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Kristina Priesman

Director of Youth Ministry

St. Mary, Charlotte & St. Ann Bellevue
St. Mary Boulevard
Charlotte, MI !!"#
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(o )hom It May Concern*
I am +ritin, this recommendation for -a%e Courser, a youth ,rou. student for the .ast t+o years
that I have %een involved +ith the ministry. It has %een a ,reat .leasure ,ettin, to /no+ -a%e.
0e has an ama1in, .ersonality. 0e is carin,, thou,htful, ,enerous, /ind, hel.ful, concerned, and
has a .ositive dis.osition. -a%e has also %een very de.enda%le over the .ast t+o years. )hen
he says he is ,oin, to do somethin,, he ty.ically does, unless somethin, arises that has to ta/e
.recedence. -a%e has s.ent several hours of his time com.letin, community service %oth +ithin
the church and +ithin the community.
(his year, -a%e has ta/en on the role of a teen leader. (his ,ives him some e2tra res.onsi%ilities
+ithin our ,rou. meetin, time, as +ell as as/s him to .ut in e2tra time comin, to leader
meetin,s. -a%e hel.s to .lan class sessions and social events for the ,rou.. 0e is a%le to share
his o.inions in an manner, has e2cellent team+or/ s/ills, and listens to others +ith
res.ect. -a%e +or/s hard and recently has started ta/in, on roles that are out of his comfort
It is +ith ,reat .leasure and full confidence that I recommend -a%e to %e a .art of your team.
You +ill %e satisfied +ith his s/ills and a%ility.
Kristina Priesman
Kristina Priesman

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