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List of programs for class XI

1. Write a menu driven program to calculate area of various geometrical figures
a. Area of a square
b. Area of a rectangle
c. Area of a triangle
d. Exit
2. WAP to accept marks of student in 45 subjects and calcalute his/her total maks, Average marks
and grade.
3. Write a menu driven program to calculate area/voulme of various geometrical figures
a. Area of a cube
b. Area of a cuboids
c. Area of a cylinder
d. Exit
5. Write a menu driven program to convert the temperature
a. C to F
b. F to C
c. Exit
6. WAP to accept principal amount, rate of interest and time and calculate simple and compound
7. WAP to accept age of a person and check if is eligible to vote(using if..else)
8. Write a menu driven program to work on a number
a. Check if the no is even or odd
b. Check if the number is positive or negative
c. Exit
9. Write a menu driven program to work on a number
a. Display reverse of the number
b. Check if the number is a palindrome
c. Exit
10. Write a menu driven program to accept salary of a person
a. Display his grade
b. Display his salary scale
c. Exit
11. WAP to accept sales made by the salesman and calculate his commission
Sales made Commission
>=100000 5% of sales
<100000 &>=50000 2.5% of sales
<50000 1% of sales

12. WAP to accept a character and display the following menu
a. Case of the character (upper/lower/digit/special)
b. Vowel or not
c. Exit
13. An Electricity board charges following rates to domestic users to discourage large consumption
of energy
a. First 100 units : 60 P/unit
b. Next 200 units : 80 P/unit
c. Beyond 300 units : 90 P/unit
All users are charged minimum of Rs. 50. If total Amount is >300 then additional surcharge of
15% is added. WAP to read users name and units consumed and calculate the amount payable.
14. Write a function to accept no. of calls made by user and calculate the mobile call bill as per the
following criteria:
No. of Calls Amount
0-50 Free
51-100 20p per call
101- 200 50 p per call
201 and above 75p per call
Rent will be Rs 100 and is compulsory.
15. Write a function to accept garment_code, cost of the garment as input and calculate the bill
amount after deducting DISCOUNT as per the following criteria:
No. of Calls Amount
Less than 500 no discount
501-2000 5% discount
2001-3000 10% discount
3001 and above 15% discount
16. Write a menu driven program to accept a number and check the following:
a. Divisibility by 3
b. Divisibility by 5
c. Divisibility by both 3 and 5
d. Exit

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