoload.Caption=Automaticky nast posledn sadu nastaven pi startu apli
pFormOptions.cbConfirmDelete.Caption=Pi odstraovn poloek vyadovat souhlas
pFormOptions.cbConfirmSort.Caption=Pi tdn kanl v pehledech vyadovat souhlas
pFormOptions.cbDeleteBackup.Caption=Don't save backup files (Warning: This optio
n will remove any backup file from your save directory)
pFormOptions.cbEnableZAP.Caption=Povolit funkce ZAP pomoc zkratky:
pFormOptions.cbHidePassword.Caption=Pi psan skrt heslo na zloce Profily. (Nahradit hvz
pFormOptions.cbNewSatXMLBottom.Caption=Pi obnoven SATELLITES.XML pidat nov transpondr
y na konec souboru
pFormOptions.cbOldStyleSelDir.Caption=Enable old style path selection dialog
pFormOptions.cbPiconActivate.Caption=Download and show picons for services in bo
uquets list
pFormOptions.cbQuickFTP.Caption=Povolit tlatka pro rychl FTP penosy v hlavnm okn
pFormOptions.cbSaveTVRadio.Caption=Uloit vbr v hlavn obrazovce Ve / TV / Rdio / Data
pFormOptions.cbShowActiveService.Caption=Show currently active service and volum
e control in main window
pFormOptions.cbShowDetails.Caption=Zobrazit vechny detaily v seznamu kanl
pFormOptions.cbShowDetHint.Caption=Zobrazit bublinu s detailn informac jako npovdu v
detailnm seznamu
pFormOptions.cbShowReboot.Caption=Zobrazit volbu "Restartovat Dreambox" v okn FTP
pFormOptions.cbShowResult.Caption=Vdy zobrazit zprvu s vsledkem ukonen akce
pFormOptions.cbShowSignalStrength.Caption=Show signal strength indicator
pFormOptions.cbSortUseService.Caption=Vdy zahrnout nzev kanlu pi azen seznamu kanl
pFormOptions.cbTransliteration.Caption=Enable transliteration support for greek
and cyrillic (only russian) letters
pFormOptions.cbVLCActive.Caption=Enable VLC support
pFormOptions.cbZAPNoErrorCheck.Caption=Vypnout zptnou kontrolu chybovch hlen funkce Z
pFormOptions.cbZAPStream.Caption=Enable ZAP to service before streaming (for sin
gle tuner receivers)
pFormOptions.DirLabel.Caption=VLC installation directory
pFormOptions.eFTPPassive.Caption=Pasivn (default)
pFormOptions.gbLocalPath.Caption=Local file paths
pFormOptions.gbPaths.Caption=Umstn soudor v Dreamboxu
pFormOptions.gbPrNetwork.Caption=Nastaven st
pFormOptions.GroupBox1.Caption=Monosti rychlho FTP
pFormOptions.GroupBox2.Caption=Typy servisnch sel TV
pFormOptions.GroupBox3.Caption=Seznam nzv slueb
pFormOptions.GroupBox4.Caption=Typy servisnch sel Radio
pFormOptions.Label1.Caption=IP adresa Dreamboxu:
pFormOptions.Label10.Caption=Zadejte servisn sla, kter bude aplikace povaovat za typ
pFormOptions.Label11.Caption=Zadejte servisn sla, kter bude aplikace povaovat za typ
pFormOptions.Label12.Caption=Poet dn mezi automatickou kontrolou aktualizac
pFormOptions.Label13.Caption=HTTP port
pFormOptions.Label14.Caption=Nzev nastaven IP (voliteln)
pFormOptions.Label15.Caption=(default 80)
pFormOptions.Label16.Caption=(default 21)
pFormOptions.Label17.Caption=Zde mete zadat slova, kter by mla bt vdy fotmtovna pesn
jsou zadan zde, v ppad zapnut volby 'Automaticky formtovat jmno kanlu' v okn Detaily
pFormOptions.Label18.Caption=Background color for transparent Picons
pFormOptions.Label19.Caption=Obnovit pvodn cesty soubor pro:
pFormOptions.Label2.Caption=Vbr barev:
pFormOptions.Label20.Caption=Soubory s pehledy a kanly:
pFormOptions.Label21.Caption=Soubory s uivatelskmi pehledy
