Writing 3 Backgrounder

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Seniors Helping Seniors

203 Ulrich Lane

Leesport, PA 19533


Nov. 3, 2014 Kailey Decker
Public Relations Director
(908) 463-5959

Kiran Yocom; The mastermind behind Seniors Helping Seniors

Kiran Yocom was just about 16 years old when Mother Teresa gave her her set of
personal rosary beads. However before this exchange, Yocom was simply a wealthy child
who was born into a privileged Hindu family in India. She grew up being told that her
blood was actually blue, which led to a startling realization when she scrapped her knee
at age four to see that her blood was, in fact, red. All these privileges should have come
with attitude and a sense of entitlement.
As a seven year old, rather than considering herself a princess, Yocom would give
her allowance to her familys driver with the instruction to drop it of to the woman who
was helping Indias poorest; a woman known to the world as Mother Teresa, a Catholic
After marrying an equally as rich Hindu man by the time she 16, Yocom quickly
became pregnant and than widowed. This heartbreak sparked her interest in Christianity
and brought her and Mother close. Yocom soon became a follower of Mother and
gave most of her money away. She begged on the streets of India side-by-side with

lepers. She held a two-week-old baby who still had an attached umbilical cord. She went
on to become a mother of her own and later the mother of a selfless organization.
Yocoms daughter grew up and attended college in the United States, which
prompted a move for Yocom. Upon a visit to her daughters school, she met Phillip
Yocom, who asked her out on a date. Reluctantly, Yocom agreed and they had their first
date at McDonalds. The date ended and the two were engaged days later.
Together, Kiran and Phillip have created Seniors Helping Seniors. Seniors
Helping Seniors provides non-medical help to seniors with the help of other seniors. The
Yocoms view Seniors Helping Seniors as a continuation of Kirans work in India by
targeting another ignored population; the elderly.
Yocom explained, My goal is make this company big. I want to do good.

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