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Name: Nas Wanie bt. Muhamad Nazri
Matric number: 1218724
Mughal architecture is influenced by Persian, Islamic as
well as Hindu architecture:

Hindu architecture influences:
1. Stone construction.
2. Shallow arches made out of corbels.
3. Ornamented carved piers and columns and stone screens.

Persian architecture influences:
1. Extensive use of tile-work.
2. The iwan as a central feature in mosques.
3. The charbagh or garden, divided into four parts.
4. The use of domes

The Mughal synthesis exhibited many variations and
characteristics including:
- Perfect or near perfect radial or bilateral symmetry
- Red sandstone with white marble inlays
or, later, pure white marble surfaces
- Geometric ornament
- Domes which are slightly pointed instead of
hemispherical ones
- Garden surroundings (The design of gardens is one of
the most important aspects of Mughal architecture
which provided the setting for tombs and palaces and
also helped for relaxation)
- Slightly pointed rather than hemispherical domes.

The decoration of the buildings was basically done with
ceramic tilework, pietra dura inlay with coloured and
semi-precious stones, carved and inlaid stonework.
Carved stonework is another interesting feature in the
Mughal architecture, ranging from shallow relief
depictions of flowers to intricate pierced-marble screens
known as jalis.
The stone quite often associated with the Mughal
architecture is white marble, which can be seen in the
magnificence of the Taj Mahal.
Taj Mahal is regarded as the finest example of Mughal architecture
(white domed marble)
Examples of Mughal Architecture influences
Akbar's Tomb, 1605-1612, Sikandra (the
use bilateral symmetry)
Jehangir Tomb, 17th century, Lahore,
Pakistan. (Red sandstone with white
marble inlay and later, pure white marble
Persian style garden layout
Pavilion in Shalimar Garden, Pakistan.

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