Its Time To Be Awesome 2

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1. Sleep 8.23-9.23 hrs a nlghL
2. LaL 8reakfasL
3. CeL a klLchen 1lmer (sLudy or work for shorL perlods of Llme and Lhen flnd
Llme Lo relax and a frlend .walk your dog.)
4. Slp waLer every 20 mlnuLes-2 llLres a day ln LoLal
3. Lxerclse- 3 aeroblc sesslons a week (lncrease your hearL raLe)
6. uo noL sLudy laLe aL nlghL
7. SLudy ln Lhe same place and Llme- no fluorescenL llghLlng
8. CeL lnLo a rhyLhm of sLudy
9. CeL your parenLs - Lhey are Lhelr Lo help and supporL you
10.LaL 8raln food- 8anana's
11.LlsLen Lo lnsLrumenLal muslc
12. lf you have a parL Llme [ob - 12 hours a week ls manageable for senlor
13. LlmlL Soclal neLworklng-use lL as a reward-self dlsclpllne
14. uon'L leL personal relaLlonshlps lnLerfere wlLh your sLudy
13. Crganlse yourself from Lhe beglnnlng-lolders, Colours, llles
16. 8ulld poslLlve relaLlonshlps wlLh your peers
17. llnd Lhe besL way Lo remember Lhlngs- do you remember lnformaLlon by
recordlng noLes, wrlLlng your noLes, vlsual, klnaesLheLlc (dolng Lhlngs
18. A balanced llfesLyle ls lmporLanL
19. 8ulld a good worklng relaLlonshlp wlLh your Leachers
20. Pumour ls lmporLanL..Learn Lo !uggle (llLerally learn Lo [uggle)


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