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Supporting LGBTQ Students Student Interview

Grade Student, 14 years of age Identifies as bisexual
Whats been your experience as an LGBTQ student in the classroom?
I get to hang out with girls more than I do with guys, but I still talk to guys but the guys
dont share much as the girls do, and they are a bit immature when it comes to LGBTQ.
When my girl friends get into verbal fights with guys the guy always ends up saying hey
at least I am not friends with a weird guy and they call me joto meaning gay in Spanish.
With teachers, well they actually dont care about it they just see us as any other human in
the world.
What positive things have your teachers done to make you feel including in the classroom?
Some things that teachers do is that they notice when I am sad or depressed they know its
about my LGBTQ problems. When the teachers see me getting cussed out or being bullied
they give the person that has been bothering me detention and give them a essay on why is
it important to respect LGBTQ community people.
What more could teachers do to make you feel included?
What teachers could start doing is just help and be around the bad kids when they have
time to square them away and if the kid keeps on doing it then he should have a stern
talking too and a serious consequence.

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