pFormOptions.Label22.Caption=Soubor Satellites.xml:
pFormOptions.Label23.Caption=Local png directory
pFormOptions.Label24.Caption=Local path for Picons
pFormOptions.Label3.Caption=Jmno uivatele (Dreambox)
pFormOptions.Label4.Caption=Heslo (Dreambox)
pFormOptions.Label5.Caption=Port FTP
pFormOptions.Label6.Caption=Uivatelsk pkaz Telnet, kter lze spustit v okn FTP penosu
pFormOptions.Label7.Caption=Nsledn akce po odesln pomoc rychlho FTP odesln:
pFormOptions.Label8.Caption=Typ FTP:
pFormOptions.Label9.Caption=Extra pkazov dek pro ovldn Dreamboxu pomoc Telnetu
pFormOptions.lProfilename.Caption=Vybran profil:
pFormOptions.pRowColor.Caption=Row Color
pFormOptions.pSelectionColor.Caption=Selection Color
pFormOptions.RadioGroup1.Caption=Picon dimensions
pFormOptions.RadioGroup2.Caption=Snapshot format
pFormOptions.rbCustomCmd.Caption=Odeslat uivatelsk pkaz Telnet
pFormOptions.rbNothing.Caption=Nedlat nic
pFormOptions.rbReboot.Caption=Odeslat pkaz restart
pFormOptions.rbReload.Caption=Odeslat pkaz obnovit nastaven
pFormOptions.TabSheet3.Caption=Barevn schma
pFormOptions.TabSheet5.Caption=Pro pokroil
pFormReleaseNotes.GroupBox1.Caption=New version notes:
pFormReleaseNotes.sLabel1.Caption=Do you want to show this message again next ti
me you start dreamboxEDIT?
pFormSearchInfo.cbNoSearchInfo.Caption=Do not show this message again
pFormSearchInfo.lblSearchInfo1.Caption=Use enhanced filter expressions (SQL styl
pFormSearchInfo.lblSearchInfo2.Caption=% as substitute for zero or more characte
rs (e.g. %sky% shows all services with "sky" in name),
pFormSearchInfo.lblSearchInfo3.Caption=_ as substitute for exactly one character
(e.g. _sky_ in package filter shows services of provider "BSkyB")
pFormSearchInfo.lblSearchInfo4.Caption=\ as escape character (e.g. %\%% shows al
l services with "%" in name)
pFormSelDir.Label1.Caption=Directory Name:
pFormSelectiveReceive.cbSatellitesXML.Caption=satellites.xml / terrestrial.xml /
pFormSelectiveReceive.cbServices.Caption=Kanly (vetn souboru Rodiovsk zmek)
pFormSelectiveReceive.cbUserBouquetsRadio.Caption=Uivatelsk rdio pehledy
pFormSelectiveReceive.cbUserBouquetsTV.Caption=Uivatelsk TV pehledy
pFormSelectiveReceive.GroupBox1.Caption=Vybrat soubory ke staen
pFormSplash.lAction.Caption=Initializing application...
pFormStreamEdit.Label3.Caption=Service Type
pFormStreamEdit.Label4.Caption=Service ID
pFormStreamEdit.Label6.Caption=Transponder ID
pFormStreamEdit.Label7.Caption=Network ID
pFormStreamEdit.lReminder.Caption=All numbers on this screen must be entered in
decimal format!
pFormStreamEdit.sGroupBox1.Caption=Service Data
pFormStreamEdit.sGroupBox2.Caption=DVB/TS Data
pFormStreamEdit.sRadioServiceType.Caption=Service Type
pFormStreamEdit.sRadioStreamType.Caption=Stream Type
pFormTransponder.bCalculate.Caption=Vypotat hodnotu Namespace
pFormTransponder.GroupBox1.Caption=Kanly tohoto transpondru
pFormTransponder.GroupBox4.Caption=daje o transpondru
pFormTransponder.Label1.Caption=Proveden zmny jsou aplikovny na vechny kanly tohoto t
pFormTransponder.Label2.Caption=Dal parametry
pFormTransponder.Label31.Caption=* povinn pole
pFormTransponder.Label5.Caption=Pozice satelitu
pFormTransponder.Label6.Caption=ID transpondru
pFormTransponder.Label7.Caption=ID st
pFormWait.Label1.Caption=Pracuji, ekejte prosm ...

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