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HIST 221 -History of the United States

(1865 - present)
HIST 221 - History of the United States (1865-present)
o!rse "es#ription
This is a survey course that covers the development of the United States after the Civil War
to the present. Through a review of chronological topics, students analyze the political,
economic, social, geographic, and cultural impacts upon American life. Topics include
reconstruction, development of the west, industrialization, Progressivism, empire uilding,
World War ! " !!, the #epression, the Cold War, and modern political events. $ Units
%&'( )** College Composition and +esearch

St!dent Learnin( )!t#o*es
Upon completion of this course, students should e ale to,
). #iscuss the origins and development of American political, economic, social, and
cultural institutions.
-. !dentify and descrie the ma.or political, economic, technological, and social changes
in United States history and their significance on the local, regional, national, and
international levels.
/. #iscuss the relationship of the United States to other nations and peoples of the
world with particular attention to the incorporation of immigrants into American
$. #escrie and e0plain the evolution of U.S. foreign policy goals and their various
outcomes from the )12* to the present.
*. +ecognize the differing ramification of historical events on people of varying racial,
ethnic, cultural, socio3economic and gender ac4grounds.
Instr!#tor Infor*ation
'a#he+ $!rdie, -A
) 2/10 1!arter
Th!rsdays 2 63// 2 435/p*, 'oo* 2/6
$referred #onta#t3 -essa(in( 5ia 6n(rade7#o*
8a#!+ty e*ai+3 'a#he+9$!rdie:hea+d7ed!
o!rse ; http3&&history221hea+dr##7;ee.+y7#o*
Course 5ersion ).6 ) of 2 (ast 7odified, 6/8-18-6)/
Template 5ersion 9./
HIST 221 -History of the United States
(1865 - present)
+oar4 et al :-6));. Understanding the American Promise: A Brief History, Vol II,
From 1865 Present Second %dition. <edford8St 7artin=s. !S<& 9>13)3$*>23$62$3/
Companion wesite :for students and instructors;
+eading the American Past 5.- +eader
6<a*s 5/?
$ro@e#ts and Assi(n*ents 0/?
$arti#ipation 1/?
96? 3 )66? @ A @ Superior
16? 3 19.99? @ < @ Aove Average
>6? 3 >9.99? @ C @ Average
26? 3 29.99? @ # @ <elow AverageA
*9.99? 3 or
@ B @ Bailing :Class performance and su.ect 4nowledge
mastery are elow academic and .o acceptailityC
class must e repeated;
PASS @ Pass :!nternship8%0ternship;
BA!( @ Bail :!nternship8%0ternship;
!P @ !n Progress :for !nternship8%0ternship si03wee4 e0tensions only;
W @ Withdraw :after the Add8#rop Period;
WD @ 7ilitary Withdrawal :active duty student deployed or training;
T+ @ Transfer Credit
P% @ Proficiency %0am
Course 5ersion ).6 - of 2 (ast 7odified, 6/8-18-6)/
Template 5ersion 9./
HIST 221 -History of the United States
(1865 - present)
ESatisfactory completion of most courses is ased on achieving a grade of at least F#G.
However, satisfactory completion of some courses is ased on achieving a grade of at least
FC G. Students earning less than >6? in these courses will receive an B. Courses that reIuire
a passing grade of FCG are identified y a FEG in the Academic Program #escriptions section
within the Academic Catalog. Students are encouraged to review the Academic Catalog and
current Addendum to determine whether they are reIuired to earn >6? to pass this class.
Students whose cumulative grade point average is elow -.6 will not graduate.Heald does
not grant Fe0tra creditG points. Students can view their final grades online using the Heald
Student Portal.
Course 5ersion ).6 / of 2 (ast 7odified, 6/8-18-6)/
Template 5ersion 9./
HIST 221 -History of the United States
(1865 - present)
o!rse at a >+an#e3
Aee= 1
)#t 2B
!ntroduction and overview of class
!o"ics: #econstr$ction, %est&ard '("ansion, 186518)*
Bor ne0t wee4, +ead Chapters )1, )9
Aee= 2
)#t B/
!o"ics: !he +ilded Age, ind$striali,ation, Immigration
Bor ne0t wee4, +ead Chapters -6, -)
Aee= B
Co5 6
6<a* D1
!o"ics: Progressi-ism, #eform, and '$genics
Bor ne0t wee4, +ead Chapters --, -/
Aee= 0
Co5 1B
!o"ics: %omen.s s$ffrage, %%I, #oaring /*s
Bor ne0t wee4, +ead Chapter -/
Aee= 5
Co5 2/
6<a* D2
!o"ics: !he +reat 0e"ression, F0# and the 1e& 0eal2s3
Bor ne0t class, +ead Chapter -$, -*
Aee= 6
Co5 2E
-Co5 B/
, 2/10
Aee= E
"e# 0
!o"ics: %orld %ar II, 4eginning of the 5old %ar
Bor ne0t wee4, +ead Chapters -2
Aee= 8
"e# 11
6<a* DB
!o"ics: 0omestic containment, 5i-il #ights mo-ement
Bor &e0t Wee4, +ead Chapter ->
Aee= 4
"e# 18
!o"ics: 6F789B6
Bor ne0t wee4, +ead Chapter -1
Aee= 1/
Han 8
AICT6' B'6AF3 "e# 22nd 2/10 - Han 0
, 2/157
!o"ics: American &ar in Vietnam, 1i(on, 1):*s
Bor ne0t wee4, study for final e0am
Aee= 11
Han 15
6<a* D0 (8ina+ 6<a*)I *a=e-!p e<a* (optiona+)
This course is content3heavy, which means that you will e reIuired to
demonstrate proficiency in a wide range of topics in American History. All
Iuizzes and e0ams in H!ST --) will e ased on a comination of lecture
content and supplementary te0too4 information. Jou CA&&KT pass H!ST
Course 5ersion ).6 $ of 2 (ast 7odified, 6/8-18-6)/
Template 5ersion 9./
HIST 221 -History of the United States
(1865 - present)
--) without attending class regularly. Similarly, you will struggle to pass
H!ST --) if you never open the te0too4s. (earning the content is JKU+
responsiility, ut ! will do everything in my power to help ma4e the course
engaging and applicale.
Instr!#torJs Bio(raphy
+achel Purdie holds a master=s degree :7A; in American history, women=s history,
and comparative cultural studies, a achelor=s degree :<A; in American history, and
a minor in Lazz Studies from California State University, Sacramento. !n addition,
7s. Purdie serves as an Ad.unct Professor of History at Sierra College in +oc4lin and
at Solano Community College, teaching all undergraduate survey courses in U.S.
History and women=s history. She .oined the Heald faculty in -669.
Hea+d $o+i#ies, Standards, and >!ide+ines
Please review the attached ;ylla4$s Policies, ;tandards, and +$idelines, which
contain important catalog e0cerpts from current Heald College policies, standards,
and guidelines.
-a=e-Up >!ide+ine (o*pany-;ide)

