Educ310 - Intro To Christian Education 7 Mid-Term

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Introduction to Christian

Review of Week 6:
1. Consider your calling:
a. Consider the character of the One who called you
b. You are called to the Person of Jesus Christ, not
primarily to a work
c. Consider why you were called (2 Tim. 1:9)
d. Consider the faithfulness of God (1 Thess. 5:24)
2. Pitfalls in the classroom:
a. Legalism
b. Lasciviousness
3. Avoiding Pitfalls: Draw near & Receive
Schedule for tonights class:
Instruction: Approx. 6-7:15 pm
1. Characteristics of Teachers
2. Engaging Parents (?)
Mid-Term Assessment (Your time)
1. Take-Home Test
2. Return 10/23 (Mandatory)
Objective 1:
By the end of this class, I will be able to
articulate some characteristics of a good
Miller, P. (2012). Ten Characteristics of a Good Teacher. English Teaching Forum, 1, 36-38. Retrieved from http:
What is a good teacher?
Miller, P. (2012). Ten Characteristics of a Good Teacher. English Teaching Forum, 1, 36-38. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.
From: Miller, Patricia (2012)
Affective characteristics
interest in the student
mental health
Classroom Management
Academic Knowledge
"I want a teacher who can
maintain a level of difficulty high
enough to challenge me, but
not so high as to discourage
me." (Miller, 2012)
What is a good teacher?
Johnston, F. B. (1899). Elementary school children standing and watching teacher write at blackboard, Washington, D.C.; Reproduction Number:
LC-USZ62-90603 [Photograph]. Retrieved from
Selected characteristics of effective teachers:
1. Covered:
"The LORD [is] thy keeper: the LORD [is] thy
shade (Hebrew: tsal = shadow, defense, shade)
upon thy right hand." Psalms 121:5 KJV
Picture: Northwestern University School of Law. (1915). Man on bike with umbrella [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://homicide.northwestern.
Selected characteristics of effective teachers:
Picture: Northwestern University School of Law. (1915). Man on bike with umbrella [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://homicide.northwestern.
1. Covered:
a. God (see Daniel 4:17, 34-37)
b. Family (Gen. 9:23 - Shem / Japheth)
c. Leadership: Table of Organization
(Eph. 4:11-12)
d. Godly friends (Prov. 17:17)
e. Husband / Wife (Gen: 3:9-24 vs. Ruth 4)
2. Knowledgeable:
Getting knowledge involves:
a. Receptivity: Willingness to learn does not mesh well
with pride. Pride is a blinder.
b. Humility: Being a listener, we gain valuable insights
from the experience of others. Discern the source...
c. Gifts: Natural talents are not co-equal with spiritual
gifts. Talents may help a teacher or sometimes trip
them up. Gifts are for the edification of the Body of
Christ & to honor Jesus Christ.
Selected characteristics of effective teachers:
2. Knowledgeable:
Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we
all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity
And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth
nothing yet as he ought to know.
But if any man love God, the same is known of him.
1 Cor. 8:1-3 KJV
Selected characteristics of effective teachers:
Grk: ginosko
Matt: 13:11
1 John 3:20
Acts 4:13
Grk: epginosko
3. Classroom Management:
a. Love is the basis for our interactions with students
b. Opportunities to praise good work & performance
c. Opportunities to rebound & receive grace
d. Leading - not pushing or pulling
e. No strategy is one-size-fits-all
f. Guiding students back to a place of receptivity in rest
Selected characteristics of effective teachers:
3. Classroom Management:
Practical strategies:
a. Proximity control: Coming near to students that need
to be redirected
b. Non-verbal redirectors: Hand motions that are
commonly understood & used to redirect students
c. Eye contact: Show you care by looking at every
d. Reach out to every student: Use names in examples,
ask specific students questions, scaffold for struggling
e. Know when to be quiet
f. Know when to be loud
Selected characteristics of effective teachers:
Your Next Paper: 2 Weeks Away
Please write a 1-2 page essay regarding the
role of parents in the continual education of
their children. Use specific Scriptures to
provide examples of good & bad parenting.
A Note about Schools:
Institute of Education
Sciences., & National Center
for Education Statistics. (2014).
The Condition of Education -
Elementary and Secondary
Education - School
Characteristics and Climate -
Teachers and Pupil/Teacher
Ratios - Indicator April (2014).
Retrieved from U.S.
Department of Education
website: http://nces.ed.
Institute of Education
Sciences., & National Center
for Education Statistics. (2014).
The Condition of Education -
Elementary and Secondary
Education - School
Characteristics and Climate -
Teachers and Pupil/Teacher
Ratios - Indicator April (2014).
Retrieved from U.S.
Department of Education
website: http://nces.ed.
The Moral of the Story:
The job of the teacher is changing
More teacher aides, literacy coaches, and support staff
Teachers make up only ~51% of public school staff
Non-teaching staff are key personnel to running any school
Jobs are available in support roles
You can bring a lot to the table!
Institute of Education
Sciences., & National Center
for Education Statistics. (2014).
The Condition of Education -
Elementary and Secondary
Education - School
Characteristics and Climate -
Teachers and Pupil/Teacher
Ratios - Indicator April (2014).
Retrieved from U.S.
Department of Education
website: http://nces.ed.
Student teacher ratios are
roughly the same in public &
private schools now:
Parting shot...
And the King shall answer and say unto
them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye
have done [it] unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me.
Matthew 25:40 KJV

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