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Annotated Bibliography

Nagasawa, Y. (2010). The Ontological argument and the devil. Philosophical Quarterly, 60(238),
72-91. Retrieved October 1, 2014.
This article mainly explains what the Ontological Argument and exemplifies it in various
ways. This is an important aspect because the ontological argument is not something that
should be explained in basis of opinion, thus making it useful for my work. In this work I
will need a professional view and explanation of the topic I chose to propose. This article
also explains the origin of the Ontological argument making it more easily relatable. The
ontological argument is know to be branched by many other arguments, one being the
island argument. This article does not exempt any of the explanations necessary for the
arguments it presents for the Ontological argument.
Fehige, Y. (2009). Thought Experimenting with God. Revisiting the Ontological Argument.
Neue Zeitschrift Fr Systematische Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie. Sep2009, Vol.
51 Issue 3, P249-267. 19p., 59(3), 249-267. Retrieved Oct2014.
This article begins by explaining the fathers of the Ontological Argument making it a
very important aspect. The fathers of the Ontological argument and its many other
arguments are what structured it in the first place; this is useful due to the understanding
of what the creators really had in mind. The arguments go back and forth between the
individuals that caused the arguments giving different perspectives. The article also
shows various experiments that took place and breaks down everything that needs to be
said about the particular argument.
Matthews, G., & Baker, L. (2010). The ontological argument simplified.Analysis.Apr2010,Vol.
70 Issue 2, 210-212. Retrieved Oct2014.
This article Is a very useful one due to the way it decides to simplify the way the
Ontological Argument is presented. It is not an easy task to complete and understanding
the argument is also a hard thing to maneuver, but this article seems to clarify everything
with very good simplicity and modification. The article concentrates mainly on Anslems
argument, making it rather short but it does conclude to explain one of the more
important arguments. Very useful in that aspect because it helps in understanding and not
getting everything tied up.
Grzesik, T. (2012). Faith and Conscience--The Surest of Arguments for the Existence of God.
Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy, Vol. 17 Issue 2, 245-268.
Retrieved Oct2014.
This article is based from someone that chose to argue against the Ontological Argument.
This is useful in the paper because various opinions are needed although in philosophy
opinions do not matter, but a different view is always a more open-minded idea. This will
open a different path for the paper. The article like the others also explains the various
arguments but considers the fact that maybe they are useless. The author even mentions if
it is just a pastime for philosophers or is it actually necessary.
Cathcart, T. (2014). The Ontological Argument Works. Theology Today, 61(2), 213-216.

This article questions one of the greatest minds responsible for the Ontological
Argument, thus causing freshmen in college to gain a laugh. Why would one of the
greatest minds create such an argument where there is so much to argue against it and
still be something without a conclusion. This philosophical argument brings not only
question to the argument it self but also to the work I prepare to purpose.
Skey, M. (2010). 'A sense of where you belong in the world': National belonging, ontological
security and the status of the ethnic majority in England. Nations and Nationalism, 61(2),

This article begins by explaining the national forms of imagination; it helps understand
what the Ontological Argument is supposed to be consisted of. Basically the question of what is
Real, and where is it that we belong. Going more indebt into the subject the article expresses a
very simple a relaxed explanation of the subject. It explains certain traits, bodies, and challenges
of the argument. Thus, making a new approach for the work , helpful to give the audience a
better understanding.

Steinkraus, W. (1998). GOD AND ARGUMENTS: Abstract Arguments. Taking Religious
Claims Seriously, 101-102.
The article focuses on the abstract and peculiar arguments that talk about Gods
existence. Like the rest of these sources, the article will bring forward the part where the reader
will understand why it is that the Ontological Argument seems important. The article also
explains if and the purpose of everything in the world. Including us. It really concludes and will
hopefully do the paper justice for what is its goal.

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