'ach st$dent has the o""ort$nity to ma<e $" one graded assignment, e(cl$ding the
4enchmar<, final "ro=ect or final e(am> !his one assignment m$st 4e s$4mitted to
the instr$ctor or the 99#5 no later than : calendar days from the original d$e date>
Any e(ce"tions to this "olicy m$st 4e "rea""ro-ed 4y the 0irector of Academic
Affairs or the 5am"$s President in &riting>
C)T63 Bor H!ST --), the only assignments that are eligile for this policy are
homewor4 assignments, as Iuizzes8e0ams have emedded <enchmar4 Iuestions.
Instr!#torJs +assroo* >!ide+ines&$o+i#ies3
);. <e respectful of your peers and myself. !nappropriate comments8gestures will
not e tolerated.
-;. Participation is more than .ust showing up. Jour feedac4, analysis, and8or
opinions are vital to the effectiveness of the class. To receive )66? in
participation, you must e engaged and on tas4.
/;. !t is your responisily to get caught up in the event of an asence. Asences will
result in an automatic zero in participation for the wee4, U&(%SS you contact me
and 4eep me in the loop, in which case you will earn *6? for that wee4. Bor your
Course 5ersion ).6 * of 2 (ast 7odified, 6/8-18-6)/
Template 5ersion 9./
HIST 221 -History of the United States
(1865 - present)
concieneve, all lecture outlines and homewor4 assignemtns will e posted to the
S#rive and to the class Weely site :http,88history--);
$;. Homewor4 assignments are given nearly every wee4. Jou have the option to
drop :or miss; one homewor4 assignment per Iuarter.
*;. %0ams cannot e made up. !f you miss an e0am, you have the option to ta4e a
ma4e3up e0am on the final day of class. Jou can also choose to ta4e this ma4e3up
e0am if you are not satisfied with the score of one of your previous e0ams.
Course 5ersion ).6 2 of 2 (ast 7odified, 6/8-18-6)/
Template 5ersion 9./

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