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Concept Artist Who's Who

Kekai Kotaki

Who is he?
Kotaki is the lead concept artist of the Arena Net Game
Guild Wars 2. He has worked for many different
companies and has done art for many different games, tv
shows and ooks. !n 2""" he attended an art school in
#eattle after moving from Hawaii, where he got a lot of his
inspiration. Now he gains inspiration and e$perience y
travelling the world and oserving what he sees in nature.

Kotaki has worked mainly for Arena Net producing the
eautiful %oncept Art for Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. He
was also involved in creating some of the art work for the
most recent &ungie game, 'estiny. (ther ig names he
have worked for include) National Geographic, '% %omics
and &lur.
Guild Wars 2 #ylvari

Some More of his Work

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