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*While giving this interview, Lizzie crashed her car into a car containing the second-, third-,
fourth-, and fth-best remaining woman drivers in America. There were no survivors, and no
other women in America know how to drive. Better luck next year!
in America
Name: Lizzie Lambert
Age: 33
Hometown: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Number of accidents: 2
Number of fatalities: 1
LIZZIES ESSAY: Even though I was born in the prison that is a womans body, I feel that I have
worked night and day to overcome this living hell of a gender. I played a lot of pool to practice
spatial reasoning. I invested in conservative footwear (two-inch stilettos with studs on the cuff ) so
that my foot would rarely slip off the brake and onto the gas. I took two extra sessions of drivers
ed so that I would be fully prepared to merge on AND off the freeway. I made a real commitment to
putting on my makeup BEFORE I started driving, and if I had to put on makeup while driving
I waited for long stretches of straight road so I could safely take both hands off the wheel. I realized
that Do Not Enter signs were not suggestions, but should be respected as canon. I removed
enough of the Proud Mother of an Honor Student at Rusheld Middle School bumper stickers
that I had plastered the windshield with so that there were two eyeholes to look out through. I
removed all the stuffed animals from the back window except the Spongebob because hes so cute!!!!!
Ive stopped sticking my head out the moonroof as a hair dryer. I started holding the steering wheel
at 10 and 2. I learned to read an analog clock so I could gure out what 10 and 2 means
(so retro!). Ive stopped making my honor student at Rusheld Middle apply my lipstick for me.
Ive stopped tailgating so that I could check out the hair extensions of the gal driver in front of me.
LIZZIES EXPLANATION OF HER FATALITY: I unfortunately totaled my car in my rst drivers-ed
course, but the driving school that I was taking it from was super classy. They took full
responsibility for not teaching me how to merge and, even though I killed my drivers-ed
instructor, they gave me a coupon for two free classes. Im writing this essay during the second
one! Shut up, Mr. Know-It-All teacher, I do what I want!
Amram_Science For Her_FinalQuad_Final.indd 67 9/3/14 2:01 PM

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