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Rules for the English class

You must come to class on time! Being more than 5 minutes late will count as an
You must come to class equipped with a pen, an English workbook and at least
one textbook (or hand-outs) for two of you. f not, you will be e!aluated at the
beginning of the class.
No mobile phones are to be visible or audible during class. ("his includes
listening to music!) f this occurs, the phone will be ta#en by the teacher and
gi!en to the principal.
f arguments or fights occur (o!er any issue) you will be e!aluated immediately.
You must stay throughout the entire class. f you lea!e, unappro!ed by the
teacher, you will be mar#ed as absent.
"al#ing during the class, unless appointed by the teacher, is unacceptable.
$o food is to be eaten during class. f this occurs, the teacher will ta#e the food
and share with the other classmates.
% &espect one another!
% 'ea!e problems outside the class and #eep a positi!e attitude towards
% (tudy hard and you will be rewarded!
Everyone is responsible for everything that goes on
during the class!
)nglish "eacher* +iana Besoiu

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