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Name___________________ per____

Mystery Cube Density Lab

Objective: To discover the identity of each cube based on its density.
Materials: Density mystery cube set (5 cubes), unknown marble, balance, graduated cylinder, cup, H!
Hypothesis: "f the mass and volume of a cube is found, then we can use the density of the cube to determine
the material of the cube.
#. Find the mass o each cube using a balance and record results in the data table.
. Find the volume o each cube ($ength % &idth % Height and displacement) and record results in the
data table.

'. Calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume and record results in the data table.
D!m"v #hat units$
(% &dentiy the mystery cubes based on their densities from the chart below. )e sure to keep track of which
cube you are measuring.
'no#n values or cube densities ()"cm
*crylic + #. )"cm
,ickel -.. )"cm
*luminum + ./ )"cm
0olypropylene + 1..# )"cm
)rass + -.5 )"cm
023 + #.( )"cm
3opper + -..5 )"cm
4teel + /.. )"cm
!ak + 1.5 6 1.. )"cm
7lass+ .5 )"cm
,esults -able:
Cube . /olume (ml+ Mass ()+ /olume (cm
+ Density ()"cm
+ &dentity based on

#1 mls H!
#. &hat determines whether a cube will float or sink in water8
. &hich cubes would sink in water8
'. &hich cubes would float in water8
(. Describe how you determined the volume of the cubes.
5. Describe how you found the density for each cube.
5. How would you find the density of a li9uid in the density column :r. ;atkos showed us8
Mystery Cube Density Lab
(Day 0+
Objective: To discover the slope of a line of a mass vs volume lab is density of the ob<ect.
Materials: ( of the same density cube from the set
Hypothesis: "f the densities of similar cubes are graphed, then the slope of the line will show =====. (fill in
the blank)
#. >ind the mass of one cube using a balance and record results in the data table.
. >ind the volume of one cube ($ength % &idth % Height) and record results in the data table.
'. 3alculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume and record results in the data table.
(. ;epeat steps #?' adding a block each time.
5. 7raph the data using a ruler 6 be careful to space out each line carefully@
5. >ind the slope of the lineA rise or mass y 6 y#
run or volume % 6 %#
. o Cubes Mass ()+ /olume (cm
+ Density ()"cm
# ===
=== B ===
' === B === B ===
( === B === B === B ===
#. 7raph the densities of each block (be sure to have a title for the graph, label the a%is, put the units, and use
a ruler to draw straight lines)
. &hat happens to the density if the mass decreases but, the volume remains the same8
'. How does increasing the volume without increasing the mass affect densities8
>or the graph be sure toA
Title the graph
$abel all a%es
Draw straight lines (use a ruler)
4pace all lines evenly
>ind the slope of the line

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