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Offering, Accepting and Refusing Politely

Would you like ...?

"Would you like something" is a more polite form of "Do you want something".
How to ofer a cup of cofee to someone else:
Formal Would you like a cup of cofee?
Informal Do you want a cup of cofee?
Very informal
How to accept or decline a cup of cofee:

Accepting Refusing
Formal Yes, please. No, thank you.
Informal Yes, Id like some. No, thanks.
Very informal Id lo!e one. No.
How do you take it?
"ayin# how you would like your cofee...
$lack with su#ar, please.
White, no su#ar, please.
White with su#ar, please.
Black, no sugar, please.
& little milk, 'ut no su#ar, please.
(r $ean is in the staf room at school. He is makin# a cup of cofee. (iss "mith comes in ...
(r $ean: Hello, (iss "mith. Would you like a cup of cofee? Im )ust makin# some.
(iss "mith: *h, yes please, that would 'e lo!ely.
(r $ean: How do you take it?
(iss "mith: With milk and su#ar please.
(r $ean makes the cofee
(r $ean: Here you are.
(iss "mith: +hank you.
+heir collea#ue (r (artin comes in
(iss "mith: ,ood mornin# (r (artin, cofee?
(r (artin: *h, #reat- Yes please, Id lo!e one.
(r $ean: (ilk and su#ar?
(r (artin: & little milk, 'ut no su#ar, please.

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