Lesson Plan 1 Mathstime

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Class: (Year Three) 3RED Stage 2 Date: 28.3.13 Time: Start:

Key Learning Area: Mathematics Lesson Topic: Time
Recent Prior Eperience
Students have begun to explore the concept o time over the last three lessons. Terminolog! has been introduced to describe the cloc" ace# particularl! $ords
that describe the hands on the cloc" $hen the! reach %&uarter to' and %&uarter past'. Students understand ho$ the minute hand $or"s# but need urther
practice on ho$ it moves around the cloc" and ho$ then to record and sa! $hat time is being sho$n.
Sylla!"s #"tcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the syllabus
reference number AND write out in full.
$eas"rement an% &eometry
Time '
A student:
( (ses appropriate terminolog! to
describe# and s!mbols to represent#
mathematical ideas
+n%icators o, Learning ,or this lesson:
Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote
syllabus numbers. ust be clear! specific! observable. "urriculum
"ontent #trands may be used as headin$s.
By the end of this lesson! the students will:
( Record in $ords various times sho$n on an analog cloc"
( Recognise the coordinated movements o the hands on an
analog cloc"# including)
*o$ man! minutes it ta"es or the minute hand to move rom one
numeral to the next
*o$ man! minutes it ta"es or the minute hand to move rom the 12 to
an! other numeral (%uarter &ast'%uarter to)
( +e more amiliar $ith the terms ,&uarter to' and %&uarter past'
- +e able to identi! the time on an analog cloc" using correct
#trate$ies which will be used to assess learners(
attainment of learnin$ outcomes. #hould be lin)ed
to each learnin$ indicator.
( .bserve Students participation in
discussion- Teacher records $hat the
students "no$ about ,time/. This can be
repeated at the end o the topic to see $hat
the students have learned.
- Students completing the $or"sheet and
recording the ans$ers correctl!.
( 0o 1ormal assessment# teacher ma"ing
notes o students eorts
Any sa,ety iss"es to !e consi%ere%:
(Ensure students are reminded to use their space
appropriatel!# "eep $al"$a!s and tables clear o
Time $or" sheet# pencils# rubbers
Lesson Content 1 +n%icators o, Learning
(What is Ta"ght):
Note )ey s)ills! conce&ts and values
addressed in each section. *in) to your
+ndicators of *earnin$.
Teaching Strategies 1 Learning Eperiences:
(How it is ta"ght)
,rite detailed ste&s showin$ what the teacher (-) will do and
what students (#s) will do.
Reso"rces an% #rganisation:
Teacher $ill begin the lesson $ith the students on the carpet
space in ront o the $hite board. Teacher $ill begin a small
discussion b! as"ing
%3hat can !ou tell me about time4'
Teacher can create a small mind map on the board. 5ter
gathering onl! a e$ points# teacher $ill direct the discussion
to$ards the analog ,cloc" ace/. Teacher $ill explain the role o
the minute hand and the hour hand and prompt the students
to explain ho$ man! minutes are bet$een each digit on the
cloc". Teach $ill explain the terminolog! o %&uarter to' and
%&uarter past' using the hands on the cloc".
( Recognise the coordinated movements o
the hands on an analog cloc"# including)
*o$ man! minutes it ta"es or the minute
hand to move rom one numeral to the next
*o$ man! minutes it ta"es or the minute hand
to move rom the 12 to an! other numeral
(%uarter &ast'%uarter to)
( +e more amiliar $ith the terms ,&uarter to'
and %&uarter past'
- +e able to identi! the time on an analog
cloc" using correct terminolog!
Teacher $ill explain to the students that the! $ill be
completing a $or" sheet. Teacher $ill briel! outline $hat
needs to be done# highlighting speciic areas o the $or"sheet
that have 7ust been discussed. Teacher $ill remind students to
read the instructions beore completing each tas".
Students $ill be organised bac" into their seats# as the
$or"sheet $ill be handed out.
Teacher $ill $al" around the classroom and assist $ith an!
&uestions about the $or".
Teacher $ill remind students o time the! have let beore $e
mar" the $or"sheet together as a class.
Students $ill be as"ed to ta"e out a dierent coloured pencil
to mar" their ans$ers. Teacher $ill as" students to place
$or"sheet in math boo"s and then collect boo"s rom the
tables. Students $ill be as"ed to sit on the carpet space.
-3or"sheets# rubbers# pencils#
glue# math boo"s
( Recognise the coordinated movements o
the hands on an analog cloc"# including)
*o$ man! minutes it ta"es or the minute
hand to move rom one numeral to the next
*o$ man! minutes it ta"es or the minute hand
to move rom the 12 to an! other numeral
(%uarter &ast'%uarter to)
- +e able to identi! the time on an analog
cloc" using correct terminolog! $hen
Students $ill be gathered on the carpet in ront o the $hite
board. Teacher $ill use a large cloc" ace that can create a
number o dierent times (or cloc) drawn on white board)
Students $ill be selected to come out and create a time on the
cloc". Teacher $ill as" students)
-3hat time is sho$n on the cloc"4
-3hat is this hand called4 89pointing to the minute hand:
-3hat is this hand called4 89pointing to the hour hand:
-;n 12 minutes time# $hat $ill the time be on the cloc"4
-;n <2 minutes9 $hat $ill the time be4
- =loc" 1ace (or a cloc) drawn on
the whiteboard)
- 5de&uate carpet space
St"%ent Teacher3s E4al"ation (write reflections on the followin$):
Assessment of Learning Outcomes
To $hat extent did the learners achieve the intended learning outcomes4
Describe the evidence !ou have or this.
.utline the ollo$-up to this lesson or the learners-
Evaluation of Teaching
;denti! the teaching strategies ? learning experiences that $ere most eective. Explain $h!.
;denti! the teaching strategies ? learning experiences that $ere least eective. Explain $h!.
*o$ appropriate $as the timing throughout the various sections o the lesson4 3h!4
Describe ho$ the selection and use o resources supported learning in the lesson.
;denti! $hat motivated the students. Explain $h!.
;denti! the classroom management strategies that $ere most eective. Explain $h!.
3hat $as most satis!ing about the lesson4
+ased on these relections# outline the steps !ou should no$ ta"e to improve !our teaching in uture lessons.
Colleag"e teacher3s comments: 8Reerence could be made# or example# to planning and preparation#
"no$ledge o curriculum# organisation# motivation o pupils# strategies used# interaction $ith students# classroom
management# catering or individual needs# use o resources# etc.:

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